The young man in the red robe suddenly came to his senses and ran towards Han Feng. After all, he is a soul cultivator in the subtle state, and his soul power is much stronger than Han Feng's. get.

That brawny man seemed to have also been informed by the red-robed boy, and he also hurried towards Han Feng.

Han Feng had consumed a lot just now, so he immediately took out a bottle of elixir and took it, then ran forward, he didn't want to get entangled with these two for the time being.

"Haha, you can't escape!" The strong man transmitted his voice through the air, and his voice was like thunder, rumbling in Han Feng's ear.

Han Feng's speed was not bad, but the two of them used some secret technique to make them faster, and they overtook them in less than a cup of tea.

As soon as the strong man came over, he unceremoniously swung his double hammers at a distance of more than a hundred feet, and struck at Han Feng's head.

The ferocious wind raged, and while the spiritual energy was tumbling, two huge hammers appeared out of thin air, exuding light blue light, like two big mountains, attacking Han Feng's body, the focus was on his head .

Han Feng snorted coldly. He didn't transform into a golden dragon and a giant tiger. Instead, he touched the storage ring lightly, and four fire spear amulets instantly appeared in his hand. , four fire spears nearly twenty feet long came out in unison, divided into two sides, and shot at the two giant hammers!

"The light of the fireflies dares to compete with the sun and the moon!" the strong man shouted violently, as if he felt that Han Feng didn't pay attention to his blow, his face was full of anger.

Sure enough, the four fire spears were snapped off by the giant hammer in just an instant, turning into fragments of afterglow, and continued to hit Han Feng with almost no loss.

Han Feng looked calm, and shook his hands slightly. More than a dozen Fire Spear Talismans appeared in his hands out of thin air. The spear of fire turned into an illusion, arousing aura all over the sky, surrounding him, like a hedgehog blocking in front of the two giant hammers!

"Boom boom boom..."

The giant hammer fell and collided with each of the fire spears. In an instant, six of the fire spears broke, and the momentum soared to the sky, forming strange circles of light one after another, and humming.

Immediately afterwards, although the sledgehammer was slightly damaged, it continued to push forward and broke the remaining seven fire spears, setting off a small storm that raged for a radius of nearly a hundred feet. With Han Feng as the center, the desert sank several feet deep. Flying sand and rocks cover the sky and the earth.

However, the spiritual energy around Han Feng did not dissipate, like a thick layer of sponge, it blocked the two much dimmer giant hammers, and made a dull sound from each other, spreading all over the field.

After a while, the giant hammer collapsed and dissipated, with a little bit of green light, annihilated with the wind.

Han Feng was unscathed and his face was calm. With a swipe, he retreated hundreds of feet, raised his head and glanced at the other party, his brows were still faintly shining.

There was a look of surprise on the strong man's face, obviously he did not expect this result. After all, in his opinion, no matter how many fifth-grade talismans, using them to defend against his giant hammer is a stupid idea of ​​seeking death.

"Again!" Unconvinced, the strong man threw the hammer in his hand into the air, and it rose against the wind. It became more than ten feet long in an instant, and he made a tactic with both hands, and behind him a phantom of a giant tens of feet tall came out of thin air. Emerging, grabbing his double hammers, a large amount of real energy was poured into it continuously, bursting out a terrifying breath, and suddenly hit Han Feng.

The phantoms of the two giant hammers rushed towards them like cannonballs, bringing up two long blue flames, swirling the wind and clouds in all directions, enveloping a large amount of sand and dust, covering the sky and covering the earth.

Han Feng's hands had already moved ahead of time, and he took out 33 fifth-grade talismans from the storage ring, which were still fire spear talismans. Under the urging of his soul power that was ready to go, all the fire spear talismans seemed to burn instantly, and swarmed The ground turned into a long giant spear of fire, traversing the sky, lined up in front of him like a battleship, ready to fight!

At the same time, auras from all directions gathered to form clouds, surrounding Han Feng, like a loyal guard, resisting everything!

The next moment, two giant hammer phantoms with a size of several tens of feet thundered from the front, directly hitting the surrounding fire spears, and twenty fire spears shattered in an instant.

However, the shattered fragments of the fire spear triggered a fierce flame storm, forming a new layer of defense in front.

The phantoms of the two giant hammers broke through this layer of defense in one fell swoop, but when they encountered the air mass, they were blocked immediately, rubbing against the air mass, and blazing.

"Break!" The strong man yelled violently, and took a step forward, and the phantom of the giant followed him forward quickly.

One step was hundreds of feet, and he came directly to Han Feng. Under his control, the giant phantom held a sledgehammer and hammered at Han Feng with both hands.

All of a sudden, there was a stormy sky, and the situation changed.

"Explosion!" Han Feng shouted coldly, and the remaining thirteen fire spears suddenly exploded, setting off violent waves of fire, driving more spiritual energy to gather, making the air mass around him even larger, as if A high mountain of spiritual energy wraps it tightly, which is more than two hundred feet high.

The strong man didn't hesitate, and still violently hammered down.


The two sledgehammers fell almost at the same time, so there was only one earth-shattering sound, but they failed to perform any work, nor did they trigger any violent fluctuations in the world. Their power was absorbed by the air mass around Han Feng's body.

"How is it possible!" The strong man was amazed, he really couldn't understand that even a real mountain would disintegrate under his two hammers and become a pile of fragments.

But the fact is that Han Feng was still unharmed and hiding in the thick air mass, looking at him coldly!

"I don't believe it anymore!" The strong man ignored the sharp consumption of the real energy in his body, and continued to urge the phantom of the giant to swing the double hammers, hitting the air mass around Han Feng with a bang bang bang bang.

Han Feng didn't take it lightly. He took out the Fire Spear Talisman again and deployed it again and again. He didn't choose to attack the opponent, but spread it around and exploded one after another, triggering more spiritual energy from heaven and earth to gather to fill up the consumption of his air mass.

For a while, the two of them were deadlocked, and it was hard to tell the winner for a while.

The red-robed boy in the distance stopped to watch, his eyes flashed a bit of understanding, and he suddenly shouted: "Brother Gan, he turned out to be a formation mage, and he is using the fire spear talisman as a guide to build an inexplicable defense formation." , you just need to wait for all his fire spear talismans to be consumed before you can break them with strength, he can't do anything to you!"

Hearing this, the strong man speeded up and hammered the air mass around Han Feng, as if he would never stop.

"Hmph, who said I can't do anything to him!" Han Feng suddenly snorted coldly, and took out all the Fire Spear Talismans in the storage ring in one go.

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