Lord of the Runes

Chapter 445 The Fame Is Growing

The deafening sound reverberated in the floor, echoing non-stop, strange lights flickered, flames and lightning flashed together, and then disappeared in an instant.


Wu Rong's face was flushed, he opened his mouth and let out a roar, his whole body was covered by the dragon shadow, his fist turned into a huge dragon's head, showing a fiery red color, and he tried his best to resist the infinite fist of Batian Fist!

A large amount of Qi sputtered, forming thousands of cloud paths, shooting at the walls on all sides like sharp arrows, so that the formations were opened one after another, and the talismans were shining brightly, suppressing everything!

After a while, cracks suddenly appeared in the phantom of the dragon's head transformed by Wu Rong's fist, and then there was a cracking sound, and it exploded instantly. His fist immediately burst open, blood spattered, and the wound spread all the way to his arm. Bones, powerless to hang down, completely abolished!

He let out a muffled grunt, and his body was blown away like a kite with a broken thread. With a loud bang, he hit the wall behind, covered in blood, slipped limply, and collapsed to the ground, as if his whole body was covered with bones. All shattered!

Han Feng didn't take advantage of the victory to chase after him, he let go of his fist, and with a wave of his hand, he scattered Yu Wei and saved Wu Rong's life.

"What kind of boxing technique is this!" Wu Rong struggled to his feet, raised his eyes to look at Han Feng, his face was full of helplessness.

According to his perception, Han Feng's punching power has already surpassed the limit of Guiyuan Consummation at the Earth level, and monks of a higher level are powerless to stop him, and his defeat is not injustice!

"You still don't admit defeat? Do you really want to die?!" Han Feng walked up to him slowly, and instead of answering his question, he looked at him seriously and asked back.

"I'm defeated, what's the difference between death and immortality!" Wu Rong was dejected.

"Hey, that's a big difference. If you don't die, you'll still be able to defeat me one day!" Han Feng laughed.

After a pause, he added: "Besides, if you are dead, who will protect Miss Muchun? All these years, she has been under your protection, and she has offended many people secretly, and now she has lost Guiyuan Qianren." With her ranking on the list, does it mean that you want her to face everyone's provocations alone? In this big city, you must not be the only one who covets her beauty!"

Wu Rong was stunned, his eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something, after a while, he snorted and asked, "Why didn't you kill me and Mu Chun? What's your purpose?!"

"Purpose? Are you worthy of my purpose?!" Han Feng smiled and asked back.

These words fell into Wu Rong's ears, and he couldn't help being stunned for a moment. After thinking about it, he also felt that it made sense. Such a powerful person from the other party had injured him lightly. In his feeling, even if it was an ordinary fake alchemy A monk, I am afraid it will be difficult to compete with him!

Would such a person have plans for him and Mu Chun?

He was seriously injured at the moment, his mind was not flexible enough, and he couldn't figure it out clearly, but he still refused to give in, and said bravely: "Who knows what you think in your heart, anyway, I just don't accept it, and I will challenge you again in the future!"

"That's right, you won't have to worry about firewood if you keep the green hills, I'll be waiting for you!" Han Feng smiled lightly, then glared suddenly: "Come back to business, shouldn't it be time for you to admit defeat!"

Wu Rong sighed secretly, had no choice but to admit defeat, activated the teleportation formation in this floor, sent him and Han Feng out, and returned to the lobby on the first floor in an instant.

It wasn't too late for them to come out, but they weren't the first ones either. At this moment, five pairs of monks had ended the battle, and they basically separated life and death. There were five headless corpses lying on the ground, which was very Dazzling!

Wu Rong glanced at those corpses, and his heart skipped a beat. In the past, he always appeared in this hall as a victor. Unexpectedly, he would fall to the ground one day, looking up at the pride and arrogance of other victors!

He was full of displeasure, but deep down in his heart he was somewhat grateful, at least he did not die and became a cold headless corpse.

In fact, in so many years of challenge competitions, most of the losers were doomed. The Loose Cultivation Alliance and even the Yuxian Sect watched with a tacit attitude and would not intervene in the slightest.

Thinking of this, he slightly raised his head and looked at Han Feng who sat cross-legged and closed his eyes to rest his mind. For a moment, he didn't know whether to resent or thank him.

Han Feng didn't know how he felt at all, and now he wished that this round of challenges would end quickly so that he could start the next step by himself.

Not long after, those monks were sent down one after another, and within a cup of tea, they all appeared, and Han Feng was able to leave this place.

He hadn't gone far when Didi came up to meet him and asked earnestly, "How is it, Fellow Daoist Han?!"

"A narrow victory!" Han Feng said modestly without showing off.

"Really won?" Didi still had a look of disbelief. Wu Rong was not as powerful as Mu Chun, and his strength was more than several times stronger. Han Feng was able to defeat the opponent, which really made him feel unbelievable.

"Stop talking nonsense, go check it yourself!" Han Feng rolled his eyes, looking a little impatient, and left straight away.This guy was always questioning his own strength, and he didn't know how he dared to follow him. If it wasn't for Han Feng who could perceive that he had no malicious intentions from the soul power contract, otherwise Han Feng would have doubted the other party's purpose.

Didi turned pale with shock, nodded her head repeatedly, and followed closely behind.


Another day passed, and Han Feng returned to the thousand-story pagoda again. He directly set the challenge target at the [-]st place, a guy named Luo Chen.

What he didn't expect was that this guy accepted his challenge in less than an hour, so he had to rush back again, not exhausted, but feeling a little upset.

So, Luo Chen is out of luck!

Especially when Han Feng teleported to the [-]th floor, this guy was still shouting brazenly, and almost insulted Han Feng.

Therefore, as soon as the light curtain in the middle was lowered, Han Feng took the initiative to launch a fierce attack on this guy. The first thing he came up was Batian Fist. Anyway, this skill was also exposed, and he didn't mind using it in advance.

Luo Chen's strength was worse than Wu Rong's by more than 01:30, and he couldn't even be compared with Han Feng. He was completely beaten to the ground after just a face-to-face meeting. It was Han Feng's mercy, otherwise he would definitely The death was miserable, and it was possible to completely explode and die.

But even so, none of the bones in his body is complete, he is almost paralyzed, and it will cost a lot of money to restore it to the original state.

Han Feng picked him up, and it was Han Feng who injected a burst of vitality into his body, so he woke up and turned around, hurriedly admitting defeat.

So far, Han Feng has taken his place and became the [-]st. He has gradually gained a reputation in Dachuan City. Many forces have begun to pay attention to him. Even some strong people in the Loose Cultivation Alliance have their eyes fixed on him. body.

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