Han Feng also learned this from Didi. He was a little depressed, and he didn't dare to make too much publicity, lest he progress too fast and be suppressed by many forces. He still has to improve his own strength as his main purpose, and he can let go of the rest for the time being. .

Of course, Han Feng also found out about the crazy guy ranked 430th. This guy's name is Mu Chuan. His name is ordinary, but his strength is not weak. It is reported that he has reached the late Guiyuan stage.Moreover, he acted extremely arrogant, he was regarded as a little overlord in Dachuan City, relying on himself as a disciple of the Dachuan Gang, he bullied men and women, did all kinds of evil, and did countless murders and robbery outside the city.

"This guy's background is not bad, are you following him?" In the courtyard, Didi frowned slightly and asked.

Han Feng didn't answer, but he already regarded this person as a dead person in his heart. He couldn't tolerate this guy's arrogance and unreasonableness. He even dared to touch his own nipples. What's more, he is powerful now, and he is not afraid of a small person at all, so naturally he cannot let this person go.

However, now he is not in a hurry, the future will be long, let Mu Chuan play for a while, then Mu Chuan will know how to write the word tragedy!

"I'm going out for a walk, maybe there will be a chance to make a breakthrough! You continue to pay attention to the things of Zhiyang, and if you have any news, send me a message immediately!" Han Feng changed the subject, and suddenly said to Didi.

"Well, I've been watching it all the time, there will be no delay." Didi nodded solemnly.

Han Feng didn't say anything more, he left the "Yunlaifeng" inn directly, and then took the white crocodile to the opposite bank alone, and entered the wilderness of Jianyun mountain range again.

In fact, he doesn't have any need to go to this area, the main reason is that he doesn't want to stay in the "Yunlaifeng" inn and beware of their surveillance all the time, but he can't raise any objections, otherwise people will find that he is carrying a treasure , Otherwise, why did I find out that I was being watched.This kind of surveillance rune array is extremely high-level, even monks in the alchemy state may not be able to perceive it.

This made him feel extremely aggrieved, and he simply left.

"I can't afford to offend, can't I still hide?!" He thought angrily in his heart.

Not long after, he traveled thousands of miles away from the Baicrocodile River, and came to an area surrounded by mountains. He chose a high mountain at random and dug a simple cave. Retreat.

Ever since he felt that he was being watched, he didn't dare to practice the Lingling Vajra Jue and the Ten Diagram Secret Code, let alone understand the spells on the parchment scroll.

He can only practice the Sunshine Tongtian Jue. Anyway, this is a skill bought from the Qianyang Chamber of Commerce, and he is not afraid of their surveillance.It's a pity that after Ge Sheng's incident, he didn't dare to break through the bottleneck rashly, so he could only pretend to practice hard, and at the same time, he asked Didi to inquire about the existence of the most yang thing, in order to deceive others.

It's just that in this way, his cultivation will stagnate. It doesn't matter in the short term, but in the long run, it will be a big loss!He has a big goal in his heart, and he will never let himself waste his time like this!

He took out a large handful of elixir to replenish vitality, and began to practice the Spiritual Vajra Art. He has been in the late stage of Fuhu for a while, but he has been so busy recently that he has not polished this state well.

In fact, most of his vajra skills were broken through when the residual talisman absorbed a large amount of vitality. He himself did not study it very seriously. Suffering, that is, when he first started to practice, he had the painful feeling of being hungry and bitten by thousands of ants.

However, now that he is seriously practicing, after two days, he finds that his body can hardly absorb the vitality of these miraculous medicines, or the efficiency is extremely low, taking a lot of medicines, only swallowed one percent None of the medicine had any power, and the rest either spilled out or hid in his body. In short, it couldn't be transformed into that special spiritual power to nourish his body.

Therefore, he has never been able to break through to the perfect state of Fuhu. It seems that there is an invisible diaphragm in his body blocking him, and it seems that there is a huge crack dividing his body, so that he cannot cross this natural moat. Rarely complete!

These things are unclear, but he can clearly feel that if there is no greater opportunity, it will be very difficult for him to achieve the perfect state of subduing the tiger.

As for what this opportunity is, he is not very clear, it must be something that can completely activate his body.

After all, he had swallowed so many elixirs, and the residues in his body had piled up. It would be useless to eat too many elixirs right now.

"Could it be that I really have to go to the thunder formation above the White Alligator River, and use its power to cleanse the marrow and open the meridians!" Han Feng opened his eyes, looked in the direction of the White Alligator River, and thought to himself.

But he also knows that, not to mention that he can't be so high-profile for the time being, it is still a matter of debate whether the thunder of this formation can be effective for him. He had used lightning to temper his body in the Grand Canyon of Death before, and he was also saturated in the end. It's not that you can improve your own strength without limit.

"Hey, we still have to break through the Sunshine Tongtian Jue!" Han Feng sighed leisurely, no longer attached to the Spirit Refining Vajra Jue, and turned to the Sunshine Tongtian Jue.As for the matter about Ge Sheng, after these few days, it should have calmed down. As long as I be careful, use the ability to hide my breath with the help of the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, and don't sacrifice the appearance of the sun in front of others, I will be able to hide it!No matter what he said, he couldn't stand still and be timid!

After adjusting his breath for a while, when he let his power of the sun reach its peak state, he took out the hidden sky bag, opened it carefully, and then pulled out the Longyang tree.

This thing already has spirituality, but it has not been able to transform into a human form, and it is struggling desperately in Han Feng's hands at this moment, with incomparable strength.

Han Feng had no choice but to release scorching blood to suppress it, and said coldly: "If you struggle again, I can only kill you and eat them all! And if you can cooperate, I will only take your branches , don’t move your roots and trunk, let you survive!”

Longyangmu seemed to be unknown, still struggling hard, bursting out bursts of white light from time to time, even Han Feng had to work hard to deal with it.

"Okay, if you have the backbone, then don't blame me for being rude!" Without further ado, Han Feng clasped both hands, and was about to use all his strength to urge the bloody light to kill the opponent.

At this moment, Longyangmu suddenly stopped, motionless, as if subdued.

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