Lord of the Runes

Chapter 358 Heart Sword Sealing Technique

Han Feng retreated to the edge of the dense forest, watching the four people from a distance quickly become a skeleton, his expression changed slightly, but there was nothing he could do for a while.

He spared some energy to look inside the soul sea, and saw that the residual talisman was still suspended in the depths of the soul sea, and the ninth branch line on its surface was still not completely repaired. It seemed that it was not giving up, emitting a soft white light, as if waiting what chance.

"This is the full bloom of the dead spirit flower?" Du Juan emerged from the dense forest again, staring at the dead spirit flower floating in the air tens of feet high. With countless roots, each root can engulf a ghost, and swallow hundreds of ghosts with every breath, but it seems to be never satisfied, and I don't know why it does this.

"But it doesn't look like it. According to ancient records, every nine Jiazi years, a dead spirit flower will be born in this kingdom of dead spirits, but there has never been such a gaffe like the current one!" Du Juan seemed Knowing this place very well, he suddenly shook his head and said to himself.

"That's because it hasn't had enough to eat, and most of the vitality of the small hill accumulated over the years has been snatched away!" The monk who successfully escaped from the attack of the roots of the necromancer flower also appeared. She has a broad face, with sword-shaped eyebrows, and looks a little older, with a few strands of white hair on her temples.Holding the long sword in his hand, he glanced coldly at Han Feng and said with a sneer.

Han Feng also glanced at him, only felt that his aura was calm and silent, but the evil spirit in his eyes could not be hidden, obviously he was also a man who had experienced many battles.

"It's you, Ran Lintian!" Du Juan turned her head and looked at this man with a devilish expression on her face.

Long Min in the distance also turned around and looked at this person, his eyes were also slightly shocked, it seemed that this person's identity was extremely extraordinary.

"Didn't you already die? During the last death trial!" Du Juan asked.

"I was lucky enough to survive, so don't mention the past!" The man said coldly.

"Perhaps, we can cooperate and take this opportunity to successfully capture this necromancer flower. Each person will be able to share a petal, so that we can be promoted to the alchemy realm in the future!" Ran Lintian said leisurely suddenly.

Han Feng's heart moved slightly. As expected, this Necromancer Flower can make the monks in the Yuanyuan Realm go one step further and increase the chance of being promoted to the Alchemy Realm.

It's right to think about it, otherwise Qiu Huahua would go to great lengths to disclose this secret, ask so many people to help her find this kingdom of death, and ask everyone to pick this dead spirit flower.

It's just that she probably didn't expect that the strength of this necromancer flower is by no means something that ordinary Guiyuan monks can compete with. Even if she came here in person, I'm afraid she might not be able to succeed!

Although she is now a strong person in the late stage of Guiyuan and even the consummation realm, if she really wants to fight, if she doesn't have the ability to counteract the power of the Necromancer Flower to extract the vitality of life, she will probably suffer and lose in the end.

"Where is the opportunity for Qiu Huahua to achieve the heavenly rank and return to the original? Did it fall on this dead spirit flower, or was she just talking nonsense and deliberately fooling us?" Han Feng looked up at the sky, looked at The ghosts filling the sky, as well as the dead spirit flower that crazily devoured the ghosts, muttered secretly.

"How do you want to cooperate? The Necromancer Flower is not easy to mess with. If you are not careful, you will be sucked into a mummy by it!" At this moment, Du Juan pondered for a long time before slowly opening her mouth.

"Many years ago, someone had defeated it alone and picked its four petals back. That person was my great-grandfather, who is now the sword spirit Taoist of Wanjianmen, Ran Yaohui!" Ran Lintian smiled confidently. Say it word by word.

"Although I'm not talented, I still have a way to limit the devouring power of this necromancer flower, but I need everyone's help!" After a pause, Ran Lintian added with a smile.

"How to help?" Du Juan asked.

"It's very simple, as long as you help me contain it for a short period of time and allow me to get close to it, I can use the family secret method to seal part of its ability. Even if I can't take it down, it is still no problem to limit its devouring ability Yes." Ran Lintian said lightly.

"What secret method?!" Long Min in the distance suddenly asked in a cold voice.

"Hey, everyone hasn't agreed to me yet. If you suddenly let go of the water while I'm performing it, wouldn't I be in danger? I don't dare to sacrifice my life for such a thing!" Ran Lintian laughed.

"Hmph, as long as you have enough reasons to convince us, we will naturally agree. If you are not honest enough, how can we agree!" Han Feng snorted and said slowly.

Long Min and Du Juan also nodded and stared at Ran Lintian.

"Forget it, why not just tell you about it!" Ran Lintian smiled slightly, and continued: "My family's secret method is the Heart Sword Sealing Technique created by my family's ancestors. Using the method of the secret formation to form a sealing technique, once it is successfully injected, even the old monsters in the alchemy state will be restricted to a part of their abilities, and even cause them to temporarily stagnate!"

Han Feng was taken aback when he heard this, he had never heard of the word "mind force", so he could only look at Long Min.

Long Min and Du Juan were born in a well-known sect with a wide range of knowledge and a special status. They can read many important classics in the sect, but they have a deep understanding of this point.

The two girls pondered for a while, looked at each other from the air, and nodded in unison.

Long Min said, "Okay, I promise you."

Du Juan nodded slowly and said, "Count me in."

Ran Lintian was overjoyed, then turned his head to look at Han Feng, showing a faint smile, and there seemed to be a strange light in his eyes.

Han Feng looked at the three of them and knew that if he didn't agree, he might be in danger. They couldn't let him stay here, and he couldn't even leave here. After all, only the dead can guarantee that they won't interfere with their plans.

"Since the two beauties dare to agree, no matter how bad I am, I have to stay and fight to the end, otherwise, who will protect the safety of the two beauties, haha!" Han Feng said with a smile on his face, and spoke unhurriedly. He made a joke, and pretended to agree easily.

Hearing this, Long Min gave him a hard look.

Du Juan was smiling like a flower, and said slowly: "Boy, you dare to joke about my old lady, be careful that I will marry you, haha!"

"Hehe, it's a pity that I already have someone in mind, otherwise I will marry you, a little fairy!" Han Feng said with a calm expression, hehe smiled.

Ran Lintian watched coldly, clapped his hands suddenly, and said with a smile: "Okay, if you want to flirt, after the matter is over, let you play, don't be in a hurry, let's get down to business first!"

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