Lord of the Runes

Chapter 444 Battle

Didi was dumbfounded. He looked at Han Feng in disbelief. He was stunned for a while before he said, "Don't you need to prepare? He is really strong!"

"It's okay, if you really can't fight, no amount of preparation will help!" Han Feng waved his hand and said calmly.

"If it is really not feasible, then you can consider not accepting the challenge. Even if you lose like this, you will only fall to the [-]nd place, and you will not be exposed to the risk of life and death. Human life!" Didi seemed to be very clear about this challenge, and explained slowly.

"I've already accepted his challenge. It's meaningless to say these things. I'll play by ear, so you don't have to worry too much!" Han Feng spread his hands and smiled.

Didi opened his mouth, but was speechless.


As night fell and the lights came on, many people gathered around the Thousand-story Pagoda again, including many challengers.

As the challenged person, Han Feng walked into it first, and stood in the [-]st position in the hall on the first floor, silent.

The rest of the challenged came in one after another, and within a short while, all the people who accepted the challenge were present, a total of 34 people scattered scattered throughout the hall.

Judging from those positions, they are basically below the top [-], and there are only three people within the [-], and there are no challengers in the rest of the rankings. It seems that the higher the level, the less challengers there are, and the more stable the position.

Just as Han Feng looked around, the teleportation circle in the hall suddenly opened, shining a bright light, sending all of them to their respective floors.

With a flash of light, Han Feng came to the [-]th floor in an instant. There was nothing around, except for a transparent light curtain standing in the middle, dividing this floor into two halves.

Not long after, the light on the opposite side flickered, and a figure suddenly appeared, which seemed to be the challenger, Wu Rong!

He is tall and big, with a resolute face, not handsome, but with good features, thick eyebrows and big eyes, not angry but majestic.At this moment, he looked up at Han Feng, and asked straight to the point: "It was you who defeated Mu Chun?!"

Han Feng was also sizing him up. Hearing this, he smiled faintly and said, "I'm here. Didn't you know about it early?" Han Feng's implication was why you should ask knowingly.

"Very good, let's see how I beat you to the ground today, don't worry, I won't kill you, I will keep you, let Mu Chun come back and take your head personally!" Wu Rong sneered.

"Hehe, I'm quite confident, I hope you don't let me down!" Han Feng said cheerfully without any pressure.

"Big words!" Wu Rong shouted coldly.

Just at this moment, the light curtain in the middle hangs down.

Without the slightest hesitation, Wu Rong kicked his feet, and he flew over, raised his right hand, and immediately punched out.

Han Feng felt the power of his fist boil and stir, and the whole floor seemed to be shaking slightly.

The strength of this kid cannot be underestimated!

Han Feng raised his left hand and threw out the same punch, but he didn't use the Batian Fist, but the Sunshine Fist. The whole fist seemed to turn into a round of scorching sun, bursting out with brilliance, filling half of the floor. There was a fierce friction and collision with the opponent's red fire fist, and there was a bang.

In the next moment, the fists of the two people collided with each other, and layers of light waves like upside-down bowls were released, shaking in all directions, and hitting the walls of the floor. Shining, blocking these shock waves, crackling.

After the two sides punched each other, they had no choice but to get each other. They each took a step back, and then punched and collided with each other, roaring endlessly and shining brightly.

The two collided with countless punches, and each punch was powerful enough to destroy a mountain. Fortunately, they were on this floor, protected by formations, otherwise there would be no place suitable for such characters to fight, unless the battlefield was placed on On the Wild Gobi, but in this way, the difficulty of organizing will be greatly increased.

It can be seen from this that Yuxianzong spent a lot of thought and paid a lot of money in order to select qualified disciples. Such a magic weapon of the thousand-story pagoda cannot be valued by spirit stones.

It is also because of this that every challenger needs to pay a high challenge fee, because it is not easy to open this thousand-story pagoda, and it consumes a lot of money. If it is all borne by Yuxianzong, it will be powerless. Yuxianzong had to arrange hundreds of places like this.

In every major city, there is a Guiyuan Thousand Talents List, not only in Dachuan City. It lasts for ten years. As long as you can maintain the top [-] rankings in each city's Guiyuan Thousand Talents List, you can become a member of the Yuxian Sect. Outer disciples.

But in fact, there will be no more than 20 cultivators who can stand out every ten years in each city, and there will be no more than 1 monks along the banks of the White Crocodile River. Overburdened.What's more, it also has an elimination mechanism to ensure its own vitality, and there will be no rigid situation of small sects like Sanyemen. It is precisely because of this that it can become one of the four major sects worshiped by Wanzong!

While fighting Wu Rong, Han Feng's thoughts changed, and he also remembered these information, which shows that he is not under much pressure.

"You have some strength, but I underestimated you!" Wu Rong took a step back, and instantly opened a distance of tens of feet, standing by the opposite wall, staring at Han Feng with cold eyes.

"Hehe, you're not weak either!" Han Feng smiled easily.

Wu Rong snorted and said, "Don't be complacent, I haven't used my full strength yet, I was just warming up just now!"

"Oh, then I have to learn a lot!" Han Feng laughed.

Wu Rong didn't say any more, when his fist rose again, it was powerful and radiant, and finally turned into a dragon, surrounding his body, and the dragon's head was on top of his fist, which was extremely miraculous.

He punched out, and there seemed to be the sound of a dragon roaring faintly. The dragon's shadow fluttered, and rushed out with a swish. The speed was extremely fast, and it came to Han Feng in just an instant. When it was lifted, it was a fist bump!

All of a sudden, Han Feng felt a mighty force coming from the sky. Even his physical body felt a slight tingle. There was a loud noise, and the whole floor was making creaking sounds, as if some couldn't bear the coercion!

Wu Rong was the closest, and the pressure was even greater, but he was already on the verge of riding a tiger, so he could only bite the bullet and rush over, smashing down with a punch, just in time to collide with Han Feng's Batian Fist!

Boom! ! !

The sound of the explosion reverberated, and thousands of layers of air waves rushed out, scattered in all directions like thick white mist, and instantly enveloped the entire floor.

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