Lord of the Runes

Chapter 435 The Fire of the Sun

Zhao Dongyuan looked calm, smiled lightly, and said: "Be careful to make the ten-thousand-year ship, I don't want to capsize in the gutter, why do you have to do it yourself when you can solve the problem with Lingshi? Don't you think so? Ha ha!"

Long Yuan was stunned, secretly aware that it was reasonable, he couldn't help giving this person another high look, and at the same time included him in a more dangerous role.

"Let's go, let's follow quietly to see how the situation is. If this person is really hiding his clumsiness, maybe we have to run away decisively!" Zhao Dongyuan moved his feet and left the hill with a swipe.

Long Yuan smiled dumbly and followed.


Han Feng's speed was always consistent with that of the group of people. The distance between the two was [-] to [-] feet. Han Feng made a detour, he was in front, and the opponent was behind, and quickly advanced towards the depths of the Wild Gobi.

Before they knew it, the two sides rushed into the Great Gobi for another two or three hundred miles, and the place became even more desolate, with almost no grass growing.

Han Feng stopped abruptly, turned around suddenly, and thought to himself, "I guess they won't be able to detect it here!"

"You're not going to escape at all, are you?" The leader sneered, "If that's the case, then die!"

As he spoke, he commanded the crowd to control the shadow of the giant above them to sprint towards them, stretched out a big hand, and slammed it down towards Han Feng. Sweeping all directions.

The cold and stern look in Han Feng's eyes flashed away, and he didn't hide his clumsiness anymore. He poured out all the power of the sun, like a surging ocean, and like a long river bursting its embankment, turning into a sea of ​​flames two to three hundred feet in size. It was so hot that even the aura was burned out, and an extremely brilliant light burst out, forming a terrifying coercion, which forcibly blocked the giant's palm.


The next moment, the giant's palm was also ignited, melting quickly like ice and snow meeting the blazing sun.

The group of people turned pale with fright, and were extremely surprised. They quickly manipulated the giant's body to stretch out another big hand, and fanned it loudly, setting off a violent wind, which was full of cold power, trying to fan the sea of ​​fire, but this day The fire seemed to really burn everything, even the cold wind was burned away, and the fire became more prosperous by taking advantage of the wind, spreading in all directions, covering the entire giant's body in an instant!

Surrounded by the fire, the group of them were terrified, and poured all their strength into the body of the giant above, making it more magnificent and huge, emitting a hundred-foot-high light, and propping up the surrounding sea of ​​​​fire.

Han Feng sneered, stretched out his hands, pinched his fingers, and shot one after another spell into the sea of ​​fire. In an instant, a giant dragon formed from the sea of ​​fire, coiled around the giant's body, and kept pulling it back, making a rattling sound. The light is scattered.


After a while, the giant's body exploded, turning into thousands of rays of light, and the heat of the sea of ​​fire penetrated into it, breaking through their defense immediately, and igniting a raging fire on them, like torches, and within a moment Five or six monks fell.

The person at the head is extremely powerful, and his cultivation base has reached the middle stage of Guiyuan, and he can't avoid these flames at this moment. The only difference is that he can hold on better, and he didn't fall down and turn into ashes like the others.

Han Feng was also a little surprised. He didn't expect the power of the sun to be so ferocious, and the flames catalyzed by it were really invincible. A single encounter broke their battle formation and burned them to pieces. They crawled all over the ground, killing and injuring most .

Han Feng saw this situation, even if he was not a soft-hearted person, he couldn't bear it. He immediately stopped the magic formula in his hand, stopped pouring the power of the sun, and let the fire gradually die down.

What's more, he still has something to ask this group of people, so naturally they can't be burned to death.

However, those people still killed 22 people and seriously injured nine people. Even the two monks who were in the early stage of Guiyuan couldn't afford to be seriously injured. Only the leader in the middle stage of Guiyuan survived come down!

"You are not a mid-level Guiyuan cultivator, and the information is wrong!" The leader still didn't understand, took a deep breath, pointed at Han Feng and shouted.

"Tell me, where is Longyangmu? Is it just a cover to blackmail me?" Han Feng stared at him, without a word of nonsense, and asked bluntly.

"Using people's money to eliminate disasters for others, how can our sharp blade group betray their employers? This is the rule!" words.

Han Feng was stunned for a moment, and just as he was about to say something, the guy in front of him suddenly crushed a piece of jade pendant, bursting out layers of crystal light, and spatial fluctuations appeared like ripples in the water, wrapping it in an instant, as if he was about to teleport it in the next instant leave.

But at this moment, Han Feng's eyes were wide open, and his aura burst out like a beast breaking free from its shackles. This small piece of world seemed to be darkened. With a kick of his feet, he disappeared in place in an instant, while the ground A large deep pit was left on the ground, with a size of hundreds of feet. The smoke rose into the sky, and the gravel flew across.


At the same time, the leader suddenly let out a scream, and the power of teleportation stopped abruptly. He slowly lowered his head to look at his abdomen, and there was a transparent hole in the front and back, but there was no trace of blood.

There was a flash of light, and Han Feng's figure appeared behind him, followed by a loud "bang", the man's body suddenly shattered, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

Han Feng frowned, and suddenly found that those who couldn't afford to be seriously injured were also dying suddenly at this moment. It seemed that they couldn't bear the ravages of the remaining sun power in their bodies, and their meridians ruptured and died.

He felt helpless, and wanted to leave a few alive for questioning, but he didn't realize that all of them died, not one left.

He sighed secretly, and waved his hand to collect their storage rings from the air, and the fire of the sun poured out, incinerating all their bodies.

Afterwards, Han Feng walked away without stopping at all.


It was less than ten breaths before Long Yuan and Zhao Dongyuan came late. Looking at this messy area, especially the deep pit that Han Feng stepped out of, they looked at each other and remained silent for a long time.

"Is this caused by the joint attack of the sharp blade group?" Long Yuan asked with some uncertainty.

"I don't know, but it doesn't look like it. It's more like a human pedal!" Zhao Dongyuan pondered for a while, and said slowly.

"That person made it? Impossible, he is so strong? This power is at least at the level of the Consummation of Guiyuan!" Long Yuan couldn't believe it.

"Anyway, let's leave first, lest this person come back and stop our way!" Zhao Dongyuan said.

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