Han Feng also understood that the forest maze was not as good as the current mist maze, and whether it could be broken successfully could only be tested by practice.

He sat down cross-legged, took a deep breath, and silently adjusted his state to the best before he took out a piece of purple talisman paper, as well as talisman pen and talisman ink.

He spread out the talisman paper with his left hand, dipped the pen in his right hand, and began to draw.

According to the talisman path he had explored before, he went all the way down, and soon came to the final stage smoothly.

There are also two mountains of resistance lying side by side at the rear, leaving only a little room for him to move around. The space is really limited, and there are extremely high requirements for his technique.

Without any hesitation, he immediately resorted to the method of ingenious differentiation and the method of brute force to open the mountain. Both ways, only two muffled bangs were heard, and the two mountains of resistance almost collapsed at the same time!

His talisman paused at the end, and made another stroke!


A strange sound came from the purple talisman paper, which trembled slightly, as if it was under great pressure, but the quality of the purple talisman paper was superb, and it emitted a lavender light by itself, which perfectly took over.

In the void, there was a sudden resonance, waves of spiritual energy spread out, and a large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy surged in. In the blink of an eye, a wave of spiritual energy like flowing water was condensed, crimson, crazily pouring into this purple talisman paper. Under the confinement of the talisman road, the spiritual energy condensed in the talisman line, shining brightly, and finally the entire talisman paper burst into dazzling talisman light, soaring into the sky, triggering a more intense wave of spiritual energy, swarming like waves, Pour them all into this fifth-grade talisman!

After tens of breaths of time, the aura of heaven and earth gradually returned to calm. The talisman path on the purple talisman paper was surrounded by red light, and the talisman light spread out layer by layer. monk.

So far, the fifth-grade talisman fire spear talisman has been completed!

Han Feng let out a big mouthful of turbid air, and finally let go of his hanging heart, a smile appeared on his face.

He put away this fifth-grade talisman, and immediately took out another piece of purple talisman paper, and then continued to draw the fifth-grade talisman, which was also the fire spear talisman, and he was the most proficient in this kind of talisman.

Time flies, and three or four hours have passed without knowing it.

Han Feng became more and more proficient at drawing the fifth-grade talisman and fire spear talisman. He drew nearly a hundred pieces in one go. Except for three failures in the first dozen or so pieces, the rest were all successful. The entire area is in a state of violent fluctuations in aura.

However, after such a long time, he still failed to break the maze. Obviously, the shock caused by his drawing of the fifth-grade talisman was not enough to break the maze!

And there were less than [-] pieces of purple talisman paper left in his hand. He felt a little anxious, but he didn't give up, and continued to draw the fifth-grade talisman fire spear talisman unremittingly.

He was sweating profusely, and the speed became faster, one after another, without any pause.

Moreover, it seemed that the enormous pressure made him unleash a potential beyond imagination. At this moment, there was no mistake at all, and each piece was drawn perfectly, causing violent spiritual energy fluctuations, and a loud rumbling sound erupted in the sky, deafening.

After drawing three more Fire Spear Talismans in a row, a storm formed in the sky and lasted for a long time, causing a special celestial phenomenon, faintly accompanied by lightning and thunder.

Han Feng's eyes lit up, knowing that his speed had an effect, he immediately spread his left hand regardless of the sweat all over his body, and a piece of purple talisman paper appeared on the ground and spread out quickly.

Holding the talisman brush in his right hand, he dipped it in ink, and quickly wrote on the talisman paper, alternating and changing various techniques, and finally completed it in one go, drawing successfully again!

In the sky, the storm that was already turbulent became even bigger, and a large amount of spiritual energy gathered there, and at the same time rushed towards this newly formed fifth-grade talisman fire spear talisman.

Han Feng became more unrestrained, and let go of the fifth-grade talisman in his hand, allowing it to absorb spiritual energy by itself.

He immediately took out a new piece of purple talisman paper, moved quickly, and started drawing again.

At this moment, the time seemed to become urgent, and it passed so fast, as if half an hour had passed in the blink of an eye.

With hands like the wind, Han Feng drew thirteen fifth-grade talismans one after another without any pause in the middle, and the aura he aroused was extremely powerful.

The storm had grown into a size of hundreds of feet, setting off a fierce wind and stirring up the world.

What's even more frightening is that this storm is irreversible, and it is automatically absorbing the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth, as if it is breaking the maze.

Fearing that he would miss this opportunity, Han Feng just raised his head and glanced at the storm, before continuing to draw on the remaining purple talisman paper!

A quarter of an hour later, the remaining six pieces of purple talisman paper in his hand were all consumed, and all of them were converted into fifth-grade talisman fire spear talismans, making the storm in the sky seem to add fuel to the fire, becoming more magnificent and bigger, Covering thousands of feet!

Han Feng was directly below the storm, and was blown by the strong wind, his clothes rattled, even his physical body felt a burst of stinging pain!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

One after another lightning flashed in the storm, setting off a burst of thunder, which rang skyward and lasted for a long time.

Han Feng looked up at the sky, his expression slightly nervous. He was not afraid of the storm, but worried about whether it could successfully solve the maze.

After a while, the storm expanded even bigger, covering a radius of three thousand feet, and a gap gradually appeared in the center, as if it was about to open the sky, and a ray of light slowly appeared from it.

Han Feng was overjoyed, knowing that he had succeeded, this maze was finally solved by him!

Sure enough, after this ray of light, thousands of rays of light burst out from it, and the center of the storm expanded sharply. Goodbye to the outside world!

The sky outside was still gray, but compared to the interior of the maze, it was still much brighter.

After the middle part of the storm opened, the entire maze began to disintegrate quickly, and the fog receded like a tide. It came suddenly and went even more suddenly, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Han Feng looked around and found that he had already left the maze of mountains and was now in a desert.

Suddenly, a "bang" sound came from far away.

Han Feng's eyes flickered, as if he had a clear understanding, he immediately dispersed his soul power, covering a range of six or seven thousand feet, and suddenly saw the red-robed boy three thousand feet away.

I saw him with a dazed face, holding a long halberd, and the blade of the halberd was still glowing brilliantly. The sound just now came from his attack on a certain open space.

Han Feng ignored the red-robed boy, turned to the left, and soon found the figure of the burly man. This man was farther away, more than 5000 feet away, holding two large Hammer, with an angry and tired look, obviously was trapped in the maze before, which also caused him a lot of tossing.

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