"Thousand Sword Talisman!"

It is a seventh-grade talisman, which is a large-scale offensive talisman. It is extremely powerful and difficult to avoid!

Han Feng recognized the talisman, raised his eyebrows, and was about to use all his strength to dodge when a warm current burst out of his body, repairing his body extremely quickly, and the internal trauma was wiped away. Empty, and let his cultivation base improve a little!

Such a miraculous warm current naturally only has innate qi!

Han Feng was overjoyed, and immediately looked up at Du Juan, seeing the sword light coming from the sky, suddenly raised his right hand, and punched out!

Tyrant Fist!

The difference is that this time there is a white aura lingering, flashing by, the shadow of the fist is boundless, but the meaning of the fist is infinite, the sword lights in the air collapse like a retreating army, and disappear in a blink of an eye.

The terrifying fist was pressing towards Du Juan like thousands of mountains!

Du Juan had seen Han Feng's punch before, and Han Feng had snatched her imitation sky bag at that time, so she knew that this invisible punch was very powerful.

Without any hesitation, she took out the brocade cloth the moment Han Feng raised his hand and punched it. After pushing it, the brocade cloth floated above his head, and a shining curtain of light fell down. , birds, beasts, insects and fish emerged on it, bursting out an astonishingly strange wave.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

A violent explosion sounded, spreading!

The shadowless and invisible punch attacked this layer of light curtain, distorting it immediately, causing ripples one after another, and bursting apart in a short while.


Du Juan yelled, and then the sound stopped abruptly. Her whole body exploded like a watermelon, with blood and flesh flying everywhere, which was too horrible to look at.

Her body was torn apart, but a wisp of thought was still hovering in the air, slowly spreading away.

"I, I hate..."

Her thoughts lasted for less than a breath, and then dispersed with the wind, completely disappearing without a trace.

It's no wonder she didn't hate it. In fact, she still had a few one-time rare treasures that she hadn't used. If she didn't think there was no need to waste them on Han Feng, perhaps such a result would not have happened.

Han Feng took a deep breath, and a look of surprise flashed across his eyes. He never thought that with the help of his innate energy, the Batian Fist could be so powerful. I can't even imagine it.

He quickly calmed down the excitement deep in his heart, jumped out of the big pit, went straight to the side of Du Juan's corpse, scanned his eyes, found her palm, and took it off without any politeness. She picked up her brocade cloth and longbow, and wandered around with her soul power. After finding that there was nothing left, she cast a fireball technique, and all her flesh was burned to death. Let her ashes return to ashes.

After doing all this, Han Feng turned his eyes and looked at the wooden houses in all directions. Although the power of his battle with Du Juan spread far and wide, there were still many wooden houses that were not destroyed.

Han Feng didn't hesitate any longer, and quickly walked around, scraping away all the golden bamboo strips on the wooden roof, leaving nothing behind.

When he walked to a wooden house next to him, he swept his soul power inadvertently, and suddenly found that there were dozens of little golden macaques hidden inside, each of which was the size of two or three fists, and the aura revealed was not Strong, which is equivalent to the level of mid-term gas reservoirs.

However, Han Feng knew that if these little golden macaques were transformed, their strength would increase greatly. Like them, their real combat power would probably reach the level of a perfect gas reservoir or even the early stage of returning to the original stage.

"It seems that these are their cubs!" Han Feng secretly guessed, after all, from his observations, the smaller the size of these little golden macaques, the stronger their strength and perhaps the older they are. These two or three fist-sized ones must be cubs.

Han Feng just swept them away without disturbing them. After quietly taking away the golden bamboo strips on the wooden roof, he walked away and chose the next wooden house.

His speed was extremely fast, as if the wind was blowing away, and within a hundred breaths, he wiped out the golden bamboo strips on the remaining nearly a hundred wooden houses.

He left here contentedly, and hurried back to the open space in the dense forest, where the dead spirit flower is!

The residual talisman was already swaying fiercely, obviously a little impatient, or noticed something abnormal, although it was quiet, the range it could detect was many times deeper than Han Feng's.

Even though Han Feng was in a hurry, he tried to hide himself as much as possible, hid in the dense forest, and peeped at the situation over there from the gaps in the branches and leaves.

In fact, he didn't need to peek at all, he could hear the sound of Long Min and Ran Lintian's battle from a distance, the loud noise was so loud that it could be described as earth-shattering. .

Han Feng was a little surprised. He didn't expect this to be the case. In his mind, Long Min would not be able to compete with Ran Lintian. Of course, her life would not be in danger. After all, she is also a direct disciple of Jiuxiao Palace. Such a trump card, at least there will definitely be a means of self-protection.

At this moment, the residual talisman in the depths of his soul sea became even more agitated, like someone who hadn't eaten for many days, exuding the emotion of extreme longing.

Yes, Han Feng felt that it seemed to have an emotion, which was unprecedented, which made him feel incredible.

"Brother Can, it's too dangerous, let's not go there, my little life is not enough for you to torment!" Han Feng looked inside with his soul power, and secretly communicated with Can Talisman.

Naturally, the residual talisman would not answer him, nor would it release its thoughts. After all, it was far from reaching that step, and what it showed now was more of an instinct.

"Why don't you bless me with magical power and make me invisible again?!" Han Feng bargained.

The residual talisman remained indifferent and continued to waver.

Han Feng stood still, but after a while, the residual talisman released bright white light, seeping from the center of his eyebrows, as if about to open the door of light and walk out from it.

Han Feng was taken aback, he still couldn't lose this residual talisman, not to mention other abilities, just that it could store things for him without being noticed by anyone, it was enough to make him reluctant to give up.

What's more, the residual talisman has many mysterious abilities beyond imagination, and it will be further repaired, and it will obviously become stronger and stronger, and he can benefit a lot from it.There is no room for loss of this thing, even if there is a price to pay.

As soon as Han Feng thought of this, he immediately walked forward and spread out his soul power to investigate at the same time.

I saw that Long Min pushed the Eight Dragons Seizing Beads Plate to a hundred feet of light, and five little purple dragons flew out from time to time, agitating billowing purple light, fighting fiercely with Ran Lintian's blood sword, but he was not at a disadvantage in the slightest.Mobile phone users please browse and read for a better reading experience.


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