Lord of the Runes

Chapter 342 1 enemy 2

Han Feng released scorching light from the center of his brows, with seven colors indistinct. At the same time, his hands released thousands of strands of true energy, pouring them into the fire spear talismans together.

In an instant, more than 50 fire spear talismans all lit up, and in an instant, they turned into giant fire spears, roaring and rushing to the sky above the strong man, exploding one after another in the bang, and a large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth swarmed in and condensed into balls After a while, it turned into a small storm, with lightning and thunder, covering it like the end of the world.

This change came too suddenly, the strong man was startled, and he didn't dare to neglect, he immediately urged the giant phantom to strike upwards with hammers in both hands, triggering a large cyan light, like a sea of ​​sea against the sky And above, it collided heavily with the storm above, roaring endlessly.

The two sides were in a stalemate, setting off countless vigor hundreds of feet long, cloud roads, and lightning bolts!

Not a moment later, the light of the giant hammer lost to this small storm, retreated steadily, was suddenly dropped by the storm, and hit the giant phantom hard, crackling.

The strong man let out a muffled grunt, retreated violently, and steered the phantom of the giant away hundreds of feet away, his breath weakened a lot.

The red-robed boy froze for a moment, looking at the scorched giant phantoms, his face was full of disbelief, and he did not expect such a result.

Instantly activate the formation?

He had never seen such an array mage before, so he couldn't help but glance at Han Feng a few more times.

"Hmph, let me see how many fire spear talismans you still have!" The strong man put away the phantom of the giant outside him, glanced coldly at Han Feng, and snorted heavily in his nostrils.

Han Feng remained indifferent, still immersed in the comprehension of using the Fire Spear Talisman to establish the formation just now. He also learned something from the storm that broke the maze, so he was able to see the way for the first time, otherwise it would be difficult to be without a teacher Self-knowledge, without systematic learning, it is extremely difficult to get started with the formation method, much more difficult than the way of talismans.

In other words, the way of talismans is just the foundation of a formation, and monks who don't understand talismans naturally cannot build formations.

"Boy, don't be arrogant!" Seeing Han Feng completely ignoring him, the strong man couldn't help being annoyed. He held the sledgehammer in both hands and ran straight away. In a few steps, he rushed to Han Feng, jumped high, and hit the hammer with both hands. , It seems that Han Feng is going to be blasted into pieces!

At this moment, the aura around Han Feng's body gradually dissipated. If he was hit by his hammer, he would be seriously injured if he did not die.


As the wind howled, Han Feng slid dozens of feet across, dodging the opponent's heavy hammer, but Shamian suffered a disaster. His double hammer immediately created two bottomless craters, setting off a sandstorm, covering the world.

A phantom of a golden dragon formed on Han Feng's body, protecting his whole body, blocking the large expanse of sand and soil, and making a hissing sound.

"Die!" The strong man attacked again.

He was holding a heavy hammer, one hammer after another, the speed was extremely fast, and with his body skills, each blow spanned hundreds of feet, forcing Han Feng to sacrifice the bloody giant tiger to fight against him. There was a deafening sound, and the violent wind swept through everything, sweeping across hundreds of feet, pushing all the way across, leaving ravines and potholes in the area with a radius of thousands of feet.

The red-robed boy had long been hiding far away, but Han Feng didn't know whether it was on purpose or not, he would move to his side every time and start a fight with the strong man, which brought him a lot of suffering, and even almost got caught by Han Feng several times. Even if he escaped successfully, he was still seriously injured.

At this moment, Han Feng came to his side again, ignoring the strong man's obstruction, controlled the blood-colored giant tiger, and slapped it with one claw. The strange energy imprisoned him in all directions, locking him in, making him unavoidable!

"Your grandma, you really think I'm a sick cat!" The red-robed boy was furious, and quickly made a tactic with both hands. A large cloud of fire suddenly condensed above his head, and walls of fire emerged out of thin air, blocking the attack of the blood-colored giant tiger.

"Puff puff……"

Like an invincible god of war, Han Feng rushed straight through the sea of ​​flames, smashing through nine walls of fire, and stabbed at the red-robed boy with one claw.

The red-robed young man was in a hurry, his hands were condensed into a seal, and a fire lion appeared in front of him, stretching out his claws in the blink of an eye, blocking the claws of the blood-colored giant tiger!


The loud noise spread, and the air wave soared into the sky. The fire lion was vulnerable and exploded in an instant.

Han Feng didn't pause at all, he stepped forward with one step, pressing on the red-robed boy.

The red-robed boy's face turned pale, and he took out the golden shield at the first time, and after crazily injecting the power of true energy, it grew rapidly, and in a blink of an eye it became tens of feet tall, blocking the claws of the blood-colored giant tiger!

There was a rumbling sound, and the golden shield trembled violently, crumbling, and the red-robed boy was struck by lightning, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

However, the claw of the blood-colored giant tiger was finally intercepted, which made the red-robed boy heave a sigh of relief.

Han Feng remained expressionless, and with a swipe, he took out the broken sword and was about to swing it out.

But at this moment, a burly and strong man chased after him, and a blood-colored giant tiger was also condensed outside his body, which was close to the size of a hundred feet. Accompanied by the strong wind, he bumped into him head-on, as if he wanted to externalize Han Feng The giant tiger knocked over.

Han Feng snorted, turned his wrist lightly, then turned his heel suddenly, turned around, and slashed at the strong man with his sword.

The bright and shining sword light flew out, invincible, directly passed through the barrier of the blood-colored giant tiger that had transformed from the strong man, and approached his body.

He was taken aback, raised the sledgehammer in a panic, crossed his hands, condensed layers of blue light, and blocked the broken sword light.


After a loud bang, all the strong man's defenses were broken, and the light of the broken sword slashed fiercely on his double hammers, leaving two deep sword marks. The strong man also flew out.

The strong man snorted, stood up quickly, and looked at Han Feng in disbelief. Only now did he realize that what the red-robed boy said was true, the radiance of the broken sword was truly invincible, and it had already surpassed Han Feng. Too much, if it wasn't for his heavy hammer being a high-grade elemental weapon, and the externalized blood-colored giant tiger weakening the power of the sword glow, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

His heart was pounding, and he couldn't help thinking of retreating, but his face was calm and composed, and he said: "This is interesting, let's strike again!"

Han Feng stared at the strong man, saw that the other party was calm, and there was a little tangled look in his eyes, he knew that the other party was afraid, but Han Feng himself also had difficulties, his sword just now took out one-third of his true energy, If there is another sword strike, he has to increase his strength a little more to be effective, then there is not much power left in his body.

In this unfamiliar environment, without the ability to defend yourself, the risk will increase dramatically!

But now is the critical moment of the game between each other, Han Feng knew that he could not hesitate at all, and made a decisive decision to slash the next sword light!

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