Lord of the Runes

Chapter 360 Mutations Repeatedly

Han Feng's figure swayed slightly, and he didn't continue to move forward. He just steered the blood-colored giant tiger across the sky to block the storm, and retreated tens of feet.

The same was true for Long Min, he didn't force himself, he seemed to be on guard against something.

The Necromancer Flower did not show mercy, every blow seemed to be going all out, and at this time, nearly a hundred roots were mobilized to shoot out, attacking them at the same time, even Ran Lintian, who was suspended in mid-air, would not let go .


Du Juan accelerated quickly, moved several hundred feet horizontally, and stopped the roots that were shooting towards Ran Lintian's side in the air.

Han Feng and Long Min also tried their best to block the rest of its roots and entangle it with all their strength, preventing it from getting close to Ran Lintian.

However, at this moment, a root tendril suddenly turned into a void, directly penetrated Du Juan's defense, and attacked her. It seemed that Du Juan would be pierced by the opponent in the next moment.

But the jade pendant around Du Juan's waist suddenly lit up, her body also became blurred, and there was a crystal-like dagger in her hand, and with a slow and steady flick, she cut off the other's root, It turned into ice in a blink of an eye, and then shattered.

Necromancer snorted, her eyes widened, and an astonishing wave of soul power spread out, condensed into a bunch, and stabbed at Du Juan like a sharp sword.

Du Juan was short of breath, and when her wrist was shaking, a brocade cloth appeared on her hand, on which were drawn birds, beasts, insects and fish. After she quickly injected the power of her true energy, she immediately floated up, expanded, and turned into a number in a blink of an eye. It is wide and wide, and a waterfall-like light curtain hangs down, and a large number of birds, beasts, insects and fish float on its surface, shining brightly, illuminating all directions.

The transparent beam of soul power pierced the light curtain, sparking all over the sky, but it just failed to break through the defense.

Du Juan hid inside, safe and sound, but her face turned blue and white. It was obvious that maintaining this light curtain was extremely exhausting, even if her cultivation level was close to that of the middle Guiyuan stage.

The Necromancer Flower did not give up, and continued to intensify its attack on Du Juan's side, just because it sensed that Ran Lintian's aura was getting stronger and stronger.

While driving the blood-colored giant tiger to attack the Necromancer Flower, Han Feng spread his soul power to cover the surrounding area.

At this moment, Ran Lintian hadn't absorbed the drop of true blood, but only absorbed the aura in it. The aura in his body was as strong as that in the late stage of Guiyuan, and the aura in his body soared, sparking a burst of lightning.

If he completely absorbed that drop of true blood, wouldn't he be able to surpass all of them!

Han Feng's expression didn't change, but he was secretly vigilant in his heart, and he couldn't help but quietly retreated a little distance.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Long Min retreating a certain distance, as if she also sensed something was wrong.

But Du Juan still gritted her teeth and persisted, desperately guarding Ran Lintian, which was very surprising.


Suddenly, the Necromancer Flower let out a cold cry, and strange fluctuations emanated from its surface, and a large number of ghosts of the earth veins in the sky moved abnormally, and a large number of ghosts settled down, like sea water falling from the sky, rushing towards Du Juan and Ran Lintian roaring. , as if to drown them!

Du Juan's eyes were as cold as lightning, and she opened her mouth suddenly to spit out a mouthful of blood, which was extremely red, and under her articulation, it suddenly turned into a blood mark, which floated up and was branded on the delicate brocade cloth, making it emit a clear brilliance immediately , those birds, beasts, insects and fish became clearer, there seemed to be a faint sound coming out, and an inexplicable force spread out.

A large piece of ghosts that fell down suddenly seemed to be sluggish, hanging in the air, and exploded in the next moment, all of them were wiped out, leaving nothing behind.

Han Feng and Long Min looked at each other across the air, and they both showed a little shocked look. They didn't expect Du Juan to be so powerful, with endless means, and blocked the fierce attacks of the Necromancer Flower one after another with the strength of one person.


Just at this moment, the group of little golden macaques on the ground suddenly burst into a shocking sound, and a giant macaque completely condensed by golden light stood up, it was more than 200 feet tall, and it was extremely powerful. Spread out, stir up the wind and clouds in all directions, and the aura is surging!

As soon as it appeared, its fists blasted out, and the shadows of the two fists collapsed like two mountains, or like a long river bursting its embankment, with extraordinary momentum!

But its target is not the Necromancer Flower, but Du Juan and Ran Lintian!

This startling change was so sudden that even Du Juan was caught off guard, and was sent flying by these two fist shadows. If she hadn't spit out a mouthful of blood and penetrated into the brocade cloth above her head at a critical moment, the horror would have been more than just being blown away So easy.


Du Juan vomited another mouthful of blood, and hurriedly turned her head to look at Ran Lintian.

Ran Lintian was unscathed. It turned out that he had already swallowed the drop of real blood, and his body was surrounded by a thick blood light, which spread for several feet, forming an invincible protective light curtain, which blocked the giant ape's double fist bombardment!

At this moment, no matter how stupid they were, Han Feng and Long Min knew that Du Juan and Ran Lintian had a deep relationship.

Han Feng made a decisive decision, flew back tens of feet, stood in the air, stood on the edge of the dense forest, and watched the changes.

The remnant talisman in the depths of his soul sea is still hanging quietly, he can't just leave here, otherwise it will have to make trouble!

Long Min also flew back to the edge of the dense forest. He didn't continue to attack the Necromancer Flower, but he didn't leave either. He obviously had some means and was not afraid of any opponent.

"Hey, you all have to die!"

Ran Lintian's aura is getting stronger and stronger. At this moment, it has reached the level of Guiyuan Dzogchen, and it is still soaring. His eyes are shining, and he makes a cold voice.

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pressed down, and a cloud of spiritual energy gathered, instantly forming a dark purple spear, more than a hundred feet long.

The next moment, the spear flew out in an instant, and pierced through the giant ape below with a swipe, leaving a big hole in its chest.

However, the giant ape also recovered very quickly. It almost recovered in the blink of an eye. It opened its mouth and yelled loudly, and its fists blasted out again. The shadow of the fist was like a mountain, and its momentum was even stronger than before.


Ran Lintian looked disdainful and didn't use any weapons. With a wave of his right hand, the bloody light rolled back, and bloody swords sprang out one after another, slashing in the air above the two fist shadows.

In an instant, the two fist shadows collapsed and disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared before.

However, there were still more than a dozen blood swords that Ran Lintian waved out, and he continued to rush towards the giant macaque with a roar. In a few flashes, he rushed in front of it, swiped in unison, and slashed down in the air!

Naturally, the giant macaque would not sit still. Under the joint control of the little golden macaques below, it moved sideways two to three hundred feet with a whoosh, barely avoiding the blows of these blood swords.

The corners of Ran Lintian's mouth curled up slightly, and with a slight movement of his fingers, the blood swords suddenly changed direction, and chased towards it, sticking to the ground, and went straight to the little golden macaques below it.

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