Lord of the Runes

Chapter 401 Absorbing ghost energy

The sword is as light as a mountain, and its power is soaring!

In an instant, the light of the broken sword rushed over, and hit the gray-clothed old monster's Nether palm as if it weighed tens of thousands of catties. Suddenly, bursts of violent noises were set off, roaring endlessly, and waves of air swept across all directions.

Cracks appeared in the large area of ​​Gobi below, and then collapsed immediately. In the dust, one after another, tiankengs appeared, exceeding the size of hundreds of feet!

Fortunately, under the protection of Han Feng, Murong Xue was not affected by the slightest storm, but in order to relieve Han Feng's pressure, she still took a breath and quickly walked away.

She is an extremely intelligent person, so she naturally knows that this is the best choice. In her current state, doing any unnecessary things is fake. Helped Han Feng.

At this moment, three figures suddenly flew in the distance, they were Ling Fen, Long Min and Necromancer Flower.

"Sister Murong, are you alright?!" Ling Fen looked anxious, she accelerated to land beside Murong Xue, and asked while supporting her.

Murong Xue shook her head slightly, did not speak, but looked at the Necromancer Flower who was also dressed in white, her eyes flickering.

"Oh, she is Han Feng's demon pet, the Necromancer Flower!" Seeing Murong Xue's doubts, Ling Fen quickly pointed to the Necromancer Flower.

Ling Fen paused, then pointed to Long Min and said, "This is my senior sister, Long Min!"

Murong Xue nodded to Necromancer Flower and Long Min, it was regarded as greeting.


At this moment, there was a violent loud noise in the sky, and the wind raged and whirred.

The void was distorted, as if it couldn't bear the explosive power of this level, it was about to be torn apart, constantly refracting astigmatism, colorful, and looking extremely gorgeous.

In the end, the void was still unbreakable, and the wind and waves in the sky gradually calmed down, revealing the giant ghosts of Han Feng's externalized blood-colored tiger and gray-clothed old monster.

At this moment, Han Feng's expression was exhausted, and the blood tiger outside his body became a little dim, but he still blocked the ghost palm of the old monster in gray after all.

The gray-clothed old monster hit Nether Palm several times in a row, and his breath couldn't help but drop a little. Obviously, the palm technique also consumed his energy extremely.

"Good boy, if you continue to fight, you will surely die. Why do you have to make a deal with me!" the gray-clothed old monster suddenly said.

"Hey, can I still make a deal with you devil?!" Han Feng mocked with a smile on his lips.

"Hmph, don't rush to veto, I haven't finished talking yet!" The old monster in gray snorted coldly, and then said: "I can let you go, but you have to tell me the way to escape from this world." !"

"Isn't this condition too much for this seat!" Seeing that Han Feng remained calm, he suddenly added another sentence.

"Of course there is a way, I'm afraid you dare not agree!" Han Feng said lightly with a flash of his eyes.

"Oh, let's hear it!" The gray-clothed old monster calmly adjusted his breath and said calmly.

"It's very simple, accept me as the master, and I will take you out!" Han Feng said.

The old monster in gray was startled when he heard the words, and then burst out laughing suddenly, as if he was listening to something from the Arabian Nights, feeling extremely absurd.

"You are so brave, do you know who this seat is? How dare you let this seat recognize you as the master?!" The grey-clothed old monster withdrew his smile and shouted sharply.

"Want to hear more about it, who are you?!" Han Feng folded his hands on his chest, smiled slightly, and asked disapprovingly.

"You don't have the right to know yet!" The grey-clothed old monster snorted coldly, and suddenly stretched out his hand to slap a palm. The void vibrated, the ghost energy condensed, and a large handprint hundreds of feet in size emerged out of thin air, suppressing Xiang Han with overwhelming momentum. front.

The situation changed suddenly, and the storm was monstrous!

Without changing his expression, Han Feng raised his hand and clenched his fist again, and then threw out a large black fire mark, attacking the opponent's Nether Palm again and again, bursting out with rumbling noises, which continued for a long time.

Murong Xue and the others felt suffocated watching this scene. They really didn't know how much pressure Han Feng was under.

"We have to help him!" Murong Xue said suddenly.

"But we are weak, can we help?" Ling Fen asked in surprise.

Long Min and Necromancer Flower also looked at each other, apparently feeling that they couldn't help, Long Min even said: "I'm afraid that we will become a burden to him in the past, so let's get out quickly!"

In fact, Long Min was also worried that during the battle, if Han Feng deliberately cheated her and took the opportunity to trap her, then she would be in big trouble. She didn't have the confidence to resist the Nether Palm of the old monster in gray.

"Do you still have Zhenyuan Pill?" Murong Xue pondered for a while, looked at Ling Fen, and asked suddenly.

"Ah, Sister Murong, don't you still think about forcibly suppressing the injury and going to fight again? Then you will get more injuries, and then there will be no cure!" Ling Fen opened her mouth wide and said in surprise.

"Are you seriously injured?" Before Murong Xue could speak, Necromancer Flower suddenly turned to look at her and asked with a puzzled face.

"Sister Murong was hit by the Nether Palm of the old monster in gray, and the remaining ghost energy in her body cannot be removed, so she can only suppress the growth of ghost energy with Zhenyuan Pill!" Ling Fen said first.

"Ghost energy?" The Necromancer Flower suddenly smiled and said, "I like to eat it!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Could it be that you were able to save Sister Murong?" Ling Fen stared.

"I don't know, but try it out!" Necromancer Flower looked at Murong Xue with eyes as deep as pools of water, as if asking for her opinion.

"Yes!" Murong Xue nodded immediately without any hesitation.

"Sister Murong, she is a monster, you better be careful!" Ling Fen suddenly sent a voice transmission to Murong Xue, reminding her.

Murong Xue was unmoved, looked at the Necromancer Flower calmly, and said, "Let's start, if it's later, Han Feng probably won't be able to hold on, and then everyone will die together!"

After hearing this, Ling Fen and Long Min could only remain silent.

"Okay!" Necromancer Flower walked to Murong Xue's side, put his hand on her shoulder, silently released his breath into her body, observed carefully, frowning from time to time.

Murong Xue looked calm, letting her aura lurking in, completely letting go of the defenses in her body, making it easier for her to check.

"What's wrong?" Ling Fen couldn't help asking anxiously seeing the expression of the Necromancer Flower.

Necromancer Flower did not answer, and was still carefully checking the situation in Murong Xue's body with a focused expression.

Ling Fen wanted to say something, but was stopped by Long Min, who hissed to stop her from disturbing the Necromancer Flower.

After more than ten breaths, Murong Xue's face suddenly turned black, and traces of black blood began to flow out from the corner of her mouth, like a ghostly poisonous gas, which looked frightening and disturbing.

But Necromancer Flower's eyes were bright, and when she opened her mouth to inhale, the black air on Murong Xue's face suddenly seeped out from the gaps in her facial features, turning into strands of air and flowing into her mouth. A satisfied expression.

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