Lord of the Runes

Chapter 464 Entering the Underground Palace

Han Feng secretly sighed and had to give up. After all, his strength was not enough to completely kill the monks in the fake alchemy realm. At least he couldn't catch up with him in speed. It's easy to get away with them.

He didn't get discouraged, anyway, this time he still gained a lot, not only successfully beheaded Zhuge Changming, won his storage ring, but also used Wu Nan's power to break through to the perfect state of subduing the tiger, The strength has increased by another step, entering a new level.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Han Feng returned to the place where the battle was held just now, and found Wu Nan's spear.He guessed that it should be something like a magic weapon, otherwise there would be such power.

Perhaps, it is also fortunate that the other party is only a casual cultivator in the false alchemy realm. If he is a direct disciple of another major sect, his strength will be greatly improved if he possesses the secret technique, but it is far from this performance!

Han Feng's soul power spread out, looking for Yan Yanfang's trace, stretched to twelve thousand feet, but couldn't find it, it seemed that she had left this area and was not within the range of his soul power.

He immediately sent a message to Yan Yanfang through the messenger jade card, asking her to come back.

Without Yan Yanfang leading the way, Han Feng himself did not dare to rush into the underground palace rashly, lest he encounter unexpected dangers.

After a cup of tea, Yan Yanfang came late. After returning to this area, she looked around, as if worried about a trap.

Seeing this, Han Feng couldn't help being a little amused, and said angrily through the air: "What are you afraid of? Could it be that you are still worried that I will deliberately frame you?"

"What you said is true? That guy was really shot by you?!" Yan Yanfang landed from the air, in front of Han Feng, looked at him intently, and asked.

"It's a pity we couldn't keep him." Han Feng nodded, replied lightly, and then immediately said: "It's not too late, let's go into this underground palace as soon as possible, it's very likely that guy will come back soon!"

Yan Yanfang was stunned when she heard the words, with a shocked expression on her face, she looked Han Feng up and down, feeling that she was about to lose sight of him.

It's not that she doesn't know that Han Feng is very strong, but she never thought that the other party could repel the strong men of the fake alchemy state. The real strong men of the alchemy state are rarely born on weekdays, and these fake alchemy level monks are the strongest Yes, even in some big cities, they are all famous existences.She has lived for so many years, and she has only heard about the deeds of returning to the original realm monks defeating the fake alchemy realm in the legend, and has never witnessed it with her own eyes, but unexpectedly she saw it with her own eyes today.

"Could you be a fake alchemy cultivator too?" Yan Yanfang was a little unsure, and asked another question.

"Aren't you frightened stupid? Hurry up and follow me into this underground palace!" Han Feng left this sentence and walked towards the square first.

Yan Yanfang didn't dare to say any more, and immediately followed behind Han Feng, to the west of the tofu-like protrusion, and stood in front of the door.

Han Feng glanced at the dark hole, and there was a dark wind seeping through it, making people feel slightly chilled.

"Let's go in." Han Feng glanced at the slightly nervous Yan Yanfang, stepped in, and was soon engulfed by the darkness inside the cave.

Yan Yanfang made up her mind and followed closely behind, not daring to relax a single step, for fear that some ghosts would suddenly appear inside. Although she is also a monk and has good strength, she is still a girl after all, so she will naturally be a little more afraid.

The cave was completely dark, and the two of them didn't dare to light up the fire rashly, and even had to try their best to control the release of breath.So they can only use their soul power to check the way. Unfortunately, even their soul power can only peek into the surrounding range of more than ten feet. The monks who come here will probably have their eyes completely blacked out, and they will not be able to see anything.

Han Feng and Yan Yanfang were full of vigilance and walked forward slowly. Through soul power exploration, they could see that the two sides of the passage were as smooth as jade, which was exactly the same as the stone surface outside, which was obviously made by man.

After a while, Han Feng felt that he should have walked a distance of three or four hundred feet, and it was a slight slope downward, leading all the way to the ground.

At this moment, they came to a large cave, which was tens of feet in size, surrounded by jagged and strange-shaped stone walls, uneven, giving the impression that it was a natural appearance.

This place is no longer dark and gloomy. There seem to be natural crystals on the stone wall, shining brightly, covering the entire dome, like shining stars, which is extremely charming.

What is even more peculiar is that there are three more passages ahead, and it is not known where they lead.

"How do we get there?" Han Feng turned his head to look at Yan Yanfang. He knew that she had done some research on this underground palace, so she must have a way.

"I don't know either. There is no description of the interior of the underground palace on the map, otherwise I wouldn't be so worried." Yan Yanfang shook her head.

"In that case, let's go through the passage on the left together!" Han Feng pointed decisively.

"Why?" Yan Yanfang asked in surprise.


"..." Yan Yanfang was speechless, but she could only follow him into it.

This passage is no more than three feet high, and the walls are also protruding strange rocks, with crystal lights, not dark, and the naked eye can see a long distance, but it is just winding and extending downwards, giving people a feeling of being alive. The feeling of walking a spiral ladder.

In addition, the suppression of soul power here is even more serious, and the soul power of the two of them can only cover a range of three or four feet.But even so, the two of them still didn't dare to relax their soul power exploration, it's always good to have more protection.

At this moment, Han Feng and Yan Yanfang suddenly stopped at the same time, held their breaths, put away the released soul power for the first time, and looked forward.

At the corner ahead, a mass of emerald green flames appeared at some point, flickering and flickering, floating away into the distance.

Han Feng and Yan Yanfang looked at each other, paused for a while, and immediately chased after the emerald green flame. They didn't come here for sightseeing, their purpose was to find the treasure inside the underground palace.Seeing such a vision at this moment, if there is any place to stay, it is natural to chase after it.

The speed of this emerald green flame is not slow, it can reach tens of feet in one breath, as if leading the two of them deep into this underground palace.

Han Feng and Yan Yanfang also noticed this, but if they didn't even dare to take this risk, then there was no need for them to come to this underground palace.

Once their speed is unfolded, they will naturally far surpass that green light. It only takes two or three breaths before they catch up to it.

At this moment, the group of emerald green flames suddenly stopped, and suddenly surged, becoming about ten feet in size, and taking shape, a skeleton could be vaguely seen emerging from it.

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