Lord of the Runes

Chapter 357 Root Thorn

At this moment, it can be said that the three parties are vying for the vitality of the small mountain bag storage, and each will not give in!

Although Han Feng is in the same camp as Remnant Talisman, he also knows that only when his own strength improves can he have the power to protect himself in a real sense. Everything outside is temporary and cannot last long!

Perhaps, it is also because of this that the residual talisman has been unable to completely repair the ninth branch line for a long time, and the last gap is becoming more and more difficult to cross. Every step forward will consume a huge amount of vitality. The pure vitality gives it a chance to recover.

Time passed by, and seeing that the small hill was about to collapse completely, turning into life and being scraped off by the three parties, at this moment, dark golden spears shot straight at Han Feng's back.

Han Feng was always vigilant, his soul power enveloped his body, and when he saw these dark golden spears, he immediately controlled the blood-colored giant tiger to slap its claws.

"Bang bang bang..."

A series of explosions spread, and all the dark golden spears collapsed one after another, none of which could break through the defense of the blood-colored giant tiger.

In the dense forest, a beautiful figure came out. Huo Ran was the delicate woman who attacked Han Feng before. At this moment, her pretty face was frosty, holding a longbow in her left hand, and pulling the bowstring in her right hand. The lines were condensed by dark golden light The spear flew over a distance of more than a hundred feet, and continuously shot at the blood-colored giant tiger that was transformed behind Han Feng.

There was no expression on her face, she was very calm, she attacked while walking forward, as if she was going to take this opportunity to kill Han Feng.

Since the small mountain bag was about to disappear completely, and Necromancer Flower was busy completing her final evolution, the pressure around her was greatly weakened, making her move quickly, and in a short while, she came to a position less than [-] feet behind Han Feng.

She stopped, and suddenly reached out to touch the storage ring, a dark red long arrow appeared in her hand, placed on the bowstring, her index finger, thumb and middle finger stretched out, twisted the arrow tail side by side, and suddenly pulled the bowstring Pulling to the full moon state, the spiritual energy from the sky gathers and condenses at the front end of the arrow. It is gorgeous and brilliant, but it only illuminates a few feet around, as if it is highly concentrated.

"call out!"

A sharp sound spread, and the long arrow turned into a rainbow light, and it went to Han Feng's back in an instant.

At this moment, Han Feng still couldn't dodge, and was fixed in front of the Necromancer Flower by the residual talisman. Its hanging roots were clearly visible, and it was extracting the last remaining black light from the small hill.


With a loud noise, Han Feng leaned forward involuntarily. The blood-colored giant tiger behind him was hit by the arrow, but it didn't collapse. It just left a huge hole in its abdomen, almost piercing through it, almost touching it. To Han Feng's body.

And that arrow was firmly grasped by the blood-colored giant tiger's claws, preventing it from going any further.

Han Feng opened his mouth and spat out a big mouthful of blood, which directly sprinkled on the roots of the Necromancer Flower, and was completely swallowed by it.

He felt a little dizzy. The power of this long dark red arrow surpassed the power of the middle stage of Guiyuan. If it weren't for the special place here, the vast sea of ​​ghosts and dead spirit flowers in the sky would affect everything around him all the time, hindering people from all directions. Everything, and he just happened to be promoted to the middle stage of Fuhu, otherwise he would never be as simple as just spitting blood.

"See how long you can last!" The delicate woman's face turned pale, obviously the blow just now had consumed a lot of her vitality.

The next moment, she suddenly took out another long arrow, which was also dark red, like some kind of specially-made arrow, emitting a faint light that made one's heart palpitate.

She took a deep breath, nocked and pulled the string again, and was about to shoot the second sharp arrow!

Just at this moment, a long purple dragon flew out of the slanting stabs without any warning, and arrived in an instant, opened its huge mouth, and devoured towards her.

too suddenly!

If she insisted on shooting arrows at Han Feng, it would be too late to dodge the bite of the purple dragon. No matter how strong she was, she would not dare to take the risk, so she could only snort fiercely, turn her heels, step back, and draw the long arrow at the same time, like Slashing out like a long sword, a bloody light emerged, blocking the purple dragon like a wall.

With a loud "bang", the purple dragon collapsed, and the bloody wall also shattered, neither side took any advantage.

"Who!" The charming woman's wonderful eyes turned, holding a long arrow, sweeping across the four directions, with a look of anger.

"Du Juan, if you can come in here, is it possible that I can't come here?" A hundred feet away from the side, a figure emerged, dressed in a lavender dress, with a jade nose and a jade face. The square thing is Long Min.

"Hmph, so it's your eldest lady of the Long family. What gust of wind brought you here to rescue this kid? Could it be that you two have an affair? Hehehe..." The charming woman snorted coldly, then raised her eyebrows, and giggled again Laughing non-stop.

"Little goblin, do you think everyone is as shameless as you in Hehuan Valley?" Long Min responded with a sneer, keeping his composure.

"Stop talking about these useless things with me. In a word, are you going to be my enemy?!" Du Juan looked at Long Min coldly, as if she was about to fight if she disagreed.

Long Min remained silent, and suddenly looked at the area where Han Feng was.

In just a few words, the small hill disappeared completely, and the roots of the Necromancer Flower stretched out and scattered out, attacking Han Feng and their two daughters.

Han Feng was in a hurry, but the Remnant Talisman finally loosened his restraint, allowing him to move freely.

Seeing that he was in danger, he would not stay where he was, so he immediately retreated several tens of feet. At the same time, he raised his right hand, and the broken sword appeared in his hand out of thin air, and immediately swung a white and brilliant sword The awns intercept the roots that come towards the necromancer flower thorns.

"call out!"

Unexpectedly, the roots of the Necromancer Flower suddenly turned into illusions, pierced through directly, passed the broken sword's light, and continued to stab at Han Feng!

Han Feng was shocked and was at a loss. When the residual talisman in the depths of his soul moved slightly, a ray of white light came out from between his brows, like a spark of fire, hitting the roots of the Necromancer Flower. , which made him tremble suddenly, and suddenly shrank back, not daring to chase Han Feng any more.

Long Min and Du Juan were also attacked by the roots of the Necromancer Flower. Facing its magical ability to transform the void, they were amazed and launched their own methods to resist. Fortunately, they were far away and possessed various treasures. Finally, he hid in the dense forest one step ahead of time and escaped unharmed.

Although the Necromancer Flower did not catch up to the three of them, the roots scattered in other directions hooked the five hidden monks with the sound of "dong dong", both men and women, all of whom were exposed at this moment.

They were terrified and tried their best, but only one person escaped successfully, the other four were all pierced by the roots of the Necromancer Flower, and their vitality was swallowed up.

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