Murong Xue retreated again and again, but she couldn't get rid of the approach of the gray-clothed old monster. In the end, she forced herself to activate the small lightsaber in the center of her eyebrows again. It was born again, blooming one after another, bursting out thousands of strands of sword energy, criss-crossing like silk threads, stopping the old monster in gray.

The grey-clothed old monster snorted coldly, his eyes flickered fiercely, he raised his hands suddenly, and quickly made a tactic, the green light on his body flickered, and the ghostly aura filled the sky in an instant, flooding a large area of ​​the sky, and bursts of corrosive power poured down. The snow-white lotus began to become dim.

"Hey, you're almost exhausted, yet you're still stubbornly resisting. Why bother? I'll give you a good time!" The grey-clothed old man's laughter continued to spread into Murong Xue's ears, like It was some kind of magical power that secretly paralyzed her and made her give up resistance.

Murong Xue's expression was sluggish, her body was crumbling, but she was still clenching her teeth and persevering, but the snow-white lotus that defended her body became less and less, so that the grey-clothed old monster approached tens of feet again, and was less than a hundred feet away from her.

The gray-clothed old monster was not in a hurry, his body was full of green light, he slowly approached, he looked at Murong Xue coldly, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he let out a giggle, his admiration, but it made people feel it from the bottom of his heart. Feeling chills.

Murong Xue had goosebumps all over her body. Even though the ghost energy in her body continued to grow and made her feel extremely uncomfortable, she still held her breath and pushed the small lightsaber desperately, continuously growing bright snow-white lotus flowers. He resisted the old monster in gray.

"It's over!" the gray-clothed old monster said calmly, he had come within ten feet of Murong Xue, no matter how the snow-white lotus blocked him, he was powerless to stop him.

Even at this time, Murong Xue still didn't give up and held on, but she really couldn't continue to retreat, because the ghostly energy gathered in the sky had already turned into a cage-like existence, sealing her tightly, and she couldn't stop. Lost all her escape routes.

"How should I eat you? Bite it down one bite at a time, or slap you to death and enjoy it slowly? Or in front of that kid, swallow you alive and make him never forget it, haha!" The gray-clothed old monster said slowly As he spoke, he showed a smile, with a look of being convinced by Murong Xue.

Speaking of this, he seemed to have just remembered Han Feng's existence. His soul power spread out and swept across the sky, passing through the dark ghostly aura covering thousands of feet, but he couldn't find Han Feng, which made him stunned. After a while, he turned to think in his heart that maybe he was seriously injured and escaped temporarily, not within the envelope of his soul power.

"Hey, that kid ran away. It seems that no one can help you. What else can you expect? Why are you still struggling? It is your blessing to be eaten by this seat. You can become a part of this seat. I don't know. How many people will not get this opportunity!" The gray-clothed old monster seemed to be deliberately provoking Murong Xue to make her completely collapse, and said these disgusting words one after another.

Murong Xue's face was ugly, but she was unmoved. At this moment, her whole body was in pain and itching, and she was extremely unbearable, but she still held on stubbornly, without flinching in the slightest.

The grey-clothed old monster showed surprise on his face, obviously he didn't expect Murong Xue to be so tenacious, and under such circumstances, he could last for so long. If it were other monks, he would have already collapsed.

"You little girl, you're getting more and more interesting, and I'm a bit reluctant to eat you. If you become my maid and serve you, I can consider letting you go!" The old monster in gray stopped. He stepped down and stopped forcing Murong Xue, as if he really wanted to give her a chance to survive.

Murong Xue was indifferent, she didn't say a word, she just stubbornly resisted the oppression of the ghostly spirit, showing no sign of giving in.

"If that's the case, then go to hell!" The gray-clothed old monster waited for a while, but Murong Xue didn't respond. Immediately, he stretched out his right hand and stretched it out like a spring. The green light shone, breaking through dozens of snow-white lotus flowers in one fell swoop, and was about to touch Murong Xue's body.

Murong Xue's pupils dilated, and she felt a burst of suffocation. When facing the moment of life and death, she only trembled, but she didn't collapse at this point. She still burst out the last bit of strength to push back the suppression of the ghostly energy, and retreated a distance of several feet.

It's just a pity that her power had no effect on the gray-clothed old monster after all, and was broken one after another. The elongated right hand of the gray-clothed old monster was more radiant, rushing towards him, and the moment was approaching.

At this moment, a piece of white light flashed out without warning, cutting across between Murong Xue and the gray-clothed old monster, a big hand stretched out from the white light, grabbed the gray-clothed old monster's right hand, put.

"It's you kid?!" The gray-clothed old monster turned pale with shock, and then suddenly said in surprise.

But then, he laughed again, and shouted in a cold voice: "Boy, you have a way to heaven and don't go, but you have no way to hell, but you want to break in. Let me die, and you will all become my belly!" Things in the middle!"

After he finished speaking, a green light burst out from the palm of his hand, and his ghost energy gathered, as if he wanted to completely kill Han Feng and Murong Xue at the same time!

But at this very moment, the white light quickly subsided, revealing Han Feng's figure, and instantly penetrated into his palm. He regarded his green light as nothing, and in the blink of an eye, it spread all the way in, directly attacking his body, and went all the way. The inside of his body spread out.


The old monster in gray yelled, he felt his palms go cold, the extremely powerful green light instantly dissolved, and a tyrannical force came into his body, wantonly absorbing his power, making him old Incomparable's face became more vicissitudes, and shed some broken skin continuously, and the withered and yellow hair turned completely white, and fell off immediately, becoming a bald piece.

"What the hell did you kid do!" The old monster in gray couldn't move, and shouted at Han Feng angrily.

Han Feng had no expression on his face, he just firmly grasped the right hand of the gray-clothed old monster, and let the white light of the broken talisman seep into his body, thus becoming a bridge-like existence, allowing his power to flow into Han Feng continuously. In the sea of ​​his own soul, it was swallowed up by the residual talisman in the middle like a sea of ​​rivers.

Those green lights are like the blood of the grey-clothed old monster, and it seems to be his special energy. After a large amount of loss, his body began to disintegrate, and pieces of dead skin and carrion fell off, looking like ointment and sticking. Down, disgusting.

"Ancestor Talisman..."

The gray-clothed old monster's eyes were dimmed, and he was talking to himself suddenly, his tone was very soft, like a whisper, and then his whole body was completely shattered, scattered in all directions, leaving only a small ball of emerald green light floating in the air , tried to escape, but was still entangled by wisps of white light, struggling desperately but unable to break free.

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