Lord of the Runes

Chapter 403 Strange Speed

The void distorted, the brilliance flowed, the sky filled with ghostly aura, and a palm as huge as a town covered the sky and covered the sun, rumbled down.

After Han Feng mobilized all the innate energy and poured it into the Batian Fist, it emitted a dazzling light, curled up the power of the sky-high fist, climbed continuously, overcame the obstacles of ghost energy and dark energy, and ruthlessly attacked the ghost in the grey-clothed old monster. palm.


The sky was so loud and earth-shattering, the entire sky was covered by dazzling light, filled with vigor, bringing up cloud paths, rushing out of the light cluster, and being stained with brilliant light, colorful and beautiful.

Han Feng was under a lot of pressure. Even with the protection of the blood-colored giant tiger, his body was swaying, and he had no time to take care of these beautiful scenery. He moved his hands and ten fingers together, and pinched the magic formula. A black light shone above his head, surrounded by flames, and he had shrunk to a size of six inches. But the compression of the last inch obviously still needs a lot of time.

However, the grey-clothed old monster didn't give him a moment's time. As soon as he saw Han Feng activating the magic formula, he immediately swooped down, covering the entire sky with a giant ghostly shadow about a thousand feet in size, and crossed the light ball that hadn't dissipated. It devoured towards Han Feng.

Han Feng sighed secretly in his heart, and was about to stop the pinching of the magic formula. When he escaped from this place, a sword light suddenly came in from a slanting stab in the distance, and the snow-white lotus flower appeared in the sky, stabbing fiercely at the giant ghost. Above the shadow, there was a loud booming noise, breaking through hundreds of feet in one fell swoop, stirring up the cloud of ghost energy, and approaching the body of the gray-clothed old monster.

The face of the gray-clothed old monster changed drastically, and he had to turn around to resist the extremely bright sword light. He raised his hand and slapped out another palm. The giant palm blocked the sword like a high wall!

Han Feng acted according to his circumstances, and immediately stabilized the magic formula in his hand. The black fire mark on the top of his head did not dissipate. After a slight shake, he continued to compress inward, gradually emitting a black light, and his aura increased exponentially.

The grey-clothed old monster was furious, and repeatedly waved his palms, and large handprints with a size of more than a hundred feet appeared out of thin air, smashing out the snow-white lotus flowers that continuously emerged in the void.

In the distance, a figure flashed out, it was Murong Xue in white clothes, at this moment she was standing with her sword horizontally, a lightsaber only a few inches in size protruded from between her eyebrows, small and exquisite, but extremely brilliant, it set off a monstrous sword intent, There were thousands of white lotuses growing in the void, and they rushed towards the gray-clothed old monster one after another, making him take it seriously, and he would not be able to get close to Han Feng for a while.

However, after all, he is a strong man who is infinitely close to the alchemy state, even in the face of Murong Xue's fierce offensive, he still allocated some energy, flicked his long sleeves, and a large ghostly aura swept towards Han Feng.

This ghostly aura instantly condensed into a gigantic grimace, about two to three hundred feet in size, and the faint cries of ghosts could be heard one after another, but when one listened carefully, it didn't exist at all, like an illusion.

This giant grimace floated over quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it came to Han Feng, opened its mouth wide and devoured him.

Han Feng stepped back one after another, the black fire mark above his head was condensed, and the black light emitted became more and more intense. At this moment, it suddenly turned into an ellipsoid, showing its strongest state, flashing and disappearing. Come out and meet this giant grimace directly.

Surrounded by black light, the ellipsoid shone brightly and was so imposing. A single encounter with it would overwhelm this gigantic grimace, but its body remained undamaged and continued to attack the grey-clothed old monster.

The grey-clothed old monster was attacked on both sides, his face changed slightly, his hands came out together, and he clapped several palms in succession. One after another big handprints flew out, and the ghostly aura was rolling, blocking the ellipsoid and the snow-white lotus in the sky. A terrifying storm swept across the entire world.

The snow-white lotus was disillusioned, unable to get close to the body of the gray-clothed old monster. On the other hand, the ellipsoid was indomitable and invincible. All the ghost energy was dissolved by its black light, and it directly penetrated through the big handprints, as if these big handprints did not exist. It seems that it has no loss of its own.

The gray-clothed old monster hastily stretched out his right hand, pointed a little, and another drop of liquid-like green light leaked out, flew out instantly, and condensed into a nether palm wrapped in ghostly energy, the chill was overwhelming, and the void was twisted by it. Moving, scattering light, attacking the ellipsoid.

There is no violent noise as imagined, only crackling sound, the thick ghost energy and the black light of the ellipsoid collided fiercely, canceling each other out, and finally the whole ellipsoid collapsed and dissipated, and this ghost palm also disappeared and disappeared. no trace.

For some reason, after using two drops of green light in a row, the giant ghost behind the gray-clothed old monster seemed to fade a little, and he himself became older, as if he had consumed a lot of vitality.

Han Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, regardless of the three sevens and twenty ones, he rushed forward immediately, calling on the innate energy that had just been bred in his body, and blasted him with another Batian fist.

Shining white light, the strength of the punch was soaring to the sky, and the intent of the fist was infinite, and he attacked the gray-clothed old monster with all his brain.

This blow was almost no less than that of a cultivator at the alchemy level. The void also distorted, and with billowing power, he seemed to rush to the area where the gray-clothed old monster was, breaking through his layers of defenses. It was about to hit his body.

"Good boy, you forced me to this point, die!" The gray-clothed old monster was furious, and the ghost behind him suddenly shrank to the size of a hundred feet, and immediately got out of his body, directly facing Han Feng's Batian fist.


The fist all over the sky dissipated, and the ghost shadow also disappeared with the wind.

At this moment, Murong Xue's body and sword merged into one, turning into an extremely dazzling rainbow light, which instantly crossed a distance of more than 1000 feet and rushed to the gray-clothed old monster, almost drowning him.

However, the grey-clothed old monster chuckled, his figure rose abruptly, and disappeared in the same place in an instant, also as fast as lightning, dodging Murong Xue's attack.

His laughter was still floating in the air, and the next moment, he appeared nearly three thousand feet away, and in another flash, he suddenly came in front of Han Feng, with a palm print across the bloody giant tiger!

With a muffled sound of "bang", Han Feng was knocked into the air before he could react. The entire blood-colored tiger shook violently, and then collapsed, exposing Han Feng's body covered with scars.

He vomited a mouthful of blood uncontrollably, but he didn't dare to stop, and instinctively moved several hundred feet horizontally, narrowly avoiding another attack by the old monster in gray.

The place between his brows was flickering with thousands of strands of soul power seeping out, covering a vast area, but he could only see the blurred figure of the gray-clothed old monster, flickering and disappearing, so mysterious that no one knew where this man would be Appear and give yourself a fatal blow.

Han Feng had never seen a monk with such a speed, and perhaps only the old monster of alchemy could have it. He held his breath, not daring to relax for a moment, for fear that if he was not careful, his head would fall to the ground.


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