"Are you sure you don't want to resist?!" Han Feng asked hesitantly.

After a while, Longyangmu shook his body slightly, as if nodding his head.

"A person who knows the current affairs is a hero. If you are smart, I will only cut off your branches this time. I hope you can break through smoothly, otherwise you will have to think of another way!" Han Feng said to himself.

Han Feng did what he said, with a few swipes, he really only broke all the branches of the Longyang wood, and then put them back into the sky bag. He didn't dare to throw it in the storage ring. There is no way to escape.With the sealing power of the hidden sky bag, it is difficult for it to achieve its wish.

He also thought that Longyang Wood would continue to survive, and if conditions permit in the future, it might be able to continue to produce branches for him, so that his Sunshine Tongtian Art would have the resources to continue to practice.

Han Feng held the branches of Longyang wood, which looked like little purple dragons. Even if they were separated from its main trunk, they still had brilliance flowing, full of purple energy, and bursts of pure yang power rushed to his face.

"Good stuff!" Han Feng said with a lot of emotion after picking it up.

After saying this, he didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately summoned the power of the sun in his body, melted these branches, and absorbed them into his body, thereby activating his dantian, and using his whole body's strength, he derived the strongest and most yang true essence!

After a while, the branches and trunks of these Longyang trees were all refined by him, turning them into thousands of strands of extremely dense purple energy, like silk and satin, merging with the snow-white power of the sun.

While controlling the output of the Sun's power, Han Feng tried his best to run the Sun's Tongtian Jue, coordinating with breathing, and blending with the most yang purple energy.

Obviously this is a lot of hard work, it took him half an hour to incorporate them into his dantian in his body.

Under his inner vision, as soon as these yang purple qi entered the dantian, it immediately detonated the entire sea of ​​true essence like gunpowder, setting off countless whirlpools, turbulent waves, rewinding out, and gradually agglomerating into a ball behind him !

A ball-like thing slowly appeared, at first it was dull, and after half a cup of tea, it gradually became shiny, first it was orange-red, then it turned into crimson, and then it turned into glittering gold!

A scene of the rising sun leaping in the sky!

This round of rising sun suddenly began to shine brightly, and at the same time it continued to grow in size. In just a few breaths, it became the size of Zhang Xu, shining white, like the sun in the sky!

At this moment, the breath of the scorching sun from the outside was continuously falling down, directly penetrating through the barrier of the rocks, and merged into the round of sun behind Han Feng, strengthening his body and enhancing his might!

Han Feng was overjoyed, he knew that it was purple energy, and it was the pure and yang power of the scorching sun outside, which was of great benefit to his condensing!

He dispersed his soul power to the full range, and found that there were no monks within several thousand feet, so he simply stood up, walked out of the cave, flew up, rushed to the sky, and absorbed the purple energy in the scorching sun to his heart's content. .

After another half a cup of tea, the purple energy around him no longer gathers, and the sun-like figure behind Han Feng finally solidifies, it is about ten feet in size, and it contains endless hot power, as if once deployed, it can Melt everything, penetrate all obstacles!

Han Feng didn't make any publicity, he sank immediately, and flew towards the previous mountain peak again. Before he reached it, he was one or two hundred feet away. The heat of the sun behind him burned the vegetation to ashes, and the rocks melted. In the end, it became magma, which was extremely hot and slowly flowed down.

He felt very satisfied, because he didn't deliberately release this heat at all, but restrained it consciously. It was just that he had just condensed it, and he couldn't retract it freely, so the heat leaked out, resulting in this kind of doomsday common scene.

He was worried that someone would pass by, so he quickly ran the Sunshine Tongtian Art, put away this round of Sunrise, and left contentedly.

Han Feng was not in a hurry to go back to Dachuan City, and continued to stay in this area, carefully familiarizing himself with the appearance of the sun, so as not to be unable to store it for a while after returning, and it would be a big trouble if someone discovered it!

For the next three days, he hid in another high mountain cave and practiced intensively. He didn't set off until he was fully able to control the appearance of the sun.

His speed was extremely fast, within less than a stick of incense, he traveled three or four thousand miles and returned to the side of the Baicrocodile River without hindrance.

At the special ferry, he stood for a while, when three snow-white giant crocodiles swam over on the river, as if they were about to carry him across the river.

At this moment, a wave suddenly came from behind him, and he looked back, only to see a figure galloping towards him, quickly landing not far from him.

This man was a man with well-shaped facial features. He was dressed in red like blood, and there was a yin and cold air permeating it, which made people feel uncomfortable.He glanced at Han Feng up and down, and then said bluntly to Han Feng: "You are also going to cross the river, let's go there together!"

Han Feng didn't care about his attitude, and was in a hurry to go back. Anyway, the giant snow-white crocodile has a wide back, and there is not much more than one person, enough to carry it. It would be even better if someone shared the expenses equally.

The two of them, one in front of the other, quickly landed on a white crocodile in the middle.

This giant snow-white crocodile quickly swam to the opposite bank, but its body was extremely stable, without any bumps. It carried the two of them to the central area of ​​the river soon, and rushed to the opposite bank like an arrow from the string, swinging A series of ripples spread far and wide.Under the illumination of the thunder and lightning above, a large area of ​​multicolored light floated out, which was magnificent.

Along the way, Han Feng didn't speak, and sat cross-legged on the warm back of the white crocodile, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

"What's your name? Your breath is calm, your strength is not weak, and you don't have the slightest fear when you see me. Do you not know me, or do you have confidence in your heart and are not afraid of me?" Opened his mouth and said ominously.

That tone, that words, all revealed a sense of arrogance, as if it was Han Feng's fault that he didn't recognize him.

Han Feng slowly opened his eyes, looked at him with some surprise, and said lightly: "Why did you say that? You and I are both casual cultivators. It is quite normal that we don't know each other in the vast crowd. !"

"Hehe, you haven't answered my question yet?" the man chuckled.

"A nameless person, nothing to worry about!" Seeing his frivolous attitude, Han Feng refused to tell his name.

"Forget it, sooner or later I will know your name!" The man seemed not angry, and said softly and indifferently.

"In addition, my name is Xuesha, maybe we will meet again in the near future!" After a short pause, he continued.

Han Feng was stunned for a moment, and then he woke up. It turned out that this guy was a bloody murderer, and he was No.9 on the top thousand people list in Dachuan City!

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