Lord of the Runes

Chapter 437 Longyang Wood

The man with a stature of five feet snorted, and said in a cold voice: "Then what should we do, we can't let him escape in vain, our hunting mission today has not been completed yet? I don't want to go back to the sect without enough money!"

"What's the rush? We're riding the wind while the storm has not stopped, and we still worry about not finding our next prey?!" The nine-foot-tall figure said indifferently.

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and let this kid be lucky!" The five-foot man cursed and flew away in the strong wind.

The nine-foot-tall figure shook his head slightly, seemed to follow up helplessly, and quickly disappeared into the sky.


After a while, the area was calm and calm, but thousands of gullies were blown out on the ground, and the already barren ground became even more messy, like an old piece of cloth being bitten by wild dogs. A hundred holes, horrible to look at.

But Han Feng didn't know the situation above. After he got into the ground, he galloped with all his strength, and the power of the sun in his body came out majesticly, forming a scorching white light, flying out like thousands of sharp knives at the same time, surrounding his body, constantly digging in front of him. and the heat of the white light continuously dissolved the falling sand and stones, so he went forward without hesitation and dived into the depths of the ground.

Gradually, he himself felt a little depressed, and just now he slowed down, and adjusted his direction slightly, rushing in parallel, no longer going deep into the ground.

He was a little curious, and looked around, but it was a pity that he was in the depths of the ground, he didn't know that he was hundreds of feet below, and his soul power was also greatly restricted, and he could only explore things within a range of several tens of feet.

In a short time, he found a lot of shiny ores. Although they were not very precious and a bit rough, if they were mined and refined by mortals, they would be good materials for refining refined iron, secret copper and other spiritual objects.

It's just that this wild Gobi is full of monsters, mortals are powerless to come here, and monks will not waste their energy to come here and sneak into such a deep ground to collect these scattered ores, so there is no value, so Has been idle here, no one cares about.

Han Feng swept across and slowly withdrew his soul power. He didn't pay attention to these ores, and obviously didn't want to waste time and energy collecting them. After all, the unit value of these things is really not high.

But at this moment, he stopped abruptly, his eyes lit up, staring at a direction to the right, and then he held his breath, lowered the output intensity of the power of the sun in his body, and slowly lurked over.

At this moment, tens of feet away, separated by layers of sand and gravel, there is a place filled with light, covered with pieces of white stones, emitting blazing white light like the sun, if someone with knowledge sees it , you must know that these white stones are blazing sun stones, which are a kind of pure yang thing, which can be regarded as relatively rare and precious natural spiritual things.

What's more, among the chaotic rocks here, there is a small tree like a purple thorn with well-developed roots, entangled with the sun stones within a few feet around it, greedily devouring their light.

It is Longyang wood!

Han Feng's soul power locked on it firmly, not daring to act rashly, and slowly approached it.

He knows that there is only one chance!

He knew that Longyangmu was just a thorn-like plant, but it was as fast as lightning. If it really wanted to run, it would turn into a ray of light and disappear in the blink of an eye. It surpassed the speed of sound by countless times. It is also one of the reasons why many monks cannot capture it.

Generally speaking, if you want to catch it, you have to set a trap and lure it into the pit, only then will you be safe.

Han Feng was getting closer and closer to it. At this moment, they were only ten feet away from each other. He couldn't help becoming a little nervous. He stopped and adjusted his breathing. , almost integrated with the surrounding underground environment.

For some reason, Longyangmu suddenly moved slightly, which startled Han Feng. He thought it had sensed something, so he wanted to ignore 21 and rushed over to arrest him with lightning speed.

Fortunately, it quickly regained its composure, obediently devouring the light of the Sunshine Stones in the distance, bursts of purple glittering light appeared on its body surface from time to time, as if there were faint runes passing by, it was very magical.

Han Feng stabilized his mind and waited silently for half a cup of tea. Seeing that it was completely immersed in the state of enjoying the Sunshine Stone, he slowly released the power of the sun, forming a thin film of white light. Jue restrained his breath, squirmed his body gently, dissolved the sand and stones, and approached the past.

Slowly, he advanced another three zhang distance, almost touching the area where the small piece of Lieyang Stone was located. He had to stop now, otherwise if he disturbed those Lieyang Stones, the Longyang Tree would definitely wake up Come here, it will run away immediately!

If that time really came, it would be very difficult for Han Feng to catch up to it in this underground.

Therefore, Han Feng could only endure and wait silently.

Time passed quietly, and half an hour later, the blazing sun stones under the roots of the Longyang tree dimmed and turned into gray pieces one after another.

The surface of Longyang's wooden body flashed with light, and he quickly moved his torso to the other side, continuing to devour the remaining Lieyang stones beside him.

Another half an hour later, it finally came to Han Feng's position, sucked the light of those Sunstones unconsciously, ate with gusto, without any reaction.

At this moment, a little bit of red light suddenly appeared around it, and instantly condensed into a formation. The surface was like a light film, and the shape was like a sack, completely surrounding it.

Longyang Wood has not been able to transform into a human face, and can't see any expressions. I saw that its light suddenly increased, turned into a streamer, and moved in an instant. Unfortunately, it was blocked by the red light film. No matter how it moves left and right, Can't fly out of the envelope of this light film.

Moreover, after a while, an astonishing suction suddenly emerged from the inside of the light film, pulling Longyangmu to move towards the top.

For a moment, the mud and rock rolled and rushed into a big bag about Zhang Xu above, making a crackling sound.

This big bag is exactly the imitation of the hidden sky bag!

Longyangmu's torso emitted a brighter radiance, blooming like a scorching sun, struggling hard, but only kept the torso from being absorbed, stuck in the light film, unable to move at all.

Han Feng appeared not far away, holding the seal tightly with both hands, and the power of the sun in his body was continuously injected into the inner part of the hidden sky bag to increase its suction, but it was a pity that it took a cup of tea and failed to absorb the Longyang wood bag.

In fact, after Han Feng's power of true essence was transformed into the power of the sun, his strength increased a lot, and the Zangtian bag was more than twice as strong as before, but Longyangmu became stronger and stronger, and he sent out a favor. The rotten light persisted.

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