Lord of the Runes

Chapter 38 Dryad

Han Feng's whole body trembled, and he turned his head as if facing a formidable enemy. Sure enough, a bloody light was flying towards him from a distance behind him, and the speed was slightly faster than his own.

Han Feng didn't hesitate any longer, crushed the invisibility talisman he had prepared early in the morning, a ray of light radiated, then disappeared and converged, forming an invisible film around his body, the effect was more obvious in the night, completely hiding it.

With the help of this invisibility talisman, he quickly rushed into the valley, unable to hide.

Xiao Gui, a man with slender eyebrows, lowered his saber light and landed on a mountain peak. His eyes were like torches, and he scanned the scenery in the valley. When he saw the big tree, his pupils shrank slightly, showing a hint of greed.

"Hmph, do you think you can stop me by drawing me here with the help of these beasts?" Xiao Gui had a sneer on his face, he saw the Yuanling fruit tree, how could he not understand Han Feng's intentions? Thoughts, but without the slightest fear, immediately rose with the sword, turned into a blood-colored rainbow and flew down into the valley, flamboyantly and swaggeringly, without any concealment.

An old ape on duty in the valley immediately came screaming, but just as it approached Xiao Gui, it was overwhelmed by the bloody knife light from Xiao Gui's raised hand and slashed with a knife, making a miserable scream, as if suffering from a thousand knives. The pain of cutting into pieces stopped abruptly after a while, and he died.

Its screams immediately attracted a large number of apes to emerge from the cave, but instead of rushing over, they gathered together, apparently seeing the gap between them and Xiao Gui, and did not attack rashly.

These apes have human-like intelligence!

Xiao Gui gave a disdainful smile, ignored the group of apes, and walked straight to the Yuanling fruit tree in the middle of the valley, his eyes were already fixed on the white-haired old ape under the tree.

The white-haired old ape also stood up, and roared in a low voice towards the three gray-haired apes outside, forbidding them to go to meet the enemy, but let them retreat.

"Hey, I'm a bit self-aware, I didn't let your fellow clan come here to die for nothing, but after killing you, they will die as well!" Xiao Gui was arrogant, kicked his feet, and the whole person rushed over immediately, slashed horizontally, With a monstrous blood-colored knife light, it covered a range of more than ten feet, and rushed towards the opponent like a wave, which was about to drown it.

The white-haired old ape grinned and roared, and danced wildly with both fists. White fists the size of Zhang Xu shot out one after another. Amidst the rumbling sound, Xiao Gui's bloody knife light was scattered, and continued to attack with overwhelming momentum. Xiao Gui.

Xiao Gui showed no trace of fear on his face, he tightened the long knife in his hand, and when he lifted it up suddenly, a dazzling blood-colored light shot up into the sky, condensing into an astonishing beam of light more than ten feet long, he slashed down, with the power of splitting mountains. The shadows of fists bombarded by the opponent smashed into pieces, crushing the white-haired old ape like a falling jade pillar.

The white-haired old ape showed horror in his eyes, kicked his feet continuously, turned into afterimages and retreated under the big tree.

When Xiao Gui gained power, he was relentless, and with a touch of his toes, he quickly floated over like willow catkins, and the long knife in his hand shone even brighter, stabbing straight at the opponent.

The white-haired old ape suddenly opened its mouth and spewed out a white light, which turned into a light shield several feet thick, and instantly withstood the piercing blood-colored beam of light, and the two retreated in a stalemate. Entered under the Yuan Ling fruit tree.

Suddenly, afterimages sprang out from the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust, with great momentum, thousands of them appeared in a blink of an eye, attacking Xiao Gui like a net.

Upon closer inspection, these afterimages turned out to be the roots of a big tree!

Xiao Gui's face changed slightly, obviously he didn't expect Dashu to become a spirit!

But then a fierce light flashed in his eyes, he took a deep breath, and the light of the long knife spread out quickly, turning into streaks of light, facing the roots of these big trees like the tip of a needle pointing at the wheat awnings, and made a tinkling sound, as loud as iron .

It's just that the light disappeared in an instant, and they couldn't resist the roots, so they had to retract to form a thick mask to protect Xiao Gui's body. The roots of the big tree immediately followed, like whips dancing, whipping one by one On the blood light of his body protection, there was a bang, every blow had a majestic force, Xiao Gui felt as if he was being bombarded by hills and hills, the pressure increased suddenly, and the blood light of the body protection quickly dimmed , greatly consumed the true energy in his body, he tried to escape, but the roots were besieged in all directions, there was nowhere to escape, and he was so anxious that he roared again and again.

The big tree seemed to consume a lot of energy by using this trick, and the auras of the sporadic spirit fruits hanging on the tree dimmed one by one. After a while, those fruits on it became darker and seemed to wither, so it stopped immediately. Attack, pull back the roots and sink back into the ground.

Xiao Gui also discovered this, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately exited the shade of the big tree, looked up, but there were no apes around.

Xiao Gui was a little surprised, but he looked up at those fruits, but he didn't want to leave. After all, the Yuanling Fruit is the most attractive to a monk like him who has a perfect Qi storage state, and it can increase his success rate of breaking through the Yuanyuan state.He walked around the big tree and tried several times to cut the fruit with a long knife from the air, but all of them were blocked by the roots that suddenly sprang out from the ground, making him unable to do so.

Finally, Xiao Gui became ruthless, stepping on the long knife, soaring into the air, surrounded by blood, he insisted on carrying the fierce attack from the roots of the big tree, and came to the edge of a cluster of spirit fruits on the big tree, and immediately stretched out his hand pick.

At this moment, a Seven Jade Snake hidden in the dense branches and leaves shot out like lightning, and bit his hand, but it failed to break the protective qi in his hand, and the Seven Jade Snake was shocked all of a sudden. opened.

Of course, Xiao Gui's hand was also shaken away, and his whole hand was still aching, but he took a deep breath, grabbed the cluster of Yuan Lingguo, and was about to pick off those Yuanling Fruits At this time, an afterimage suddenly passed by, and a root of the big tree suddenly wrapped around his wrist, and with a sudden pull, his whole body and the cluster of primordial spirit fruits were torn off, even if he forced himself to hold on The body shape, but also the true energy was scattered for a while.

Just at this moment, more than a dozen seven green snakes emerged from the dense branches and leaves above, flying down like sharp green arrows, and all of them concentrated on his bound wrists.

Xiao Gui was in a hurry, he shouted loudly, his true energy gathered on his right wrist, and unexpectedly burst into dazzling brilliance, knocking seven or eight seven jade snakes into the air in a row.


Suddenly, there was a sharp sound, and a root of the big tree rushed up again, and immediately slapped his right wrist fiercely, causing the light that he condensed to protect his body to collapse, and a seven green snake took advantage of it to enter , biting his wrist, instantly turning his entire wrist black and blue.

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