Lord of the Runes

Chapter 386 Breakthrough

Han Feng learned it very quickly, and it really didn't take a quarter of an hour to fully master it. He cast the spell silently according to this formula, and sure enough, he had a little connection with the tripod in midair.

It will shake slightly with Han Feng's spellcasting, and when Han Feng pours the power of true essence into it through the air, it will emit a dazzling cyan brilliance, shining in all directions, rendering the ground within a range of more than a hundred feet into a piece of cyan .

Han Feng's eyes flashed, and he quickly withdrew the power of his true energy. He felt that the three-legged cauldron was really powerful. In just one breath, it consumed [-]% of the real energy in his dantian, which didn't seem like much. In fact, the absolute value is terrifying, but it must be known that his lake of true energy has a radius of [-] zhang.

Long Min also stared at Han Feng with piercing eyes, she never thought that Han Feng's power of true energy was so pure, compared to her own, it could beat two by one, which really made her secretly jealous.

"Okay, let's start." Long Min stabilized his mood, looked at the three-legged tripod in midair, and suddenly raised his hand to point at the three-legged tripod. It quickly lit up, and rose against the wind, becoming the size of Zhang Xu.

She had told her before that as long as they teamed up to inject a large amount of true energy into the tripod, it would shoot a dazzling ray of light, directly breaking the restriction on the top of the sky with brilliant strength.

The matter was indeed very simple, and Han Feng didn't see anything wrong. He also wanted to leave this place as soon as possible. Since the other party has this method, why not do it.

What's more, his method may not be feasible, and it is time-consuming. It is better to try the other party's plan first, maybe it will be successful. Anyway, if it does not work, it will not be too late to implement his idea.

"Why are you still standing there, I can't last long!" Long Min urged suddenly.

Han Feng didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately poured the power of true essence into the space above the three-legged tripod. Together with the power of Long Min's true essence, it immediately made its light more intense. There was a glaring blue light, which bulged slightly, as if it was about to burst out, but it always kept silent.

"It's still not strong enough, let's hurry up!" Long Min stared at the tripod and suddenly said loudly.

After saying this, she took the lead and pushed the three-legged tripod more vigorously. Judging by its appearance, her face gradually turned pale, and she seemed to have no reservations.

Seeing this, Han Feng thought for a while, and felt that since they cooperated, they should go all out, otherwise they would be nothing but nothing, and neither of them would benefit.

He no longer held back any more, and poured all his true energy into the three-legged tripod.

With his help, the light of the three-legged tripod suddenly exploded, and the light at the mouth of the tripod shot up into the sky, turning into a beam of light and rushing to the sky.

At this moment, under the blue sky, a pale golden light curtain suddenly appeared, runes flashed, blocking the impact of this beam of light, and ripples rose and fell one after another, like waves.

However, this pale golden light curtain was still extremely tough and unbreakable, no matter how Han Feng and Long Min urged the three-legged tripod to be of no avail.

Long Min's face became anxious, suddenly the spell in his hand changed, and at the same time he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, the blood shone brightly, and quickly turned into a magic seal, and hit the three-legged tripod with a swish!

In an instant, the three-legged tripod's light became even brighter, and the beam of light became more pure, turning purple, and the power contained in it made even Han Feng feel trembling.

"Han Feng, give me a helping hand!" Long Min yelled loudly, and as she spoke, her whole body was shining with purple awns, and she desperately poured the power of true essence into the three-legged cauldron.

Without much hesitation, Han Feng immediately increased the output by [-]%, and it was like adding fuel to the fire. The beam of light from the three-legged tripod was as bright as a blue scorching sun, shining thousands of meters around, and even the spiritual energy was forced back, forming a torrent of light. Air waves, rumbling.


Suddenly, there was a strange sound on the golden light curtain on the top of the dome, and there were ripples again and again, and even a few cracks began to appear, and the terrifying breath came out, which made people panic.

"It's effective, let's work harder!" Long Min's eyes lit up, and regardless of the pressure he was under, he spit out another mouthful of blood, condensed into a seal, and branded it on the tripod, increasing its power a bit , the cracks in the golden light curtain on the top are even worse, it seems that it will burst open at any time and become a hole.

Han Feng observed intently, and found that this tripod tripod seemed to have no limit, so he couldn't help being a little more curious about it, but seeing that he was about to succeed, he couldn't be distracted, and under Long Min's urging, Had to increase the perfusion of the power of true essence again.

The quality of his true energy is extremely high, and compared to Long Min, he can definitely be one in two, so when he goes all out, the three-legged tripod starts to glow slightly, making the beam of light it shoots dazzling to the extreme. It shot up from the sky, hitting the golden light curtain on the top continuously.


With a loud bang, the golden light curtain finally collapsed, turning into pieces that shattered like a mirror.

Immediately afterwards, the cyan beam of light from the tripod hit the small piece of blue sky above, distorting it in an instant, crumpled like a curtain, and then opened it, revealing the gloomy and gray outside world. Out of the sky, gusts of dark wind came in, making loud noises.


Han Feng's eyes lit up, and he was about to rush forward immediately.

"Wait, we have to continue to maintain the tripod, otherwise it will probably close again soon!" Long Min shook his head, stopping Han Feng from saying.

Han Feng was slightly taken aback, and looked up, and found that after he slowed down the injection of his true energy, the beam of light from the three-legged tripod became weaker, and the blue sky seemed to be healing again.

He didn't dare to act rashly anymore, so he had to stay where he was and continue to maintain the operation of the tripod.

After a while, the beam of light from the three-legged tripod shot out, forming a huge driving force, opening up the hole in the blue sky, and it became bigger and bigger. After a few breaths, it became twenty or thirty feet in size. Enough for the two of them to escape.

"You can go this time!" Han Feng shifted his gaze to Long Min, looking at her unkindly.

"Well, it's fine, but you have to stay!" Long Min said suddenly, and before she finished speaking, the seal in her hand changed again.

The three-legged tripod suddenly became more than a hundred times larger, and it smashed towards Han Feng like a mountain top, suppressing it with a majestic light of nearly a thousand feet.

Han Feng reacted immediately, but just when he was about to stop the output of the true energy in his body, he found that the three-legged tripod had a strong suction force, which firmly stuck it, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't Withdraw the power of true essence and pour it into the three-legged cauldron continuously, but the amount is less.Mobile phone users please browse and read for a better reading experience.


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