Lord of the Runes

Chapter 436 Son of the Wind

Long Yuan took it for granted, nodded repeatedly, and was about to turn around and leave.

But Zhao Dongyuan grabbed him, and swept his eyes around like a wolf, extremely vigilant, and suddenly said: "Don't worry, let me send a message to the Cultivation Alliance, whether it is a dragon or a worm, if he really dares to fight If we make a move, I have to let him be punished by the alliance, and take action against a gang leader like us in private, but it's a big crime, he can't explain it with a hundred mouths!"

After saying this, he shook his other hand lightly, and the khaki earth element bowl appeared in his hand, and then he recited the incantation, causing it to light up suddenly, and a series of messages were sent out through his secret method .

"Okay, let's go, he must not dare to chase after him!" Zhao Dongyuan smiled slightly, and stayed away from Long Yuan.

Sure enough, when the smoke and dust in this area gradually settled down and became deathly silent, Han Feng ran back from a distance.

The area between his brows was burning brightly, exuding powerful soul power. After carefully inspecting the situation here, he found that there were two special auras here, completely different from that group of people, obviously someone had been there.

"Sure enough, someone is watching me!" Han Feng muttered secretly, looked up into the distance, and frowned.

He had never dared to show his strength before, just because he was worried about being noticed. If it leaked out, he might be noticed by the Loose Cultivation Alliance, and even be noticed by Yuxianzong.

Although he has Qinglian as an acquaintance in Yuxianzong, and was saved by Fairy Honglian, but after all, he just fulfilled Fairy Honglian's promise. Now that the grudge is over, he and Qinglian didn't have much affection. Not to mention Fairy Red Lotus.

What's more, Qinglian is in the depths of Yuxianzong, and she doesn't know that he is in the outer area, so it is impossible to help him.

Han Feng withdrew his gaze, and secretly rejoiced in his heart that the strength he showed just now was at most at the level of the Consummation of Guiyuan, and should not be able to enter the eyes of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, so there is no need to worry too much.

He turned around and left in the opposite direction, and continued to search the surrounding area for a long time, but he couldn't find the existence of Longyang wood. He only picked a few wild cloud grasses, which are special products of this place and belong to the seventh-grade spiritual material. better than nothing.In addition, he killed three stubborn middle-level beasts and obtained their cores.

In fact, the area he came to was only the fringe area of ​​the wild Gobi, and it didn't go deep into the interior, so it was so calm, and there wasn't even a powerful high-level beast.

"Could it be that Longyang Mu is really a cover for them to lure me out? In fact, there is no such thing born!" Han Feng secretly guessed in his heart.

"Forget it, if you come here, let it be. Let's see how many spiritual materials can be obtained in this wild Gobi. Maybe it will work regularly, and I can get other good things!" Han Feng thought about it, and suddenly went deep into the wild Gobi. advance.

He moved forward all the way, as if entering a land of no one. All the strange beasts and even the primordial beasts along the way did not dare to come forward. They were shocked by the aura he specially exuded, and did not dare to make trouble in the slightest.

Before he knew it, he went thousands of miles deep into the deserted Gobi, and the place he saw was barren without any green. The scorching sun in the sky was as big as a bucketpan, scorching the earth, and ordinary creatures hid Enjoy the shade in the shade of the hill, or hide in the ground to rest.

Han Feng was naturally not afraid of the scorching sun, his expression was calm, and he walked like the wind.

Moreover, he diffused his soul power all the time, covering thousands of feet, and searched the heaven and earth spiritual objects like a carpet, but he couldn't find anything for a long time.

At this moment, he frowned suddenly, and his expression gradually became dignified.

Five or six thousand feet away, a sandstorm was forming in the northwest direction, sweeping towards his direction, the speed was extremely fast, four to five hundred feet in one breath, and it would not take long to come to him.

His soul power tried to penetrate into the sandstorm, but a blue light flashed, but was strangled by a unique force. There seemed to be a huge energy inside the sandstorm, which was invincible!

Han Feng made a quick judgment and felt that he didn't need to compete with him, so he turned around and ran in another direction.

However, he didn't go very far, only less than [-] feet away, and another sandstorm appeared in front of him, as if it was going to come hand in hand with the sandstorm from the northwest, faintly forming a mutual attack.

"Could it be that this is just luck? It's really bad luck!" Han Feng couldn't help but grunt while laughing dumbfoundedly.

However, there was no tension on his face, he paused, and immediately turned around and flew back.


Just at this moment, a mighty sandstorm sprang up from the far side of the world behind him, rolling in from the sky to the ground!

Han Feng's expression changed this time. Seeing this situation, he didn't know that there was a trick here, but he tried his best to spread his soul power, but he couldn't see any clues for a while, so he had to give up.He turned his eyes, looked at the ground below, quickly landed on the ground, kicked his left foot, and there was a loud bang. Amidst the splash of sand and gravel, a large pit appeared on the ground. He fell into it, and white light appeared on his body. , the surrounding temperature instantly rose to an incredible level, and the walls of the big pit melted like ice and snow.

The white light wrapped around him, rushed into the pit wall on the left like this, and got in all the way like a loach. The speed was extremely fast, and he disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only a long corridor.

After a while, sandstorms from all directions flooded the place. It really scraped the ground three feet, rolled up everything, and even a small hill not far away instantly disappeared and turned into dust. ring.

"Hey, where's that kid? Why didn't he disappear?!" In the strong wind, a figure suddenly appeared. He was only five feet tall, and he was considered a short figure. His eyes were blue, and all the wind was gliding around him, not touching his body at all, as if he was the proud son of the wind, or like a part of the wind, dancing with the wind.

"Brother, look at the big hole on the ground, he must have sneaked into the ground and slipped away!" Another figure emerged from the side, nine feet tall, in stark contrast to the previous one.The man turned his eyes, stared at the big hole Han Feng stepped out of just now, and said in a deep voice.

"Then let's go after him, this guy has such strength, he is definitely a big fish!" The short figure shouted immediately.

"What are you shouting about, I thought you knew it!" The nine-foot-tall figure cursed angrily, "But can you escape? Don't forget that we are the sons of the wind spirit veins, and we are born to only drift with the wind. Only in this way can we give full play to the greatest advantage, if you escape into the ground, are you sure you can kill that person?!"

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