Lord of the Runes

Chapter 404 Green Light

The old monster in gray turned into a gray shadow at this moment, like a ghost, erratic from left to right, erratic, but as fast as lightning, with a whoosh, he rushed to Han Feng again, and slapped out with his palm, Although it is not at the level of Nether Palm, it is so powerful that it shakes the heaven and the earth. The air waves explode, and cloud paths exceed ten times the speed of sound. Unbearable.

The bloody giant tiger that Han Feng had just condensed was crushed by him again, and his whole body rolled hundreds of feet away, bringing out clusters of white sonic booms, like dense fog, that lingered for a long time.

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the gray-clothed old monster, and he immediately chased after him. Just as he was about to kill him, snow-white lotus flowers suddenly appeared behind him, attacking him filled with sword intent.

He didn't dodge by turning around, his eyes flashed sharply, and he continued to chase Han Feng, and the green light in his hand was flashing, as if he was about to use a more powerful attack method.

Regardless of the wounds in his body, Han Feng clenched his hands, and the two fists came out first. The invisible fist power instantly covered a large area of ​​the sky, and the fist was boundless.

The grey-clothed old monster let out a chuckle, and suddenly opened his right hand, and a green light beam shot out, breaking through the envelope of fists all over the sky in an instant, and rushed straight to Han Feng.

Too fast, almost a flicker, this green light rushed over.

Han Feng's scalp was numb. At this moment of crisis, the Spirit Refining Vajra Technique in his body was activated rapidly. A blood-colored giant tiger rose up from the sky, stretched out its claws, and slapped towards the green light. It didn't work at all, it was pierced by the green light in the blink of an eye, and continued to shoot at his body.

call out!

Han Feng tried his best to avoid it, but the green light was like a gangrene on the tarsal bone. It turned in the air, and in a flash, it pierced through Han Feng's left shoulder, bringing up a bloody spray, making his face turn blue and his body tremble. , took a strong breath, and hurried away.

Just at this moment, Murong Xue rushed over, holding the long sword of autumn water, a blazing small lightsaber emerged from the center of her brows, the sky filled with sword intent surrounded her, thousands of snow-white lotus flowers bloomed suddenly, under the condensed sword intent, All the snow-white lotus flowers combined together turned into a big sword of flowers, and directly stabbed the gray-clothed old monster.

The grey-clothed old monster didn't dare to take it seriously, so he had to temporarily give up chasing Han Feng, turned around, and clapped his hands continuously, palm shadows were as tall as mountains, overlapping and densely packed, whistling to stop Murong Xue's hand The great swords of the flowers collided with each other, erupting with terrifying power, there was a loud bang, dazzling light shot out, the air waves billowed, and the cloud roads were all over the place.

After a few flashes, Han Feng retreated nearly a thousand feet away, his face became paler and paler.

He looked inside, and was immediately shocked. At this moment, there were still strands of green light remaining in the hole on his left shoulder, like reptiles, continuously burrowing into his body, even though he had Rolling blood energy blocked them, but it didn't help, it just delayed their speed a little bit.

Han Feng hastily mobilized the power of billowing true energy to resist, but he couldn't stop it completely.

After a short while, those green lights penetrated into Han Feng's chest and continued to spread down. The situation seemed to be getting worse.

Han Feng's eyes widened, his face was full of astonishment, these green lights were constantly devouring his blood energy and growing himself, and he might be completely swallowed up by these green lights in a short time.

At this moment, the Seventh Gold Qi in his lungs swayed and diffused in his chest, instantly annihilating part of the green light, slightly blocking the pace of these green lights.

It's a pity that the Seventh Metal Qi in Han Feng's lungs was limited and could not be produced in large quantities, so he couldn't completely block the erosion of the green light, and was soon completely captured by them, spreading to his stomach and the top of his head.

As if sensing the crisis in Han Feng's body, and as if sensing a potential threat, the remnant talisman from the depths of his soul suddenly popped out. As soon as it flashed out, it exploded with white light, covering his body in an instant. The entire sea of ​​souls then rushed into his body, like the scorching sun melting ice and snow, it eliminated most of the green light in an instant, and then enveloped his whole body as before, eliminating all the remaining green light in his body, Everything was absorbed by the residual talisman and became its tonic.

Han Feng was overjoyed. He had called for the Remnant Talisman many times before, but he hadn't seen it appear for most of the day. Now that his body was robbed, it would immediately surface to help him eliminate the disaster.

Han Feng thought silently for a while, turned his eyes, looked up into the distance, and found that Murong Xue and the old monster in gray were still fighting, but Murong Xue was clearly at a disadvantage, and could no longer break through the old monster in gray's defense. Suppressed by his incomparably majestic palm strength, if it wasn't for Murong Xue's sword intent soaring to the sky, there would be hundreds of snow-white lotus flowers all over her body for hundreds of feet, otherwise she would have been smashed by the gray-clothed old monster with extraordinary speed.

Murong Xue's forehead was shining brightly, but the small lightsaber suspended between her brows seemed to gradually become dim due to excessive consumption, and the sword intent around her body also weakened accordingly.

"Hey, little girl, I'll swallow you first this time!" The grey-clothed old monster let out a strange cry, his eyes glowed green, and he once again started at that extraordinary speed, disappeared in the same place in an instant, and when he appeared in the next instant, he had already arrived at Murong In front of Xue, the distance from each other was only more than a hundred feet. Although she was still protected by layers of lotus flowers, the gray-clothed old monster raised his hand and slapped it. Immediately, he made a move of Nether Palm, which made the devil cry again and again, with mighty power. Breaking through the densely packed snow-white ** to Murong Xue.

The corner of Murong Xue's mouth was bleeding, her body retreated violently, her right hand suddenly let go of the long sword of autumn water, her hands clasped together, and quickly made a tactic, the small lightsaber suspended between her eyebrows suddenly burst into dazzling light, an extremely strong sword Intention filled the entire sky, lotuses were born in the void, and thousands of snow-white lotus flowers were born in an instant, and they were combined into a giant lotus sword, which was slashed across the sky. together.

The wind and cloud rolled back, the aura surged, and a dazzling light burst out within a thousand feet!


Murong Xue vomited a mouthful of blood, and was sent flying a thousand or two thousand feet away. Her face was as pale as paper, without any trace of blood. What was even more frightening was that the ghost energy remaining in her body re-emerged for some reason, making her miserable. It's unspeakable, and I have to allocate part of my energy to suppress it.

"Haha, little girl, let's honestly become this seat's belly!"

In the sky, the unscrupulous laughter of the gray-clothed old monster suddenly came, his figure suddenly rushed out from the dazzling light, and in a blink of an eye, he approached Murong Xue again.

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