Lord of the Runes

Chapter 361 Blood Sword

These blood swords were extremely fast, almost catching up with the giant macaque in the blink of an eye, and at the same time dispersed, attacking its bottom.

The little golden macaques fought hard, besides manipulating the giant macaques to shoot out a large area of ​​golden light, they were also distracted to resist, and after a stalemate for two or three breaths, they also defeated six blood swords among them.

It's a pity that their tricks are too simple, they have only brute force, and they are not as agile as the blood sword. In the end, they were rushed into their camp by the remaining seven blood swords, and they suddenly broke into seven of them. Inside the little macaque's body, they couldn't move at all, even their eyeballs couldn't move, as if they were stiff.

As they fell, the giant macaque suddenly became uncoordinated, crooked, and almost collapsed.

Ran Lintian's eyes lit up slightly, and with a wave of his right hand again, a large number of blood swords emerged, skimming down like swimming fish, and directly darting into the bottom of the giant macaque, sealing more than half of them in one breath!


There was a roaring sound, and the giant macaque collapsed, and then turned into a little bit of golden light and dissipated.

"Blood energy condenses the sword, controlled by the mind, it really is the Heart Sword Sealing Technique!"

Long Min was slightly taken aback, and murmured in a low voice.

The remaining seventeen or eighteen little golden macaques immediately panicked and scattered like birds and beasts.

"call out……"

Nearly a hundred roots of the Necromancer Flower took the opportunity to rush down and assassinate all these little golden macaques, devouring their vitality and vitality, even the leader macaque with a strand of blood between his eyebrows Nor was it spared.

It's a pity that it thinks that it can turn the tide by gathering the power of all the monkeys, and get some benefits from it. It didn't expect to be clever but was mistaken by cleverness, and even its own life was involved. In the end, it still couldn't escape the fate of nourishment and became a nourishing death. Spirit flower items!


Ran Lintian was furious. Originally, these little golden macaques had other uses for him, but he was taken advantage of by the Necromancer Flower. No wonder he allowed himself to deal with these little golden macaques earlier in the morning. idea.

But then again, there is nothing he can do. The strength of the giant macaque condensed by the monkeys has almost reached the level of Guiyuan Dzogchen. Even at this moment, he has to go all out, but he looks relaxed. , actually spent a lot of energy.

Just for a short while, his aura increased a lot, and now he was full of confidence, his eyes were like lightning, and he stared coldly at the Necromancer Flower.

After the Necromancer Flower devoured the vitality of so many golden little macaques, its aura also skyrocketed, and the face on it became more solid and seductive, as if it was about to float out.

She smiled coldly, and suddenly opened her mouth and spewed out a cloud of pink smoke, which spread rapidly, covering a radius of hundreds of feet in an instant, directly covering the entire open space.

At the next moment, for some reason, a large number of earth vein ghosts above, as if they were attracted by some great attraction, fell in unison like moths to a flame, and rushed into the pink smoke in large numbers, without a sound, without a trace .

Han Feng and Long Min had no choice but to temporarily retreat into the dense forest and deploy means to defend.

Du Juan was seriously injured and couldn't dodge in time. She was enveloped by the pink smoke in an instant, but Ran Lintian's figure flashed, and he went to her side in an instant. The intrusion of pink smoke is isolated.


Du Juan yelled in a low voice, and luckily retreated quickly.

Ran Lintian turned his gaze, and suddenly looked at Han Feng and Long Min who were on the edge, and said with a sneer, "Both of you, should you fulfill the agreement?"

Han Feng and Long Min looked at each other across the air, they were silent, they just moved closer to each other silently, obviously they were going to join forces.

"Hmph, do you think you can fight me together? Are you being too naive!" Ran Lintian snorted coldly and said with disdain.

As soon as his voice fell, his figure flew out, drew an arc, and attacked Han Feng immediately.

His speed was extremely fast, he was in front of Han Feng in the blink of an eye, with a slight shake of his right hand, a bloody sword that was Zhang Xu long stabbed out, directly hitting Han Feng's chest.

Han Feng had seen the power of the blood sword before, so he didn't dare to take it hard. He took out the broken sword, without any hesitation, decisively poured half of his true energy into the sword, and slashed out. Hit on his blood sword.


There was a loud bang, and the light of the broken sword was extinguished, but Ran Lintian's blood sword only became dimmed a little, stopped for a while, and then continued to charge towards Han Feng.

It was the first time for Han Feng to encounter such a powerful attack, and he couldn't do anything about it even with the broken sword. He gritted his teeth and had no choice but to fly to the depths of the dense forest, trying to use the dense forest to hinder the opponent's blood sword.

Ran Lintian laughed, and raised his five fingers on his right hand to form a tactic. The sword followed his heart, and the bloody sword immediately changed its direction, chasing after Han Feng like a fish. When it encountered any giant tree, it would pass by without any effort. And the speed was extremely fast, it only took a short while to catch up with Han Feng and slashed down.

Han Feng was in the middle of the dense forest, like a light on his back, he had to turn around to deal with it. He stood up with a broken sword in his hand, and when there was no time to move, he suddenly stabbed out with the sword, just in time to hit the bloody sword.


The two phases collided and made a crisp and pleasant sound.

The next moment, the blood sword condensed with Ran Lintian's special power suddenly cracked, and then turned into wisps of afterglow, which were absorbed by the broken sword.

"Huh?" Ran Lintian frowned. He was connected with the blood sword, so he could naturally sense what was going on. His whole body is astonishing, like a sword god.

"Ran Lintian, if you procrastinate any longer, the Necromancer Flower will definitely become stronger and stronger. At that time, you will never get its petals again, and even you will be in danger!" Long Min chased over and said sharply.


Ran Lintian shouted coldly, and slashed with his hand. Thirteen blood swords around him rushed out, heading straight for Long Min, faintly forming a sword formation, and their power increased dramatically.

Long Min's face was calm, and at some point in his hand, there was a white jade plate-shaped object. When he looked carefully, there were eight purple dragons drawn on the surface, and there was a golden bead in the middle of the plate, which was the eight dragons. Bead map!

She tossed up the white jade plate slowly, flipped her hands and fingers, and the seal formula came out, and quickly entered it, and it suddenly lit up, and three purple dragons flew out of the light, and rushed directly into Ran Lintian. Among the sword formations laid down, the sword formations were actually stopped, and the two fought indistinguishably, they were no match for each other.

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