"Brother Fu, save me!"

Ge Cong looked at Fushang with a deep pleading look in his eyes.

"Junior Brother Ge, you didn't tell me and Shi Hai before that this guy possesses such a magic weapon, that's why you are being unkind. I won't get involved in your affairs, hehe!" Fushang changed his face very quickly, He folded his hands in front of his chest, watching the situation quietly, and obviously had no intention of leaving.

Han Feng was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that at this time, there would still be fighting among them, but this was a good thing for him. Immediately he raised his hand and pointed at Ge Cong, and a small golden dragon phantom appeared. Go to Ge Cong's body.

Seeing that Ge Cong was about to be penetrated by the phantom of the golden dragon, his figure suddenly became blurred, and bursts of teleportation force emerged from his body, distorting the void.

The phantom of the golden dragon passed through, but it missed his body. He was carried by the power of teleportation and sent to nowhere, before disappearing into the sky.

"He's a cunning guy. I didn't expect him to escape!" Han Feng wasn't too surprised. After all, the disciples of these great sects have many treasures to defend themselves. , otherwise let alone beheading them, I am afraid that even defeating them would be extremely difficult. He was able to kill that senior trainer so smoothly before, but the other party took it lightly and did not expect him to have a magic weapon like the Broken Sword That's all.

Fushang curled his lips, looked bored, glanced at Han Feng, and said indifferently: "The spoiler is dead, run, I can finally kill you quietly!"

Han Feng didn't have this arrogant guy, but he took out a few pills and took them in his spare time. At the same time, his soul power dispersed, and he found that Ling Fen and that Shi Hai were still fighting, and the battle was getting farther and farther away. will end.


Fushang snorted coldly and made a fist with both hands. A large number of flames sprang up all over his body again, ups and downs like sea waves, burning blazingly, and condensed into a ball in a blink of an eye, turning into a giant fire lion, which was more than a hundred feet in size. Looking up to the sky and screaming, although he couldn't make a real sound, the momentum was so strong that the sky shook, and the wind and waves rushed in all directions like a long river breaking its embankment.

"Fire Lion!" Fushang was extremely cold and arrogant, and waved at Han Feng.

The fire lion immediately swooped down and went straight for Han Feng.

Han Feng rubbed his body to dodge, and turned into a streamline in the air, with golden light shining like a ghost, every time he avoided the fire lion's attack.

Unknowingly, this situation lasted for a cup of tea. Fushang was furious, but he couldn't really hurt Han Feng.

Han Feng's speed was really too fast, six times the speed of sound, and Fushang was still a little behind in speed even if he was a leader in the middle stage of Guiyuan.

"Fight me head-on if you have the guts, what kind of hero is dodging!" Fushang cursed, while chasing, changing seals in his hands from time to time, and the flames around him also changed accordingly, sometimes as a lion, sometimes as an ape , and sometimes turned into a fire elephant, its power was infinite, and it knocked away Han Feng's defense several times, but Han Feng slipped away in time every time and failed to keep him.

Fushang lost his patience, and quickly formed a strange seal with his hands. The two hands seemed to be twisted together, and it hurt to look at him, but his aura suddenly rose sharply, and the whole body was radiant, and quickly turned into a pale golden color. Flame, a giant crow-like thing flashed out of it, lingering with a faint black-golden light, exuding terrifying energy fluctuations.

Han Feng was vigilant, and quickly pulled away a distance, tightly holding the broken sword in his hand.


Fushang swung his hands in circles, and suddenly pushed out, the giant golden crow-like beast behind him flew out immediately, spreading its wings more than a hundred feet wide, as if covering a piece of sky, and rushed straight towards Han Feng .

"call out!"

Han Feng looked calm, ready to slash out with a sword, sharp as snow, and the white broken sword's light flashed out, the power was not inferior to the opponent at all, and the aura of heaven and earth around him also swarmed, like Surrounded by emperors, they rammed into this golden crow-like existence.

In the next moment, the two phases collided, and an invisible energy burst out. They were stalemate in the air, giving off all kinds of brilliance. In the strong wind, sparks splashed, lightning and thunder.

As if the doomsday is approaching, the world will turn pale!

Not long after, the golden crow-like existence suddenly dissipated, and the glow of the Broken Sword also disintegrated, and all disappeared in the broken clouds and chaotic wind.



Han Feng and Fushang spit out a mouthful of blood at the same time, and their faces turned dark.

"Haha, let's see how much of your true energy can be extracted by this broken sword!" Fushang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, staring at Han Feng with a cold smile.

After saying this, without any hesitation, he used the trick just now again.

The Golden Crow reappears, and the wind is surging!

Han Feng's expression was ugly. He had consumed a lot in the previous battle with Ge Cong. After a lot of maneuvering and dodging, he bought some time to recover half of his true energy, but it was all exhausted just a moment ago. Now he There is only about [-]% of the power of the true essence left in the body, and it is really powerless to use the broken sword.

"In that case, then use it!" Han Feng murmured in a low voice, put away the broken sword in his hand, and suddenly closed his eyes, not knowing what he was planning.

"Pretending to be a ghost, looking for death!" Fushang's eyes flickered slightly, and he shouted coldly, and immediately urged the Golden Crow behind him to rush out again, covering a distance of hundreds of feet in the blink of an eye, and was about to devour Han Feng.

At this moment, Han Feng opened his eyes, and suddenly punched out without any warning.

An ordinary punch!

But a domineering intention suddenly rose up, and it seemed to break through the sky in a blink of an eye, spreading in all directions, and the world was tense, as if a mysterious force came to the world from the invisible, shocking all parties!

The golden crow-like existence also paused, as if it had hit an invisible wall, unable to take half a step forward, and stood frozen in the air.

The shadow of the fist is invisible, but its power is boundless!

Han Feng's fist was domineering and extremely swift. He came to the Golden Crow at this very moment, and slammed it hard!


The golden crow-like existence immediately cracked, then exploded and scattered with the wind.

It's too late to say, then soon!

Fushang was terrified and hurriedly moved to the side.

It has to be said that his reaction can be described as extremely fast, but he was still a step slow in the end. The shadowless and boundless fist hit his body, and all his defenses were rendered useless in an instant.


With a crisp sound, he exploded like a watermelon, turning into a cloud of blood mist, and soon disappeared completely, leaving no bones left!

Han Feng staggered a step in mid-air and almost fell from the air.

He took a deep breath, barely stood still, immediately took out a large amount of elixir and took it, and after a while of silent refining, he just recovered a little.

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