Lord of the Runes

Chapter 39 Killing

Xiao Gui trembled all over, and suddenly the imperial envoy raised his long knife, cut off his right wrist decisively, and broke free from the shackles of the roots of the big tree, the cluster of primordial spirit fruits immediately fell, but was picked up by his left hand Stop, with a flash of brilliance, he put it into the storage space bag at his waist, and then fled quickly covered in blood.

Dali immediately sprang out seven or eight roots, and hit his blood light shield with a bang sound, but he failed to break through his protection, and he escaped from the shade of the tree smoothly.

But at this moment, a white shadow suddenly emerged from the ground, and it was the white-haired ape. As soon as he came out, he jumped high, waved his fists, and punched the shadow of the sky, rushing towards Xiao like a tide. Gui, immediately made him stagnate, and was immediately entangled by dozens of roots chasing after him, holding him tightly, and instantly made him stop in the air, unable to take an inch.

Xiao Gui was attacked from the front and back, the pressure increased greatly, his whole body was full of qi, and the bloody knife light scattered all over the sky, crunching the roots of the entangled big tree, but he couldn't break free for a while, so anxious that he screamed .

The white-haired ape suddenly beat his chest with both hands, opened his mouth and sprayed out a beam of snow-white light, which hit the bloody knife light with a bang, it was so powerful that it broke through several layers of Xiao Gui's protection, forcing him to retreat a few feet, and then returned to the Great Wall. In the shade of the trees.

Taking the opportunity, the big tree sprang out nearly a hundred more roots, whipping the bloody light of his body protection, weakening several layers of protection at once, almost hitting his body.

Seeing that the situation was getting worse, Xiao Gui felt ruthless, and no longer suppressed the toxins in his body, he spit out a mouthful of blood essence, formed a mudra with one hand, the blood glowed and melted into the long knife under his feet, a terrifying breath erupted, and the surrounding The bloody light shrank suddenly, and merged with Xiao Gui's body, and the human sword merged into one. A firework flashed by, and all the roots of the big trees were burned off, and the white-haired ape that was still in the air and hadn't landed was also killed. When it was rubbed by fireworks, it was instantly reduced to ashes.

In the next instant, the fireworks had already swept out of the valley, and at this moment there was a sharp sound in the valley, and circles of air waves burst out in the air, creating ravines in the valley, and dust kicked up the sky.

Apparently just a moment ago, Xiao Gui's speed surpassed the speed of sound, bursting out with terrifying power!

However, after the firework came out of the valley, it began to fade rapidly, and its speed also decreased sharply, revealing Xiao Gui's figure, his face turned black, and his body swayed into the dense forest of a mountain. .

With a muffled bang, Xiao Gui fell to the ground, and there was no movement for a while, and he didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

Not a moment later, in the darkness in the distance, a figure suddenly appeared, and suddenly it was Han Feng. He wiped it on his waist without saying a word, took out several talismans, activated one of them, and immediately a green light flashed, falling Entering the ground, the next moment, dozens of green vines sprang out from the place where Xiao Gui was, and rushed towards Xiao Gui like a python wrapped around him. In the blink of an eye, the yellow light engulfed it and sank into the ground, disappearing without a trace.

Han Feng was shocked, and immediately activated another talisman. A gust of wind blew past him and lifted him up into the sky. Insensed by force fluctuations, he immediately chased to the left rear side, searching for Xiao Gui's traces like a carpet.

A fourth-grade talisman, the Earth Escape Talisman, can also coerce the monks to escape for a distance of about a thousand feet. In a short time, Han Feng has already chased the end of the power fluctuation of the earth escape talisman, but Xiao Gui's figure is not seen at all. .

When Han Feng was thinking about countermeasures, his face changed in shock, and he suddenly moved a few feet to the right, a blood-colored light several feet thick almost brushed past his body, and Xiao Gui's figure suddenly appeared in the blood-colored light. His face was blackened, but he held on to the sword and rose up to attack Han Feng.

Xiao Gui made a sharp turn in mid-air and charged towards Han Feng again from a distance.

Han Feng calmed down and was not scared away by Xiao Gui. With a wave of one hand, he moved the three talismans away again. Suddenly, the khaki-yellow light condensed and formed a shield several feet wide on three sides, blocking in front of him.

Bang bang bang!

There were three loud bangs in a row, and the three shields shattered at the same time. Seeing that bloody light was about to hit Han Feng's body, Han Feng suddenly sank down and dodged.

The blood-colored light controlled by Xiao Gui passed through the air, and when he was about to turn around and charge Han Feng, an astonishing aura burst out suddenly in the void, and flames appeared in all directions, and red flames emerged, all enveloping the blood-colored light , forming a sea of ​​flames with a radius of tens of feet, blazing and glowing red.

This talisman is suddenly the fourth-grade talisman, the Scarlet Flame Talisman!

When Han Feng was still in the air, he took out a talisman from his waist again, with a stern face, and immediately activated the talisman. The power of the talisman bloomed, and tens of thousands of golden lights suddenly spread out in mid-air. A seemingly thin layer of golden light tightly wrapped the flames in the sky, trapping the flames and Xiao Gui like a cage.

A fourth-grade talisman, a cage talisman with ten thousand points of golden light!

At this moment, Han Feng fell to the ground. Just a moment ago, it was he who deliberately eliminated the power of the Fufeng Talisman, and stuck a third-grade Talisman Gravity Talisman on his body, and sank down. At the same time, he left a Scarlet Flame Talisman in its place. Propelled by remote control through soul power, a blazing flame burst out just right to submerge Xiao Gui, and then immediately activated the ten thousand golden light cage talisman.

The flames in mid-air lasted for half a stick of incense before slowly dissipating, but the golden light one-cage amulet with ten thousand dots was still maintained, shining brightly in mid-air with a golden light.

Suddenly, a voice sounded, a little dull, and the golden light cage moved slightly.

Han Feng was not in a hurry, and silently took out a fourth-grade talisman. He was always on guard, but nothing unusual happened. After a short wait, the golden light cage gradually dimmed. With a whoosh, a black object fell down and landed Then there was a muffled bang, and it was Xiao Gui's body, and then his long knife fell down.

Han Feng swept away his soul power, and after making sure that there was no danger, he walked over quickly. It was indeed Xiao Gui's blackened body. His clothes had been burned to carbonization, and a layer of ashes stuck to his body, but he was hairy all over his body. Black, but it doesn't look like it was burned out by fire, but it was caused by the venom of the Seven Jade Snake.

Of course, Han Feng didn't care about these things, his eyes were slightly bright, staring at the storage space bag on the waist of Xiao Gui's corpse.

Han Feng bent down and took off his cloth bag, let his soul power infiltrate it, and easily unblocked it. He saw that there was a wide and square space inside, and there were a lot of things. Among them, the cluster Yuan Lingguo was suddenly there.

Han Feng revealed a look of surprise, and he couldn't help laughing.

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