Lord of the Runes

Chapter 385 Long Min's Method

With a wave of his hand, Han Feng suppressed the sea of ​​flames, and the arena returned to calm.

Instead of continuing to draw in a hurry, he stood up instead, glanced at Long Min who was still resting with his eyes closed, and suddenly turned around and entered the forest behind, where he quickly disappeared.

Long Min opened her eyes curiously, but she didn't stop her, because she saw through her soul power that Han Feng had only gone hundreds of feet deep into the dense forest, and didn't leave just then.

Han Feng walked around the dense forest in a small area, seemingly distracted, but in fact he was thinking about the failure of drawing the eighth-grade talisman, silently replaying in the sea of ​​souls, time gradually passed by like this, and passed again unconsciously Two or three hours.

When Long Min felt a little impatient, Han Feng walked slowly back to the original place, and suddenly sat down cross-legged again, unfolded a piece of talisman paper again, picked up a brush and dipped in ink, and began to draw the third piece of eighth-grade talisman.

This time, he drew very slowly, pushing down bit by bit, with a feeling of chewing slowly.

After a full two sticks of incense work, his piece of eighth-grade talisman came to the final stage. Just when it was about to succeed, the end of the talisman paper suddenly ignited, and there was a loud "poof", and the range of five or sixty feet was once again broken. Submerged in the sea of ​​flames, it was so hot that the ground felt like it was melted.

Han Feng didn't make a sound this time, but stood up abruptly, clapping his hands continuously, knocking away the flames billowing around him.

He didn't show the slightest bit of discouragement, but instead showed a faint sense of joy, as if he had figured out some key links.

When Long Min saw his expression, she couldn't help but thump in her heart. The last thing she wanted to see was his expression, but this time she still had hope, thinking that Han Feng was unlikely to succeed. Talismans and talismans are extremely difficult things, which can be regarded as a hurdle.

This is also what she has heard from some senior talisman masters. Most of the soul cultivators who have reached the perfect state of subtlety, even if they are full-time talisman masters, are rarely able to draw eighth-grade talismans.

Therefore, she believed that Han Feng might not be able to succeed, especially after he experienced three failures, she became more confident.

Han Feng naturally didn't know what was going on in her mind. He closed his eyes to regain his energy, unfolded a piece of talisman paper again, and continued to draw the eighth grade talisman.

This time, with the help of God, he wrote very smoothly, like flowing clouds and flowing water, smooth sailing, half a stick of incense time came to the final stage, passed several levels in a row, and finally finished perfectly, successfully drawing an eighth-rank talisman.

In an instant, the talisman light shot up into the sky, covering an area of ​​tens of feet, which was many times stronger than the scorching sun.

"It's finally done, it's really a toss, and it failed three times!" Han Feng said with a little relief, as if he was a little dissatisfied.

When Long Min heard this, he almost didn't curse out loud. The eighth grade talisman failed three times and he succeeded in drawing it. What else could he think? This is beyond what a genius can describe, it's just like a monster!

Han Feng glanced at Long Min apologetically, and said awkwardly: "Fairy, I'm really sorry, you have to wait for a while, and I have to consolidate the method of drawing the eighth-grade talisman, and I can start it later Let’s study the talisman array, and then the above prohibition will be no problem at all!”

Long Min was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect Han Feng to be so modest, but when she caught sight of the smile in the corner of Han Feng's eyes, she couldn't help but snorted coldly in her heart, secretly cursing that this guy must be doing it on purpose, it was obvious I'm mad at myself!

"It will be too late if you procrastinate any longer. I already have a solution. You should study your talisman array after you get out!" Long Min rolled his eyes and said suddenly.

"Oh, the fairy has a solution so soon? I don't know what the solution is?" Han Feng gave her a surprised look.

"It's very simple, break it with strength!" Long Min said lightly.

"Oh, could it be that Fairy hasn't used this method before? Why do you only think of it now?" Han Feng smiled and looked at the other party.

"I have a secret treasure. Together, the two of you will definitely be able to break this restriction. Don't be so wordy, return the secret book to me quickly, and we will attack together later!" Long Min waved his hand and said angrily.

"Oh, that's how it is." Han Feng nodded, took out the cheat book, threw it to her casually, and said with a smile, "Fairy, don't worry, I won't reveal all the contents in it!"

After Long Min took it, he couldn't help secretly hating it. This guy had obviously memorized all the contents of this cheat book, so he returned it to him so readily.

"Fairy, where is your secret treasure?" Han Feng stretched his waist and asked casually.

"What's the hurry, get back to your best condition first, don't drag me down later!" Long Min said coldly.

"Hey, I don't dare to drag the fairy's thigh, for fear of being struck by lightning!" Han Feng took the meaning out of context and deliberately laughed.

"You talk nonsense, you can't find death!" Long Min glared at him, holding a grudge in his heart, this guy is talking nonsense, could it be that my legs are big?

However, just as she had this thought, she quickly stopped, her pretty face blushed, as if she was a little shy.

"It's strange why I suddenly had such an idea!" Long Min was afraid for a while, and hurriedly adjusted his breath to calm down his excited emotions.

Han Feng's soul power enveloped all directions, he observed the subtleties, and even saw the blush on her face, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Fairy, are you not feeling well? Why are you blushing, it's so pretty!"

Long Min's face turned even redder, he snorted angrily, closed his eyes and said: "Stop talking nonsense, and quickly meditate and adjust your breath. If you can't go out because of this, I will never stop with you!"

Han Feng smiled lightly and closed his eyes to regain his energy without saying anything more.

It didn't take long, less than half an hour, both Han Feng and Long Min opened their eyes and stood up.

Long Min glanced at Han Feng, and with a wave of his hand, a simple light blue three-legged tripod appeared in front of Han Feng's eyes out of thin air. It shone slightly with blue light, and the breath was not strong, but Han Feng could tell at a glance that this thing was not simple. It's just because when his soul power strafed past, it was bounced back, which is very strange.

"Good stuff!" Han Feng praised involuntarily.

"Let's get started. I will teach you a formula, and you will be able to transfer the power of your true essence into it. With your aptitude, it will probably take less than a quarter of an hour to learn it." Long Min said in a flat tone.

Han Feng was a little hesitant, and immediately asked, "Is there any problem with the formula?!"

"If you're worried, you can check it once and make sure it's correct before you learn!" Long Min said lightly.

"Okay, pass it on to me!" Han Feng nodded.

Long Min didn't say any more, and then, using his soul power as a guide, he sent a sound transmission to Han Feng, and passed him a complicated formula, which took twenty to thirty breaths of work to complete.


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