Many earth vein ghosts were in a mess, disturbing one after another, all kinds of crystal lights flickered, and within two or three breaths, dozens of them were shattered by Han Feng's impact.

Just at this time, the ghosts of the surrounding earth veins quickly gathered to fill the gap.

Moreover, in the distance, they began to overlap and condense, and in a blink of an eye, they turned into three giant ghosts with a height of nearly a hundred feet, with a scorching light emitting from their heads, shining in all directions, with a majestic aura.

"Bang bang bang..."

These three giant ghosts floated in, but caused the air around them to make violent noises, like the beating of a big drum, shaking the heavens and the earth, and the momentum soared to the sky.

The rest of the ground vein ghosts, which were several feet in size, continued to rush towards Han Feng bravely, blocking his steps.

Han Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, his soul power unfolded, and he didn't make any moves. The fire above his head suddenly flashed, and a two-foot-sized fire seal was instantly generated, and rushed out with a roar. Wherever he passed, all the ghosts of the earth veins were powerless to resist Half of it, everything disappeared without a trace like melting ice and snow, returning to nothingness.

After being baptized by the power of subduing the tiger and the power of true essence, although his soul power did not break through to the subtle state, it has also been raised to another level. At this time, the soul sea has expanded to more than 6000 feet. , the soul power is wide enough to cover an area of ​​more than six thousand feet, even a small city can be completely covered.

According to his perception, these three giant ghosts are a little stronger than those giant ghosts who came to attack Ling Fen on the night of breakthrough, especially since they gather a large number of ordinary earth vein ghosts on their bodies, their power is even stronger , each of them is no less than the peak level of the late Guiyuan stage.

Fortunately, the stronger they are, the harder it is to fuse with each other. Otherwise, there must be an existence in the realm of mortal Guiyuan perfection. At that time, even Han Feng would have to retreat three feet.

At this moment, the three giant ghosts rushed to Han Feng, separated by three to four hundred feet. They suddenly waved their illusory hands, pouring out a large piece of crystal light, blocking his fire mark, and the sound of hissing came out violently. With a burst of force, cloud roads emerged one after another, smashing a large number of ghosts in the surrounding tens of feet, screaming continuously and deafeningly.

Without hesitation, Han Feng circulated the Spirit Refining Vajra Art in his body, and a huge blood-colored giant condensed outside his body. He continued to run forward, with a magnificent momentum, shaking the sky and shaking the earth, setting off a sonic boom. Caught in the frantic storm, those ordinary ghosts of the leylines collapsed one after another, completely powerless to resist.

A large number of earth vein crystals emerged, all of which were pulled over by Han Feng and collected into his pocket.

The next moment, the air storm created by the blood-colored giant tiger collided with the sky-filled crystal light swayed by the three giant ghosts. There was a bang, and dazzling rays of light shot out. The earth sank immediately. A huge deep pit appeared, and the huge boulders flew into the air, and then turned into dust, flying one after another.

Han Feng's body swayed slightly, but he still tightly held the two top-quality spirit stones with both hands, never forgetting to absorb the pure spirit energy!

The three giant ghosts opened their mouths and let out shrill screams, the voices were like knives, extremely ear-piercing, and invisible forces spread over, completely ignoring the energy barrier of the blood-colored giant tiger, descending on the place where Han Feng's body was, and deriving The phantoms of peerless beauties seemed to make him fall into a sinking state, trying to break through his sea of ​​souls!

Han Feng stopped in his tracks, looked at his nose, nose, and heart, calmed down, remained completely unmoved, and guarded the sea of ​​souls.

The phantom of the peerless beauty shattered with a bang, and suddenly turned into thousands of needles that pierced Han Feng's eyebrows with a little crystal light.

Han Feng's forehead was in unbearable pain, and he had to burst out strands of soul power to resist it, but his soul power seemed to be far inferior to the energy level of these long needles, and with a few puffs, they were broken one by one.

Han Feng's face changed slightly, but he didn't panic. He calmly contracted the released soul power and condensed it into a shield, but it still didn't help. He still let these long needles enter his soul sea.

These long needles immediately rushed towards Han Feng's soul fire seal, as if they were about to kill him!

Just at this moment, a piece of brilliance flashed out without warning, blocking in front of his soul fire seal. After these long needles pierced into it, it immediately disappeared like a mud cow into the sea, without even a bubble coming out. no trace.

But those three giant ghosts didn't know the result at all, they still let out bursts of screams indiscriminately, and the invisible soul power attacks continued to spread, but they all returned in vain, and were all absorbed by the clear light. clean and dry.

They bullied them, instinctively thinking that Han Feng had lost the power to fight again.

Han Feng came back to his senses, kicked out, and in the gust of wind, the blood-colored giant tiger outside him immediately stretched out a sharp claw, which was as big as a hill. A giant phantom was completely shattered, and a large string of earth vein crystals fell down, one of which was the size of an adult's head, and the rest were as small as a thumb, all of which were received by Han Feng.

The other two giant ghosts came to their senses and quickly retreated.It seems that they used soul power to attack, and that consumed a lot, and their aura was much weaker.

But it was too late, as soon as they had drifted over a distance of tens of feet, Han Feng drove the blood-colored giant tiger forward, and with a move of the tiger's claws, with a terrifying bloody light, he smashed the head of a giant ghost on the left. Smash it and take out a large number of leyline crystals inside.

The last giant ghost showed a terrified expression for the first time, like a rabbit whose tail had been stepped on, screamed again and again, retreated recklessly, and flew hundreds of feet in an instant.

Han Feng didn't pursue, instead, he took this opportunity to sprint towards one direction in the slanting stab, he rushed thousands of feet away in a few flashes, and successfully escaped from the encirclement of the ghosts of the long leylines!

All of this is cumbersome to say, but in reality, it takes less than ten breaths.

The ghosts of the surrounding earth veins reacted, and chased Han Feng like a torrent, with mighty waves and bright crystal light.

Han Feng's speed soared, running at six times the speed of sound, constantly pulling away from them.

But just when he escaped seven or eight thousand feet, a funnel-shaped airflow poured down from the sky in front of him again, rolling gray and shining crystals, and thousands of ghosts of the earth veins spread out again, intercepting them like a river , blocking his way again.

Han Feng snorted coldly, and suddenly threw away the two top-quality spirit stones in his hands that had become waste stones. The power of true energy in his body finally recovered half, and his whole body was full of vigor, and a phantom of a golden dragon that was more than a hundred feet in size emerged. , enveloping him, soaring into the air, rushing directly into the group of earth vein ghosts, slamming left and right, shaking their heads and tails, the golden light soared into the sky, and soon tore a hole from it, continued to rush forward, and disappeared soon in this area.

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