Ran Lintian, who had been chasing Han Feng, couldn't help but paused, looked back, and whispered, "Eight Dragons Seize Pearl Plate!" As he spoke, his eyes showed an astonishing gleam, and he turned around suddenly, turning around and killing Long Min , the blood sword flew up and down all over her body, sometimes forming a formation, sometimes scattering, sometimes stabbing upwards at low altitude, and sometimes coming around from behind to sneak attack her.

Long Min's pressure increased greatly, so he had to hold his breath and mobilized the fourth purple dragon to deal with Ran Lintian.

At this moment, Han Feng was still hiding in the dense forest, but he did not suffer any harm, and his face showed joy, because the residual talisman in the depths of his soul sea was now extinguishing the residual light of the blood sword before. Swallowing it up can actually promote the healing of the last gap in its ninth branch line.

Even though it's just a trace, it's still progress!

Han Feng cheered up immediately, without any sign of timidity, and was about to rush out to help Long Min, when Du Juan suddenly rushed in, holding a longbow, pulling the bowstring, and shooting dark golden spears rapidly.

Han Feng dodged in a hurry, and the blood-colored giant tiger condensed out of him, opened up a large area, knocked over dozens of giant trees in the surrounding area, turned around and ran away without saying a word.

"Hmph, let's see how you escape this time!" Du Juan was overjoyed, thinking that Han Feng was probably injured.

She thought about it carefully, and thought it was right, just now Han Feng was chased and killed by Ran Lintian's bloody sword like a bereaved dog. Even if he managed to escape the seal in the end, he must have paid a huge price, otherwise it would be impossible to see her just ran away.It must be known that, apart from the many treasures on her body, Han Feng's strength is not weaker than hers, and he is even better than her. There is no reason for him to run away as soon as he met her.

"It must be an injury that cannot be recovered in a short time!" Du Juan was sure in her heart, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt so.

After a short period of healing just now, most of her body has recovered. After all, she has a lot of excellent panacea on her body. Presumably, with her current state, it is not difficult to capture Han Feng. Even if there is an accident, she is confident in escaping. !

In fact, it was also Ran Lintian who sent her the voice transmission, asking her to chase and kill Han Feng, otherwise she would not rush to come here after being wounded, at least she would only come after recovering more thoroughly.

Just like that, Han Feng and Du Juan ran wildly in the dense forest one after the other, arousing gusts of wind and overturning a large area of ​​giant trees.

Unknowingly, Han Feng went through the dense forest and returned to the wooden house area. He didn't care about three seven twenty-one, while rushing all the way, he casually collected the golden bamboo strips on the roof. When he rushed hundreds of feet away, Du Juan cast A talisman bursting out with bursts of talisman light wrapped around her and disappeared in an instant. When it reappeared, it stopped in front of him.

Du Juan didn't know when there was another dark red long arrow in her hand. She put it on the long bow and pulled the bowstring to the full moon. Take Han Feng's chest.

It appeared too suddenly, and it came too fast!

Even though Han Feng was on guard all the time, it was too late to dodge, so he had to bite the bullet and turned into a bloody giant tiger. Although it was only forty or fifty feet in size, it was extremely majestic, like a giant mountain lying between the sky and the earth. In the first time, several wooden houses around it exploded, and a large number of golden bamboo strips flew all over the sky, but they were not torn apart, which shows its tenacity.


The dark red rainbow flew towards it, engulfed in the spiritual energy of the sky, and hit the blood-colored giant tiger like a mountain, making a dull and loud noise, which lingered and lasted for a long time.

Massive air waves spread like white mist, shaking all the wooden houses with a radius of hundreds of feet, and none of them could be completely preserved. ring.

After a while, a figure flew out from the air wave, and retreated several tens of feet before stabilizing his figure. This person was Han Feng!

At this moment, his face was slightly pale, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth. It was obvious that he had suffered a lot of trauma in the confrontation just now.

Du Juan was extremely surprised, it must be known that her arrow caught her by surprise, and she used all her strength to do so, with super power, even in her heyday, the power she could achieve was nothing more than this.She thought that Han Feng would be seriously injured if he didn't die from this blow, but unexpectedly, it just broke his bodyguard, the blood-colored giant tiger, and he himself only suffered a little injury.

"I underestimated you. It seems that your cultivation has improved a lot in such a short period of time!" Du Juan said slowly.At this moment, her complexion was also extremely pale, and she quickly took out a green medicine pill from the storage ring and took it. After a while, her complexion turned slightly red, and she looked much better in an instant. His aura suddenly rose a lot, climbing all the way, it seemed to be even more terrifying than when it was in its heyday.

With a swipe, she took out a dark red long arrow again, nocked the arrow and drew the bow until it reached the full moon state, facing Han Feng from a distance, as if she was going to shoot it through in the next instant!

Han Feng was locked by his Qi machine, knowing that there was no way to escape, he held his breath and focused his attention, the Spirit Refining Vajra Art in his body was running wildly, and a blood-colored giant tiger only ten feet in size instantly condensed outside his body.

Concentration is the essence!

Originally, he could completely make the blood-colored giant tiger grow to more than two hundred feet, but under his deliberate control, it became only ten feet in size, the power contained in it was even more violent, and its defense power was also raised to a terrifying level.

Of course, this is the limit of what he can control at present!

At this moment, Du Juan let go of the bowstring, a red light flashed suddenly, Changhong shook the sky, and went to Han Feng's side in an instant.


The air wave soared into the sky, the white mist billowed, and a huge mushroom cloud spread out in the sky. It was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, exploding in the sky, and invisible sound waves filled the space between the sky and the earth. Another robbery with a radius of hundreds of feet, everything was destroyed. , Sweeping across, even the ground was sunken, leaving a large pit tens of feet in size.

After Du Juan shot the arrow, she withdrew and retreated, and her complexion became white again, her body shook slightly, as if her blood had been pulled out of her body in an instant, making her extremely weak.

After a long time, the open space returned to calm, leaving only the big pit looking up at the sky, as if silently telling the tragic blow just now.

Han Feng was at the bottom of the pit. He didn't fall down, but his whole body was covered in blood, and there were holes in his clothes, from which drops of blood flowed out from time to time.

With a flash of a figure, Du Juan came to the sky above the big pit and stood suspended. She glanced at Han Feng, and without saying a word, she quickly took out a talisman, and with a vigorous shake of her left hand, it immediately burned, and the sky filled with spiritual energy. Suddenly, hundreds of thousands of sharp swords appeared, with cold light shining, they rushed towards Han Feng in unison!

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