The pink smoke is extremely powerful, instantly dissolving the black light that blocked the surrounding area, successfully breaking through Long Min's seal, and at the same time submerging Ran Lintian's bloody sword, dispelling it without a sound .

What's even more powerful is that the pink smoke changes, and a beautiful and coquettish face emerges from it, followed by a swan-like neck and a towering chest. After a while, her upper body appears in front of everyone. In front of him, but only one arm was condensed.

"It's really comfortable to be out of the mortal womb at last, hehe!" She said with a smile on her face.

And at this moment, the pink smoke that originally permeated all directions also quickly gathered back, supporting her below her like a thick cloud, which was about ten feet in size, and merged with her as one.

Her body, the Undead Flower, was hidden in the pink smoke and disappeared without a trace.

"Hmph, it's just a defective product, it's perfect!" Ran Lintian snorted coldly, even now, he was still full of confidence.

As he said that, he waved his hand, and a large blood-red lightsaber condensed out, rushing to her in unison, as if he wanted to kill her with the sword.

The witch transformed by the Necromancer Flower remained unmoved, and raised one hand, and gently drew a circle in the air with her slender fingers, a snow-white flower emerged, rapidly growing in size, and turned into dozens of flowers in the blink of an eye. About ten feet in size, it hit those bloody sword lights like a hill.

With the sound of "rumbling", a large piece of blood-colored lightsaber shattered, but it failed to break open the giant flower.

The snow-white flower continued to fly forward, and it was still twirling. The four petals blew a gust of wind like wind leaves. There was a continuous sword intent, unparalleled in sharpness, and the air was blown out a series of ripples. To Ran Lintian and Long Min.

Ran Lintian and Long Min felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and they used their own methods to resist.

Ran Lintian took out a long sword for the first time, and with a strong shake, he stabbed out repeatedly. In conjunction with the bloody light all over his body, hundreds of sword lights burst out instantly, meeting the continuous sword intent stirred by the snow-white flowers.


A strange sound spread, and bursts of destruction breathed out in the sky.

Ran Lintian's sword glow and Necromancer Flower's sword intent confronted each other fiercely, and they were no match for each other.

Long Min still took defensive measures, with a slight movement of his wrist, the Eight Dragons Seizing Pearl Disk floated up, landed on top of her head, and dropped layers of purple light, surrounded by eight dragons, looming.

Even the continuous sword intent of the Necromancer Flower could not shake her defense, as if she was standing still despite the wind from east to west, north and south.

Han Feng hid in the sky, but was also affected by these lingering sword intents, so he had no choice but to dodge and float into the extremely high sky, only fifty or sixty feet away from the sea of ​​ghosts with dense leylines on the top.

Those earth vein ghosts are countless, ups and downs, not aware of Han Feng's existence at all, but they are still falling down all the time, merging into the position of the dead spirit flower below, even if her body is hidden, it will not prevent her from devouring these Terrestrial ghost.

Han Feng's eyes flickered, and he looked thoughtfully at the condensed pink mist below her, feeling a little strange, especially when looking down from such a high place, it seemed that something was being conceived there.

But at this time, she exuded a majestic aura, covering the world, and the continuous sword intent spread out from the snow-white flower she cast. Han Feng did not dare to sneak in rashly. If he was careless, he would find out I don't know what the consequences will be.

Even with the broken talisman body protector, Han Feng didn't dare to make this bet for the time being.

Fortunately, at this moment, Remnant Talisman seemed to have sensed danger or something, and there was no abnormal movement, floating quietly in the depths of his soul sea, as if silently waiting for an opportunity.

The snow-white flower displayed by the Undead Flower lasted for half a cup of tea before finally dissipating. Although it did not cause any substantial damage to Long Min and Ran Lintian, it also drove them back several tens of feet.

More importantly, she bought a lot of time for herself, and unknowingly devoured tens of thousands of ghosts in the leylines. The thick pink smoke below her became more condensed, not only did not become bigger, but it became more dense. It shrunk and moved, as if something was beating.

Long Min and Ran Lintian naturally also discovered this, and suddenly turned their heads to look at each other, seeing the worry in each other's eyes.

"We can't delay any longer!" Ran Lintian looked a little anxious, and sent a sound transmission to Long Min through the air.

Long Min was silent, did not answer, just nodded slightly.

The next moment, she took out a talisman from the storage ring. As soon as it appeared, it emitted a scorching talisman light, as dazzling as the scorching sun. If an ordinary monk was here, his eyes might be burned.

Long Min clasped his hands together, let go of this talisman, it flew up by itself, suspended in front of her chest, as her ten fingers moved together, after one seal formula was entered into this talisman, its talisman light gradually concentrated, a large amount The aura of heaven and earth swept in and surrounded her body,

After a while, the aura of heaven and earth condensed into a ball, suddenly emitting a brilliant white light, like a rising sun, fused with the talisman on her chest, and suddenly burst out a more powerful light, shining in all directions.

How could the Necromancer Flower allow her to activate this talisman smoothly, and immediately waved her only left hand, and once again condensed a snow-white flower, shining brightly like a bunch of brilliance, it directly turned into nearly a thousand lightsabers, and moved towards Long Min Slashing, it is stronger than the previous sword intent!

Naturally, Ran Lintian would not just sit idly by, and immediately galloped over to block Long Min's front. The long sword in his hand moved continuously, and blood-colored sword lights gushed out, blocking nearly a thousand lights from the Necromancer Flower. sword.

Long Min's eyes flickered, looking at Ran Lintian's back, she thought of taking this opportunity to attack Ran Lintian, but she dismissed the idea in an instant, because the other party dared to come to support her, she must be on guard, even if she really If he made a sneak attack, he would probably return in vain, but would completely annoy the other party, and let him attack himself in turn, and the tactics of attacking the Necromancer Flower would be completely defeated.

She took a deep breath, accelerated the speed to activate the talisman, the white light became more and more glaring, leaped out with a "huh" sound in an instant, jumped away from Ran Lintian in front, pulled out a long tail of light, and smashed it at the undead flower.

The white light spread out, filling the sky and the earth.

The hundreds of lightsabers used by the Necromancer Flower were melted, and nearly a thousand lightsabers were shattered in an instant, approaching the remnant body it transformed into!

For the first time, the face of the female body transformed into the Necromancer Flower showed a dignified look. She raised her left hand suddenly, stretched out her jade finger and pressed it on the center of her brow, and a bright light suddenly rose.

The next moment, she moved her finger away, and a bright beam shot out from between her eyebrows!

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