Lord of the Runes

Chapter 438 Collection

The stalemate continues!

Han Feng's face became a little anxious. He was worried that such a big move might leak out his breath. Even though there were hundreds of feet of thick mud and rock, there was no guarantee that no monks would sneak down to hunt for treasure.At that time, there will be side issues again. If a fight breaks out between the two, perhaps Longyangmu will be able to escape successfully.

Knowing that he couldn't procrastinate any longer, he rolled his eyes, and suddenly opened his mouth to spew out a large amount of Seventh Gold Qi, which instantly turned into dozens of sword lights, passing through the dark red light film condensed from the hidden sky bag, and slashed at the ground one after another. On this Longyang tree, sparks splashed everywhere, causing a crackling sound.

His Qi of Gengjin is really strong, although he didn't completely destroy the protective light of Longyang Wood, but it still shook it, his torso moved a few feet involuntarily, and flew upwards.

The white light on Longyangmu's torso rose again, and he managed to stabilize his body without being taken away.

Han Feng was delighted in his heart, since Gengjin Qi is useful, he naturally wouldn't hesitate at all, and immediately opened his mouth again and spewed out a large white Qi of Gengjin, rushing towards Longyangmu.

This time, the Qi of Gengjin was even more numerous, transforming into more than a hundred sword lights. Amidst the sharp sound of whistling, he slashed at Longyangmu's body, causing bursts of fire and electricity to pass by and hissing.

Longyangmu finally couldn't resist, the white light all over his body was shocked suddenly, and a gap was cleaved by these Gengjin swords, the suction force of the hidden sky bag followed, and instantly pulled it along the dark red light path, into the top hole in the big bag.

Han Feng was overjoyed, he quickly pinched the magic formula, and punched one after another seal into the Tibetan sky bag, then the Tibetan sky bag shrank and became smaller, and the mouth of the bag was closed, completely sealing the Longyang wood.

Han Feng stretched out his hand, and the sky bag fell into his hand. Without further ado, he put his backhand into his storage ring, and then pocketed the remaining dozen or so Sunshine Stones in that area, and immediately Turned around and left without stopping for a moment.


It took a long time for this area to return to calm, and the mud and rocks stopped rolling and collapsing.

Suddenly, three rays of light appeared not far away, and the mud and rocks rolled away, revealing three figures, one man and two women, with different lights on their bodies, and their faces could not be seen clearly, they seemed to be coming towards Longyangmu .

"Senior Brother Ge, Longyangmu's aura suddenly disappeared, could it be someone took it away?" A woman on the left said.

"It should be taken a step ahead of others. I can feel that there is another residual aura here, which is very strong, a bit like the Qi of Gengjin!" The other woman on the right suddenly frowned, determined Said.

"Since this is the case, does Junior Sister Mu have a good plan to pursue the enemy?!" The man pondered for a while, then asked suddenly.

"We came too late, and this place is located deep in the ground, and the breath is very blocked, I will try my best!" said the woman on the right.

"It's not too late, let's chase after it!" said the man.As he said that, he took out a strange treasure, the talisman was shining, and after casting it, it hung in front of him. He led the two women forward, and the mud and rocks in front of them spread out to both sides like a stream of water. , chasing after Han Feng extremely fast.


Han Feng's speed was also very fast. In less than a quarter of an hour, he traveled more than a hundred miles in the ground, then went straight up, crossed the thick mud and rocks, and rushed out to the ground.

His soul power had already spread, sweeping a radius of eight thousand zhang, and found that apart from some strange beasts and primordial beasts rampant everywhere, there was no other abnormality, not even a monk.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, not because he was afraid of those two men who could control the sandstorm, but mainly because he should not cause trouble at this stage.

But if trouble really comes, then he will wipe everything away with the strongest posture, without leaving any traces!

He flew into the air and flew straight towards the direction of Dachuan City.He didn't plan to continue searching for spiritual objects in the wild Gobi, anyway, since he got the Longyang wood, this trip can be regarded as a successful conclusion.

Now he is eager to return to the "Yun Lai Feng" inn to integrate the power of Longyang Wood, completely complete the first layer of the Sunshine Tongtian Jue, and condense the Sun's Appearance. At that time, his strength will increase greatly!

But just when he flew a distance of less than thirty miles, a flying boat suddenly appeared thousands of meters behind him, and was spied by his soul power.

It was a jasper-like flying boat that was as wide as Zhang Xu, and there were three figures in different costumes standing on it. They had extraordinary auras, and each of them was at least at the level of the late Guiyuan period, and their strength was extremely powerful.

Han Feng frowned, seeing that the speed of the opponent's flying boat was far faster than his own, it was two thousand feet away in one breath, and he could catch up with him in a few breaths.

With a faint smile, he simply stopped, turned around slowly, and waited for them to come over calmly.

In less than three breaths, the flying boat rushed two or three hundred feet away from Han Feng and stopped in an instant.

The three people on the flying boat jumped down, and they all lost their brilliance, revealing their true faces. The man was handsome and talented, while the two women were slim and pretty, extremely beautiful.

The man waved his hand to put away the flying boat, and silently looked at Han Feng without saying a word.

Han Feng raised his eyes to look at them, clasped his fists together, and said with a slight smile, "Three fellow Taoists, you chased them from afar. I don't know why?"

"Did you take away the Longyang wood?" The man asked straight to the point.

Han Feng raised his eyebrows, thought for a while, and knew that since they had worked tirelessly to chase them, there must be some basis for them, so he simply didn't hide it, and replied bluntly: "It's my luck that got it."

"Oh, to be honest, if this is the case, then hand it over!" The man's eyes lit up, and he said immediately, as if it was a matter of course.

Han Feng laughed, and couldn't help thinking to himself why the disciples of these big sects are so powerful, is there really no one in the world? !

"Boy, you don't want to?!" The man sneered, his momentum was full.

Han Feng remained silent, his expression was calm, his face was calm.

"Fellow Taoist, do you know that we are disciples of the Yuxian Sect, and this wild desert is our sect's private land. If any spiritual objects are found, they should be handed over to us first, understand?" Left The girl on the side said euphemistically.

How domineering!

Han Feng sneered inwardly, but remained silent, staring at the girl on the left.

"Hmph, don't think we'll let you go if you don't make a sound!" The girl on the right snorted coldly.

"Oh, really? Now that I've spoken, you just let me go, right? Haha!" Han Feng laughed cheerfully.

"Presumptuous, what do you think you are, how dare you do that!" The man seemed to be unable to take it anymore, his face darkened, and he suddenly shouted.


Han Feng looked up to the sky and burst out laughing as if he had just heard the funniest joke.

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