At this time, above the sky, pink smoke was still pervading around the Necromancer Flower, and a large number of earth vein ghosts plopped down like dumplings, without stopping for a moment, all of them merged into the thick pink smoke.

Ran Lintian and Long Min's soul powers were not weak, and they immediately sensed that someone was spying on them with their soul power.

"It's you?!"

Ran Lintian was very surprised. He never expected that Han Feng came back alive. Doesn't that mean that Du Juan has already suffered? !

He was startled, he didn't care about fighting with Long Min, he suddenly exerted his strength, sacrificed nearly a hundred blood swords in one go, and slashed at them in unison, the momentum was astonishing, and he forced Long Min back in an instant.

Ran Lintian turned around and left, heading straight for Han Feng.

Under Han Feng's induction, this guy's aura was majestic at the moment, as if it was as bright as the scorching sun. As it flew by, it stirred up all directions, and the spiritual energy rolled along with it, faintly accompanied by a dragon and a tiger.

"What level of power is this!"

Han Feng murmured in a low voice, but he was clear-headed and knew that this was not the time to care about these things, so he hurriedly took out the broken sword, poured all the strength of his true energy into his body, and slashed forward fiercely!


There was a sound that seemed to tear the air, the light of the broken sword cut the air, and all the giant trees along the way were broken.

In the next moment, the light of the Broken Sword spanned hundreds of feet to reach Ran Lintian who was swooping in.


Ran Lintian was very domineering, with a flick of his wrist, dozens of blood swords surrounding him flew out, and collided with the broken sword's light in an instant.

With the sound of "click", the light of the broken sword actually made a sound like a solid body breaking, and in less than a breath, it completely shattered, turning into little afterglow and dissipating.

None of the blood swords that Ran Lin Tianfei slashed were damaged, but the light was slightly dimmed, and he rushed towards Han Feng as usual.

Han Feng's face turned pale with shock. In the past, when the sword was broken, such a situation had never happened before. He no longer hesitated, turned around and left, one step was hundreds of feet.


Ran Lintian made a cold voice, stretched out his hand and pointed, and the forty or fifty swords of blood suddenly condensed into a large sword. The blood was so bright that it was more than ten feet in size. It chased Han Feng with lightning speed, and it was almost a thousand feet in one breath. far.

Even, he was still not at ease, so he was about to set off to pursue the past himself.


Suddenly, there was a whistling sound, and Long Min drove five purple dragons to catch up. Without any extra words, he immediately took the opportunity to attack Ran Lintian.

Now Ran Lintian is her biggest enemy, and also the biggest obstacle to whether she can successfully obtain the petals of the Necromancer Flower. She didn't come here deliberately to rescue Han Feng, but she just wanted to have more chances to sneak attack him in such a situation. That's all.

"Long Min, do you want to die!"

Ran Lintian was interrupted again and again, and at this time he was also extremely annoyed, and shouted violently.

After saying this, he turned around abruptly, once again condensed a large blood-colored sword more than ten feet in size, and slashed at Long Min fiercely.

Long Min's face was serious, he didn't dare to be negligent, he flipped his hands ten fingers, and under the quick tactic, five purple little dragons were connected end to end, forming a shield-like appearance, which grew rapidly, and turned into tens of feet in size, blocking the blood-colored dragon. Before the big sword.

There was a loud bang, and the blood-red sword failed to break through the purple shield formed by the five dragons, but was bounced back instead, making Ran Lintian's expression extremely ugly.

Ran Lintian straightened his face, and grabbed the void with his right hand. As if he was controlling the bloody sword, the light suddenly increased, and it turned into a giant sword more than a hundred feet long in an instant. Xiang Longmin.

This blow was even more terrifying, but Long Min still gritted his teeth and resisted. At the same time, a giant purple dragon began to condense behind her, leaped out, and bit towards Ran Lintian!

Ran Lintian had to focus on it, circled with his left hand, and more blood swords appeared all over his body, rushing out like a blood wolf to face the purple giant dragon.

Just as the two of them were fighting fiercely, Han Feng's side was finally glued to another bloody sword!

The big sword is ruthless, cutting down without any emotion!

With his back facing this sword that surpassed the strength of a monk in the Returning Yuan Realm, Han Feng could not resist at all.


He let out a loud cry, turned around resolutely, and punched out, even without the help of Xiantian Qi, his Batian Fist was still overbearing and boundless, and he met the bloody sword!

The blood-colored great sword suddenly seemed to fall into a quagmire, with many obstacles, rubbing against it and emitting flames all over the sky, splashing in all directions, gorgeous and brilliant.

It's a pity that even so, the bloody sword was still slashing down unswervingly, and an inexplicable force enveloped Han Feng's body, making him unable to move.

Seeing that he was about to be buried by the bloody sword, a ray of white light suddenly appeared between his brows, which was wrapped around him like lightning, and his whole body became blurred.

The big sword rumbled down, the ground began to crack, and the air waves shook the sky, but they couldn't touch him, as if he was not in the same space as in an illusion.

With a loud "bang", the great sword slashed down completely, and a long gully appeared on the ground, spreading hundreds of feet away. The dust blew up the sky, destroying an unknown number of giant trees.

After a long time, the dust fell and the forest returned to calm, but Han Feng's figure disappeared.


Ran Lintian controlled another big bloody sword to fight fiercely with Long Min, and at the same time released his soul power to cover all directions. After checking the direction of Han Feng, he couldn't help but whispered to himself.

Long Min also showed a strong cultivation of soul power. When he couldn't detect Han Feng's aura, his complexion changed slightly, but soon he became like an ancient well without waves. fight.

In fact, they all had doubts in their hearts, but at this time they were inseparable from each other, and they couldn't think deeply about it.

At this moment, in the ruins of the dense forest, Han Feng's illusory body finally solidified, and he successfully escaped. At the same time, under the cover of the big residual talisman, he became invisible again, avoiding the soul power of Ran Lintian and Long Min. search.

Han Feng secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Just a moment ago, fortunately, he immediately unleashed Batian Fist to block the bloody sword, which gave Zanfu time to unleash such a powerful move.

However, this trick of illusion itself seems to be a great consumption of the residual talisman, and the light it emits is dimmed, so it must not be able to be used in a short time.

Han Feng adjusted his breath a bit, then sneaked over, his target was the Necromancer Flower, because the residual talisman was still swaying, in his mind, only the Necrotic Spirit Flower could attract the residual talisman's attention.

Although he was hiding, his speed was not slow at all. He floated into the air and moved towards the area of ​​the Necromancer Flower like a gust of wind.

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