Han Feng was naturally aware of this scene, but he was powerless to stop their actions. Now that he was bound in place by the broken talisman, he could only speed up to absorb the vitality stored in the small mountain bag. If the broken talisman successfully repaired the ninth branch line, maybe He will be free again.

The three little golden macaques were extremely fast, and within a few breaths they rushed to only a few feet away from the hill. They were so excited that they launched a series of attacks towards Han Feng.

With a thought in Han Feng's mind, the blood-colored giant tiger turned around suddenly, waving its claws, and the blood-colored light blade shot out like thousands of swords at the same time, blocking the attack of the three little golden macaques. Unabated, he rushed to them and overturned them.

If it weren't for the thick coercion of the small hill here, which also weakened his attack power, otherwise they would suffer even greater trauma.

The macaque with a strand of blood-red hair between its eyebrows showed an anxious expression on its face, which was very anthropomorphic. It screamed "ga" and waved again, ordering the rest of the macaques behind it to rush forward.

A large group of golden macaques swarmed up and came to a distance of ten feet behind Han Feng. Even though they were weak, they went all out and rushed towards Han Feng with the strongest attack.

It's a pity that no matter how they attacked, Han Feng intercepted them. Although his face became paler and paler, under the nourishment of vitality, his state quickly returned to its original state!

In just over a dozen breaths, the small mountain bag became smaller, almost "thinned" by more than half, and it was no longer round, but turned into a pillar, which looked a bit unique.


The macaque with a strand of blood-red hair between its brows got angry, and led the last six macaques, rushed over, took the lead and came to the small hill, only three feet away from Han Feng.

Without any hesitation, it stretched out its hand with sharp claws, and slapped it out. The golden light was mighty, and there was a faint red glow. Situation!

Han Feng became cautious, controlled the blood-colored giant tiger behind him to get out of his body, rushed to meet it, and collided violently with its attack!


With the sound of the explosion and the tumbling air, the macaque with a strand of blood-red hair between its eyebrows was shaken away, retreated a few feet away, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Han Feng's blood-colored giant tiger also became dim and black, with a pair of claws disappearing, and more than a dozen cuts appeared on its body, but it did not collapse after all.

Han Feng said "wow", and uncontrollably spewed out a mouthful of blood, sprinkled on the smaller hill, and was instantly absorbed by it.

The Necromancer Flower seemed to be relieved for a while, the light suddenly lit up, emitting a strong suction force, fighting to regain a small half of the black light, and its light diffused along the way, covering a range of tens of feet again in the blink of an eye!

It seemed to be conscious, it didn't focus on "taking care" of Han Feng, but instead focused on the frail little golden macaques.

The snow-white light flickered suddenly, as if it was breathing heavily, and with lightning speed, it emptied the vitality of the weakest little golden macaques.

"Yeah ah..."

Those little golden macaques the size of a fist let out a shrill scream, billowing thick smoke from their bodies, a large amount of vitality completely disappeared in one or two breaths, boo boo boo, a series of crisp sounds spread, and their bodies exploded directly Come on, become a blood dance, and be swallowed up by the dead spirit flower stickily!

The remaining little powerful golden macaques were inexplicably terrified and retreated one after another.

But at this moment, the Necromancer Flower has awakened and has its own consciousness. How can we keep them away? The snow-white light descends, wrapping those little golden macaques the size of half a fist, like a pair of invisible big hands clenched and crushed. Like, with a crackling sound, more than a dozen of them died one after another, turning into a cloud of blood mist and being drained of all vitality by the Necromancer Flower!

The macaque with a strand of blood-red hair between its brows had already activated its spiritual intelligence. At this moment, its face was full of disbelief, its eyes wide open, it stared at the Necromancer Flower, and kicked with both feet, breaking through the obstacles under the Necromancer Flower cloth. He quickly fled to more than a hundred zhang away, and finally escaped to the sky, but it also became extremely weakened, and more than half of his blood was sucked away by the Necromancer Flower!

With the vigorous vitality of so many living beings, the radiance of the necromancer flower became even brighter, and the massive ghosts in the sky were attracted by the invisible, pouring down again, widening the passage to twenty or thirty feet in size, and endlessly flowing into the dead. The interior of the spirit flower!

I don't know how its interior is structured, so that it can accommodate such a majestic ghost. Even if the ghost is invisible, it is still huge, as if it has an independent space inside!

Han Feng was secretly anxious, but he was powerless to stop the Necromancer Flower, so he could only protect himself and not let his vitality be taken away by the other party.

The Necromancer Flower seemed to be afraid of the existence of the residual talisman, so it didn't attack him, but went all out to absorb the ghost into its body and accelerate its own evolution.

Han Feng's mind turned, but he didn't understand why the other party swallowed life while absorbing ghosts. It seems that there is some kind of deep meaning behind life and death, but unfortunately he couldn't understand.However, he faintly felt that if he fully understood, perhaps his realm would no longer stay at this stage.

After the power of the Necromancer Flower increased greatly, the black light it drew also increased greatly, making it even stronger.

The residual talisman in Han Feng's mind was not to be outdone, and the eight branches on its surface suddenly lit up. In the illusion, the mysterious heaven and earth emerged, and the extremely terrifying suction force gushed out, and the black light emanating from the small mountain bag suddenly became brighter. Most of them flowed into the mysterious world sacrificed by the residual talisman!

Faced with this level of power, the Necromancer Flower can only barely maintain its absorption capacity.

As soon as the two sides exerted force, the small mountain bag became smaller and faster, and it was "lost" by one-third again in a short while!

Han Feng was exposed to a lot of residual talisman light, and absorbed more and more black light, causing the blood-colored giant tiger outside him to fully condense once again, with a majestic aura and become more solid.


The Spirit Refining Vajra Technique in his body suddenly sped up, and the blood-colored giant tiger suddenly doubled in size, forcefully opening up the power of the Necromancer Flower, and then continued to grow, becoming more than two hundred feet tall, towering like a mountain!

The middle stage of crouching tiger!

Han Feng was secretly delighted. In this situation, he didn't dare to show his sharpness recklessly. He quickly shrunk down the blood-colored giant tiger, allowing it to contain it without opening it, and it returned to a size of more than ten feet!

After his strength increased greatly, the amount of black light he could get increased by several tenths, continuously seeping into his flesh and blood, allowing him to further consolidate his cultivation.

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