Lord of the Runes

Chapter 402 Fighting Intent

After the Necromancer Flower sucked away the black energy, Murong Xue seemed to relax a lot, and the aura in her body suddenly became stronger and stronger.

"It's really done?" Ling Fen said in surprise.

"Not yet, I just sucked away all the remaining ghost energy in her, but I can't get rid of the root cause. I can only rely on her to slowly disappear with her own vitality. Apart from this, there is no other better way " Necromancer Flower shook her head, let go of the hand on Murong Xue's shoulder, and responded lightly.

"It's okay, I'm much more relaxed, give me another Zhenyuan Pill, and I can go up to assist Han Feng in the fight!" Murong Xue suddenly turned to look at Ling Feng, and said seriously.

"This can't work, your injury hasn't fully healed yet, taking another Zhenyuan Pill will definitely drag you to death!" Ling Fen insisted.

"Give it to me, I can withstand it, otherwise we will all die!" Murong Xue's face darkened, and she said solemnly.

Ling Fen turned her head to look at Long Min, and seeing Long Min nodded, she reluctantly handed Murong Xue a Zhenyuan Pill.

"Escort them to leave first!" Murong Xue said to the Necromancer Flower after receiving the Zhenyuan Pill.

After saying this, she directly took the Zhenyuan Pill, refined it a little, and her aura surged. She immediately flew into the air and flew towards the battlefield between Han Feng and the gray-clothed old monster.

At this time, Han Feng and the gray-clothed old monster had already fought farther and farther, and they were twenty or thirty miles away.

"Sister Murong, we can also step forward to help you!" Ling Fen said hastily.

"Xiaofen, don't make any more trouble. If we go over, it will only cause them an extra burden. Don't be stupid right now!" Long Min grabbed Ling Fen and said with a serious face.

Saying that, Long Min looked at the Necromancer Flower, motioning for her to leave together.

"You take a step first, and I'll come later." Unexpectedly, Necromancer Flower turned around and stared at the scene of the battle ahead, not wanting to leave for the time being.

"That's up to you, let's go!" Long Min was stunned for a moment, then he came to his senses and said lightly.

"Senior sister, let's stay here too. Look at her, as a demon, she is more humane than us. Sister Murong has saved me time and time again. I can't let her go at this critical moment!" Ling Fen looked at Acting like Long Min, he said anxiously.

"What are you talking about!" Long Min was a little angry, and he couldn't help raising his voice and said, "You are all good people, and I am a bad person, right? I don't even look at what she is up to, she just stares at That old ghost is full of ghostly energy, do you have the ability to swallow his ghostly energy?! No, right! Then you have to go with me quickly, otherwise you have something wrong, how will I explain to Master!"

Ling Fen stared at her blankly, unable to speak for a while.

"Did Miss Murong also ask you to leave first? If you stay here, what if the situation in the battle changes and the old monster in gray takes us as hostages? Have you ever thought about it? If that's the case, you will let your elder sister Murong down." I have saved your mind many times!" Long Min's face softened, and he said the truth softly.

"However, I'm still worried about leaving. Even if I die, I don't want to leave any regrets!" Ling Fen's eyes flickered, and she suddenly raised her head and said, "Besides, with the strength of the three of you, me and her, together, we can If you don’t believe me, you won’t be able to hold on for even a short while!”

"You..." Long Min was at a loss for words for a moment, she didn't know how to persuade her, but she couldn't leave Ling Fen alone and left on her own.

Moreover, as Ling Fen said, if she really wanted to use her full strength, she wouldn't be defeated by the gray-clothed old monster in a single encounter.In her opinion, the grey-clothed old monster is not completely at the alchemy level, and is still a little worse than the real alchemy level monster. I don't know the specific state, but it seems to be between the fake alchemy level and the alchemy level. environment.Otherwise, no matter how strong Han Feng was, it would be impossible for him to last so long in the hands of a real alchemy monster.


At this moment, Han Feng and the grey-clothed old monster fought back and forth. They fought against each other for countless moves. The sky was dark and the sky was dark, and even the void was distorted from time to time, which showed how strong the explosive force was.

The grey-clothed old monster's face sank like water, and he kept breathing in. The more he fought, the more frightened he became, and he realized that the kid in front of him was really like brown sugar. , but this guy just held on.

Han Feng was actually covered with scars at this moment, with blood on the corner of his mouth, red eyes, disheveled clothes, and small potholes corroded by the ghostly aura on his body, emitting a foul smell.

But even so, his fighting spirit was still extremely fierce, staring at the other party and shouting coldly: "Old ghost, what other tricks do you have, just use them, I will follow!"

"Hmph, are you sure you can still fight?! This seat will give you one last chance, you can get out now, this seat will let you live alone!" The gray-clothed old monster said suddenly.

"Haha, you old ghost is really shameless, you just want to use this little trick to disintegrate your fighting spirit? You really underestimate me, I have to fight to the death today and kill demons for the people!" Han Feng squinted at him, laughed out loud.

"Hehe, the big talk is loud, what do you use to kill me! Look at you now, you are almost corroded by the ghost aura of the Nether Palm, doesn't it feel like burning in the fire, occasionally From time to time, there will be bursts of chill like falling into an ice cellar, right?!" The old monster in gray looked Han Feng up and down, and said mockingly.

"You can try again, to see if I'm exhausted!" Han Feng said calmly.

The gray-clothed old monster's eyes were gloomy, his eyes glowed with a faint green light, and he said with a sneer, "Okay, I will help you!"

As he said that, he suddenly stretched out a finger, pointed forward slightly, and a green light emerged from his fingertips, congealed and lingered, suspended in the air like blood, and then flew out quickly, gathering ghostly energy all over the sky , wrapped in this drop of green light, suddenly turned into a palm hundreds of feet in size, and accompanied by lightning, it slapped down on Han Feng rumblingly!

Han Feng was a little surprised. Judging by the momentum of this palm, it was still in the form of Nether Palm, but its power was completely different. It was more than doubled in height. The void was completely distorted, showing a colorful brilliance, although it hadn't broken yet. It turned out to be an astonishing coercion.

Han Feng didn't have time to think about it, and he unleashed another Tyrant Fist. The difference was that at this moment, strands of innate energy grew deep in his body. Any punch he hit before.

This is also one of the reasons why he was not afraid of the gray-clothed old monster just now. He seemed to be covered with scars, and the ghost energy eroded into his body. In fact, his innate energy completely offset it, and did not hurt the root.

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