Lord of the Runes

Chapter 365 Petals Spontaneous Combustion

At this moment, the Necromancer Flower was still devouring the ghosts of the earth veins like a ghost, and the pink smoke did not weaken at all, but increased slightly.

Han Feng bypassed the area where Long Min and Ran Lintian were fighting fiercely, and sneaked into the pink smoke without any obstacles, and sneaked in.

A large amount of pink smoke was swallowed by the residual talisman by unknown means, and what's more, it was able to feed back wisps of strange energy to supplement Han Feng's soul sea.

Han Feng suddenly felt dizzy, and his head felt like it was about to be torn apart, which was very strange.

He quickly looked inside, and saw that the misty soul power in the soul sea was surging, continuously spreading to the edge of the soul sea, like a pioneer soldier who opened up the territory, perseveringly digging the four walls.

His soul sea is expanding, and his soul power is rapidly improving!

Han Feng was overjoyed, and simply stayed in the pink smoke, allowing the residual talisman to swallow and absorb it.

Only then did he suddenly realize that what attracted the residual talisman was not the Necromancer Flower itself, but the pink mist.

He looked inside and observed carefully, and he found that the last gap in the ninth branch line of the residual talisman was wriggling again, and it was healing bit by bit like a wound, exuding an increasingly powerful breath.

Han Feng was delighted to see it, and was full of anticipation for the scene after it completely repaired the ninth branch line. He also began to silently refine the mysterious energy it fed back, so that his soul power would grow even higher.

In no time, his soul sea expanded to eight thousand feet in size, and the mist-shaped soul power also increased a lot, densely packed, really like a sea.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and the Necromancer Flower quickly noticed something was wrong. Its roots poked out and swept around in the pink smoke to find out the reason.

Han Feng didn't dare to stay in the same place for a long time, so he had to dodge around like a hide-and-seek, and sometimes even had to temporarily withdraw from the cloud of pink smoke to avoid the carpet-like search of the Necromancer Flower.

After a long time, the Necromancer Flower has not been able to find the "little thief" who stole the pink smoke. It was completely annoyed, with bright white light emitting from all over its body, rushing into the pink smoke like thousands of sharp swords , a burst of strangulation.

Fortunately, Han Feng jumped out of the pink smoke at this time, and was not inside, so he did not suffer such an attack.

"The strength of this Necromancer Flower is getting stronger and stronger. This blow definitely surpasses the strength that a monk in the Guiyuan Realm can have!" Han Feng muttered secretly.

Long Min and Ran Lintian were also taken aback, only then realized that they could no longer fight with each other like this, otherwise, after the Necromancer Flower fully grows, both of them will suffer.

The two of them looked at each other, stopped attacking at the same time, turned around and flew towards the Necromancer Flower, without saying a word, they joined hands to launch a terrifying attack.

The blood-colored lightsaber and the purple little dragon flew out, directly colliding with the pink smoke, making a loud rumbling sound, like thunder.

Han Feng was secretly annoyed, but he had no choice but to stay away and float into the sky, overlooking their battle.

"You have repeatedly hindered my cultivation, and you will all die!"

The Necromancer Flower yelled loudly, and the snow-bright radiance diffused, turned into thousands of lightsabers, flew out, and rushed to Long Min and Ran Lintian with lightning speed, slashing like a dense storm.

Long Min and Ran Lintian responded with concentration, and they used secret techniques to fight against each other.

I saw Long Min's hands making a tactic, a large and five small purple dragons surrounded her, suddenly opened his mouth and spewed out a large piece of purple light, which turned into a seemingly weak light curtain, which could be moved by the Necromancer Flower. Those lightsabers slashed unscathed, only a series of ripples appeared before returning to normal.

As for Ran Lintian, he was extremely domineering. He took a deep breath, flipped the sword formula with one hand, and bloody swords burst out from his body immediately. In the blink of an eye, there were hundreds of them. Jianguang, bang bang sound, all annihilated.

Not long after, all the sword light scattered by the Necromancer Flower disappeared, and it was unable to do anything against Long Min and Ran Lintian for a while.

"Demon girl, die for me!" Ran Lintian clasped his hands together suddenly, and the bloody lightsaber flying all over the sky suddenly condensed together, and turned into a giant sword with a thickness of several tens of feet, rumbling towards the Necromancer Flower.

The beautiful face on the Necromancer flower frowned, and the pink smoke around it suddenly rose up, facing the giant sword like the waves of the ocean.

"Boom bang bang..."

There was a strange noise, and the pink mist was split by the giant sword, forming a long gully. The mist surged on both sides, and spread towards the body of the Necromancer Flower.

At this time, Long Min suddenly took out a shuttle-like stone object, threw it out quickly, and rushed directly into this ravine, emitting a gray light, about to hit the Necromancer Flower.

Just at this moment, the ghosts of the earth veins in the sky descended like a wave, forming a large ball with a diameter of several tens of feet, blocking the Necromancer Flower and the gray shuttle thrown by Long Min. There was a dull sound between them, like the sound of turning the door when the hinge is stuck.

Long Min made a tactic with both hands, and the flying shuttle suddenly burst into black light like ink, breaking through the balls made up of these earth vein ghosts in one fell swoop, turning into a ray of light, and went to the location of the dead spirit flower in an instant.

The beautiful face condensed on the Necromancer Flower was frightened and angry, but it didn't panic. Dozens of roots shot up and stopped in front of him, emitting bursts of light green light like a net, blocking the As soon as the flying shuttle flew down, sparks splashed and hissing sounds were heard endlessly.

Long Min gritted his teeth and urged, but the flying shuttle could no longer move forward a single bit. It was close to the Necromancer Flower, but it could not do anything to get closer.

"seal up!"

Long Min suddenly shouted in a low voice, the spell in his hand suddenly changed, and the flying shuttle suddenly exploded, forming a dark light all over the sky, surrounding the surrounding area like a sphere, sealing the Necromancer Flower firmly inside.

This change sounds slow, but it actually happened in the blink of an eye.

The beautiful face on the Necromancer Flower changed color slightly, and the roots of the driving force hit the black light all over the body repeatedly, but it couldn't be broken for a while.

Long Min held the seal tightly in her hand, and her complexion turned pale. Obviously, she was also under great pressure. She could not simply seal the Necromancer Flower, but had to do her best to strengthen the sealing technique.

Just as Long Min and the Necromancer Flower were in a stalemate, Ran Lintian at the side parted his left hand, and a large blood-colored lightsaber appeared again. With a casual grip, those blood-colored lightsabers condensed into a huge sword, flying from the side Sweeping out, slashing towards the dead spirit flower sealed in the black light sphere.

"The cooperation is not bad, but it's a pity that you are one step too late!"

The Undead Flower suddenly said such a sentence, and the petal with the beautiful face fell off without warning, burning like spices, and bursts of pink smoke rose into the sky!

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