Lord of the Runes

Chapter 325 Undead Kingdom

Han Feng let out a mouthful of turbid air, and his blood flowed a lot. Then he released his soul power, found the storage rings of Fushang and the man with the broken arm, and quickly put them in his bag.

After doing all this, he diffused his soul power out, but found that within four or five thousand feet, Ling Fen was nowhere to be seen, and he didn't know where she was fighting Shi Hai.

He couldn't help being a little worried about her safety. After all, the disciples of these big sects have trump cards, such as Fushang, who has mastered the secret technique of condensing the Golden Crow. If he hadn't used the Batian Fist in time, he might be the one who died in the end !

Even though Ling Fen is also a direct descendant of the great sect, he probably won't be in danger, but he still has to go and have a look in case something unexpected happens.

But just when he was about to leave this place, within the range of the soul power, there was a spot of sewage, a clear light suddenly appeared, which was extremely dazzling.

Han Feng was a little surprised, and immediately flew over there.

It was not far away, only about a thousand feet away, and within a short time of breathing, he went to that location, but the clear light disappeared, and there was nothing but the slightest trace of bubbles in the sewage pool. Didn't find out either.

"It's strange, it can't be my illusion!" Han Feng landed and scratched his head, expressing his surprise.


The bubbles of the sewage on the ground exploded, making a crisp sound.

Just at this moment, that brilliance suddenly reappeared, and the range expanded rapidly, covering Han Feng in the blink of an eye.

Han Feng was startled, and his reaction was quite unpleasant. He moved hundreds of feet horizontally at that moment, but he still couldn't escape the shroud of the clear light.

After a while, this piece of brilliance disappeared, coming and going quickly.

Han Feng turned his head and looked around, and found that he was no longer in the original swamp, but in a wilderness.

Gray sky, gray grass, and gray land.

Everything here seems to be made of gray, and the whole world is as silent as death.

"This is the mysterious space fragment I've been looking for?" Han Feng was extremely surprised, he never thought that he would enter the mysterious space fragment that Qiu Huahua said in this way.

Perhaps it was because they fought a big battle before, disturbing the aura of heaven and earth, and Ge Cong cast a space teleportation talisman, and at the same time he also punched that domineering boundless punch, which can be described as a shock to the world!Under the urging of various factors, this mysterious space debris has just been opened again!

He stabilized his mind, immediately released his soul power, and tried his best to stretch it out, extending to a radius of five thousand feet, but he couldn't find anything else, except for wild grass everywhere.

He didn't panic, and was immersed in the sea of ​​soul again. He carefully checked the map and the relevant descriptions about this place, compared them with the actual situation one by one, and finally confirmed that there was no problem, so he walked forward.

According to Qiu Huahua, this place is called the Necromancer Kingdom. It is a special country formed by the condensation of ordinary space fragments after absorbing a large amount of necromantic energy. It is full of dangers, and ordinary people cannot set foot here.

When she came in that year, she hadn't broken through to the realm of Guiyuan, and she only wandered around the outer area for a while, but she also gained a lot, and basically collected all the energy of the earth veins needed to break through to Guiyuan, otherwise With her combat strength, if she competes with others outside, she may not be able to succeed.

It's a pity that when she was successfully promoted to Guiyuan, she could no longer find this mysterious country.Moreover, what is even more irritating is that she was unable to cultivate and break through in this place, because the aura of heaven and earth was not enough to support her, and she only reluctantly used the space teleportation talisman to leave this place after careful consideration.

Later, she returned to Sanyemen, and after several times of checking various materials, she found that there was a dead spirit grass in the depths of this mysterious country. After careful analysis, she guessed that there was a chance to be promoted to the heavenly rank and return to the Yuan, and the value was so great that it was unbelievable. .

But she also had no chance to enter the Death Canyon to get it, so she did not hesitate to leak this information and entrusted Han Feng and others to come in and find it, on condition that she needed to pick a dead spirit grass for her.

As for the function of the dead spirit grass, she kept her mouth shut and did not disclose it at all.

Han Feng also tried to find out the origin and function of the Necromancer Grass before, but he failed in the end. After all, his identity was unable to consult higher-level information.

Of course, he didn't dare to consult Murong Can, otherwise Qiu Huahua would definitely know about it, and it would be terrible at that time!Qiu Huahua has repeatedly emphasized that no one should leak the secrets, or they will be killed without mercy!

"It must be something that has an important effect on her alchemy." Han Feng secretly guessed in his heart, standing still on the spot, holding two top-grade spirit stones in his hand, quickly replenishing his true energy.

Just as he was thinking this way, the gray sky was suddenly filled with wind and clouds, the incomparably thick gray clouds were rising and falling like waves, and gray lightning flashed by one after another, shaking the heavens and the earth.

Immediately afterwards, a huge gray funnel of air flow descended from the sky, almost connecting to the earth. The strong wind blew three feet away, and the sky was covered by dust storms.

The next moment, the ghosts of the earth veins rushed out one by one, thousands of them, as if they woke up at the same time, their heads all emitted brilliant crystal lights of various colors, completely illuminating this gray world!

It's just that the murderous aura was extremely strong, rushing towards Han Feng all at once!

Han Feng was very surprised. Seeing such a change, his scalp felt a little numb, and he didn't dare to resist. He immediately ran to the side, trying to rush out ahead of time with his super speed before they formed an encirclement circle!

However, just as he rushed five or six hundred feet away, another gray funnel of air flow appeared in the sky ahead of this position. Amidst the rumbling noise, a large area of ​​earth vein ghosts emerged, completely blocking his way!

Annoyed, Han Feng turned his heels and immediately changed direction, still not giving up his plan to run away.

But as soon as he turned around, a giant gray funnel of air flow appeared in the sky behind him. Along with the dust soaring into the sky, thousands of ghosts of the earth veins also spread out, forming horns with the other two ghosts, and gradually Surround it.

Han Feng snorted, and before they were completely closed, a flash of light emanated from his body, and he shot out like an arrow from the string, directly targeting one of the gaps.


In the gray sky, another giant gray airflow funnel poured down, directly sealing this gap!

Han Feng didn't pay any attention to it, and rushed straight over, his whole body glowing, a phantom of a golden dragon only thirty or forty feet in size emerged behind him, protecting him as he rushed into the army of earth vein ghosts.

"Boom bang bang..."

The ghosts of the leylines exploded like bubbles, unable to stop his pace at all!

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