Lord of the Runes

Chapter 37: Heavy Chapter Valley

Fortunately, Han Feng was running the Spirit Refining Vajra Art all the time. Under the double protection of the stellar energy outside his body and the red iron skin, he was only shaken a few feet away, and he stabilized his figure on the side.

At this time, two figures also quickly came to the field, standing on the left and the right in the ruins, facing each other with a distance of more than ten feet.

Han Feng glanced up, his face changed slightly, the person on the right was actually Li Ningsheng, and now he was staring at the enemy opposite him with a stern expression.

And the man on Han Feng's left is also dressed in a Sanyemen costume, his facial features are resolute, as if cut by a knife, but his eyebrows are very thin, like willow leaves, growing on a strong man about seven feet tall. Very weird.

This person broke the silence first, his voice was a little hoarse, and he said in a low voice: "Li Ningsheng, you know how miserable the end will be if you betray the young master!"

"I never followed, so why betray!" Li Ningsheng raised his brows and said coldly.

"Hey, who gave you the blood essence of the Fire Cloud Beast to remove the corpse poison last time? And who brought this kid into the ambush circle we set up?" The man with thin eyebrows sneered.

Li Ningsheng was slightly startled, he didn't expect the other party to say it directly, he turned his head and glanced at Han Feng involuntarily, but Han Feng's expression was calm, without any surprise, as if he already knew about it.

Li Ningsheng was about to say something when the thin-browed man suddenly waved his hand, and the long knife floating beside him flew out in an instant, stabbing Li Ningsheng straight.

Li Ningsheng let out a cold snort, and after injecting the perfect qi from the Qi reservoir, the light of the great sword in his hand soared, and while shaking, beams of sword light sprayed out, condensing into a shield of sword light, blocking the opponent's blow.

"Hey, your cultivation has improved!" The man with thin eyebrows smiled, and stepped forward with one step. The next moment, he came to the long knife that had bounced back from the shock, grabbed it with his hand, and swung it with blood It shot out like a scorching sun, and slammed on Li Ningsheng's condensed sword light shield. With a bang, Li Ningsheng's sword light shield shattered, and he couldn't help but retreated more than ten steps.

The man with thin eyebrows flashed his eyes, and he chased Li Ningsheng across more than ten feet in one step. His movement was as fast as lightning, and he slashed with a knife.

Li Ningsheng raised his sword to fight, and the two turned into two afterimages, moving around and fighting each other. The air waves from the collision raged in all directions, shattering the boulders in the mountains and forests with a radius of twenty or thirty feet, covering the sky with dust, making the night thicker.

Han Feng hid in the distance a long time ago. He wanted to help, but he couldn't do anything. Their battle was too fast. Even if he released his soul power, he could only see the incomplete picture. He felt that Li Ningsheng was gradually losing the wind. .

The opponent's sword technique is too crazy and too fast!

He gritted his teeth, directly used the Fufeng Talisman, jumped into the air, and continued to fly to the valley where the Yuan Lingguo was located. Perhaps his departure would make the man with thin eyebrows scruples, so he gave up Li Ningsheng to pursue him.

It's a pity that the thin-browed man didn't do what Han Feng thought, but instead stepped up his attack on Li Ningsheng. His true energy burst out like a blood-colored flame, and it was so hot that it burned the air around him until it sizzled. Like a tide, wave after wave rushed towards Li Ningsheng.

In an instant, Li Ningsheng received the impact of dozens of hundreds of sword lights, his body was shaken, he staggered back, the corners of his mouth were bloodshot unknowingly, his whole body was stagnant, and he let out a muffled snort.

The thin-browed man took advantage of the victory to attack, and the long knife in his hand sparked a bloody light, and he slashed at Li Ningsheng overwhelmingly.

Bang Bang!

The khaki-yellow light condensed from Li Ningsheng's great sword shattered at the sound, and he was swallowed by the monstrous blood light. Even if he was blocked by the protective qi, he still collapsed. .

However, at the moment of crisis, he activated an Earth Escape Talisman, and the thick khaki light enveloped him and sank to the ground, disappearing.

"Hmph, I ran away pretty fast!" The thin-browed man swept his eyes around, saw that Li Ningsheng had escaped, snorted, didn't mind, turned around and looked in the direction Han Feng was running from, waved his long knife with one hand, and flew away. It landed at his feet, carried him and turned into a blood-colored rainbow and galloped out, chasing Han Feng directly.

Hundreds of feet away, in a dark place in a dense forest, an earthy yellow light suddenly lit up. Li Ningsheng emerged from the ground, took a long breath, took out a bottle of elixir, poured it into his mouth like a spirit stone, and repaired the injury.

After adjusting his breath silently for a while, he raised his head and looked into the distance, muttering to himself: "Xiao Gui is worthy of being one of the five tigers in Qiandaotang. With my perfect cultivation of qi storage, I can only support this short meeting." Suddenly, he sighed again, and thought to himself: "Han Feng, that's all I can help you with, please ask yourself!"

Then, he stood up with his sword, turned and left.

It's a long story, but Han Feng only left in less than a dozen breaths, and it was only a few miles away from the battle place just now.

Fortunately, the battle between the two of them just now was too fierce, and the breath was too majestic. The strange beasts around did not dare to rush out to attack him again, and they flew away without any hindrance.

It's just that the residual talisman was still floating in the sea of ​​souls, as if it was still warning of danger, and his heart, which made him relax a little, jumped into his throat again.

Han Feng was palpitating, and took out two fourth-grade talismans from his waist. One was the Ice Soul Talisman, which could freeze a radius of thirty or forty feet, and the other was the Flame Talisman, which could incinerate a radius of forty or fifty feet.

Time flew by little by little, when Han Feng passed by a mountain peak, a flying shadow suddenly sprang out, claws flashed, and rushed towards him in the air.

Han Feng was surprised for a moment, but he didn't hesitate in his hand. After being activated by a water screen marble talisman, a large cloud of water mist suddenly condensed in the air, and a water droplet the size of a human head quickly formed, ejected out, whirr With a loud noise, he hit this high-level beast with all his brain, and was blocked by the gang energy that erupted from his body. It was just that momentum that forced it back without even the slightest injury. It was about to continue attacking , Han Feng urged a third-grade talisman chain fireball talisman, condensed twenty or thirty fireballs the size of a face, and drove it away.

Han Feng didn't chase after him, and continued to fly forward after crossing the mountain, but more and more such situations greatly hindered his itinerary, especially when he encountered a top-level strange beast, the red-eyed flying python. Seeing that the situation was not good, he immediately activated the fourth-grade talisman Ice Soul Talisman, and a gust of cold air gushed out, instantly freezing the area of ​​thirty or forty feet where it was located. Although it did not freeze it in place, it also greatly slowed down Its speed allowed Han Feng to escape.

After a stick of incense, Han Feng finally returned to the edge of the valley of the Lingyuan tree. While he was thinking about a plan, the residual talisman in the sea of ​​souls suddenly moved.

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