Hearing this, Long Min felt unbelievable. This guy has already been able to draw the sixth-grade talisman 100% successfully. How can he still say that he has only mastered the basics? Even if she is not a talisman master, she is still stunned. , I'm afraid I'm going to take a breath and yell out loud.

Han Feng didn't notice the change in Long Min's eyes at all, and once again immersed himself in the cultivation of the seventh-grade talisman in the secret book, it was like a hungry wolf catching a lamb, and he read it with gusto.

Long Min's mood gradually calmed down. She took a serious look at Han Feng, and found that he really seemed to have completely lost himself. An idea popped up in her mind, but it disappeared in a flash, and was quickly caught by her. She rejected it, and she didn't know why.

"No, this guy hasn't completely let down his vigilance!" Long Min seemed to give himself a reason.

In fact, Han Feng did not completely relax his vigilance. He knew that Long Min was an enemy but not an enemy, a friend but not a friend, so he could not fully trust him.Especially after he showed such a high talent for talisman, it is inevitable that the other party will have some dark psychology.

In fact, Han Feng also understood that the reason why he was able to draw the sixth-grade talisman so smoothly was mainly due to the nine years he spent in the mysterious little world where the talisman evolved.

In those years, he devoted all his attention to practicing the spell of the Seal of the Five Elements, and he also learned the method of drawing talismans in the air. His control over aura and his keen perception of the path of talismans have reached a near-perfect state. It's not a high-level talisman that surpasses his existing soul power. After this test, in his opinion, it shouldn't be a problem!

Nine years have been added out of thin air, and it is still a precious time in that environment. It is definitely hard to buy thousands of top-quality spirit stones!

After another day and night, Han Feng put away the book again, then took out three things, pen, ink and paper, and began to draw the seventh-grade talisman with full power.

But what was unexpected was that his first seventh-grade talisman ignited spontaneously at the end. It was so powerful that it almost burned his eyebrows off.

The blood on Han Feng's body spread out, separating the flames, and then with a flick of his wrist, he extinguished the fire caused by the chaotic power.

Among the talismans, this kind of fire caused by the failure to draw talismans is called talisman fire, but it usually occurs more often in the drawing of middle and high-level talismans.

Long Min was also greatly surprised, and couldn't help feeling a big stone in her heart. She really didn't want to see Han Feng become more and more powerful. That would not be a good thing for her or her sect!

Han Feng didn't show any signs of discouragement. He had experienced this kind of situation countless times.

After extinguishing the talisman fire, he meditated for a while, and silently reviewed the game in the sea of ​​souls. Then he unfolded another piece of talisman paper, dipped a pen in the ink, and continued to draw another seventh-grade talisman.

It didn't take long, and he came to the finishing stage again. This time, there was no disorder in the power of the talisman. With a twist of his wrist, he hooked and raised the talisman pen, and finally ended perfectly, and the talisman shined brightly.

The Seventh Grade Talisman is completed!

Han Feng smiled, and couldn't help but glanced up at Long Min, as if deliberately annoyed at her, picked up this seventh-grade talisman and showed it, and said complacently: "Fairy, I've become it again, what do you think of the method?" Is it? Do you need my help?"

Long Min was so angry that he clenched his teeth, but his face was calm, and he said calmly: "Just do your own thing, don't bother me!"

Han Feng smiled slightly, ignored her, and immediately continued to practice the drawing of the seventh-grade talisman. After that, each piece was successful, and there was no abnormality, and it went smoothly.

Long Min saw it in her eyes, and was anxious in her heart. She already regretted listening to Han Feng's tricks and giving him such a cheat book.It's not that she didn't spy on this book in advance, but she is not a talisman teacher after all, so she doesn't understand its true value, and more importantly, deep down in her heart, she feels that even if Han Feng is given such a secret book, He may not be able to practice successfully.

It's a pity that Han Feng never expected that Han Feng would be so amazing, breaking her judgment time and time again!

Han Feng became more excited. In front of Long Min, he put away all the successfully drawn talismans, and continued to study the secret book, full of joy.

Long Min felt a toothache from seeing it, and wished that it would be difficult to stop him from continuing to comprehend it now. If he really succeeded in drawing a large number of eighth-rank talismans, even she would be extremely afraid.However, after thinking about it for a while, she still gave up on this idea. After all, the other party is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and even if she tried her best, she might not be able to calm him down.Moreover, in the final analysis, she had to rely on Han Feng's power to escape from this kingdom of death.

Han Feng didn't pay attention to her expression at all, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the study of the eighth-grade talisman, his eyes became brighter, as if he saw some peerless beauty.

However, the eighth-grade talisman is also the highest-level talisman among the middle-level talismans. Even if he has a solid foundation, it took him three days and three nights to master it.

He took a deep breath, adjusted his breath slightly, and immediately took out the things needed to draw the talisman, and began to draw the eighth-grade talisman.

Soon, in less than a stick of incense, his first talisman went to the final level, but at this moment, there was a loud "bang", and a big fire burst out, drowning it in an instant , covering a range of tens of feet.

Long Min was also taken aback. Staring at Han Feng's situation, he moved his wrist slightly, as if he was about to take action.

"Could it be because there are more talismans?" Han Feng's guessing voice came from within the flames, obviously at this moment he was still thinking about the reason for his failure just now.

The next moment, the flame dissipated suddenly, as if it was extinguished by a strong force in an instant, without any residue, but the ground was already scorched like carbon.

Han Feng appeared in front of Long Min unscathed, and he didn't even change his sitting posture. He obviously didn't pay attention to the talisman fire caused by the failure to draw the eighth-grade talisman. bloody.

He fell silent, frowning, thinking carefully.

Long Min remained calm, unable to see any expression, retracted his jade hands into his sleeves, and closed his eyes.

It took a full half an hour before Han Feng started to draw the eighth-grade talisman again. This time, he was more cautious and careful, strictly controlling all the details, but when he came to the end, there was still a mistake, and a fire engulfed him in an instant .

"How did this happen?!" Han Feng's voice still came out from the sea of ​​flames. Judging by his energetic appearance, he probably didn't suffer any real damage.


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