Ge Cong was pregnant with ghosts, and squinted at the two companions of Lian Shixiong. One was named Shi Hai and the other was named Fushang. , compared to Ge Cong himself, he is more than a little bit stronger, at least a small level higher.

Shi Hai and Fushang didn't know about these things, they were as confident as that senior brother Lian, defiant, even if they realized that Han Feng and Ling Fen were both low-level Guiyuan monks, they were confident.

Shi Hai snorted coldly, and said, "Why are you talking so much nonsense with them, kill!"

Fushang also showed a sneer, he didn't even bother to say anything, and directly attacked Han Feng and Ling Fen. As soon as he raised his hand, a large flame burst out of thin air, turned into apes, and rushed towards them with their teeth and claws.

Han Feng soared into the sky, his body shining with brilliance, and with a wave of his hand, dozens of small golden dragon phantoms faced the sky filled with fire apes. The sound, the surging air waves, inspired thousands of cloud paths, and there was a sharp sound.

Ling Fen also joined in, raised her jade hand, and a gigantic fire phoenix appeared behind her, flapping her wings suddenly, thousands of rockets flew out, as dense as rain, blowing up those fire apes in just a few breaths , and continued to shoot at the other four.

"Small tricks!" Shi Hai smiled lightly, took a step forward, and suddenly opened his mouth to spit out. During the surging air, a large amount of water vapor suddenly appeared in the air, and in the blink of an eye, a rainbow-like water wave was formed, suspended like the sea, and then Pressing down suddenly, not only blocked all the rockets, but also rushed towards Ling Fen like a mountain pressing down on him.

Ling Fen floated up, and the wings of the fire phoenix suddenly flapped behind him, and the speed increased sharply, rushing into the water wave above like an arrow from the string, the flames soared, and it evaporated completely in an instant.


Ling Fen rushed out from it, and the wings of the fire phoenix spread out again, cutting towards Shi Hai like a heavenly knife.

Shi Hai just woke up at this moment, his face was solemn, he folded his hands together, and quickly made a tactic, a ball of liquid liquid suddenly formed above his head, which expanded rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a mountain of water, lying in front of the wings of the fire phoenix .


With a violent sound, the two collided together, sparking sparks all over the sky, and the air waves surged like tides, and the cloud roads were disillusioned.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Ge Cong immediately waved his hand and released the power of his true essence, wrapping the monk with the broken arm and retreating.

But at this moment, Han Feng yelled loudly, and golden light exploded all over his body, shaking off Fushang's entanglement in one fell swoop, and rushed at top speed, chasing after Ge Cong and the others.

His speed was too fast, almost six times the speed of sound, and he caught up with the two of them within a few breaths. Without any nonsense, he struck out with both fists, and two huge golden dragon phantoms flew out and slammed into each other fiercely.

Ge Cong was extremely frightened, with a hint of fear in his eyes, he hurriedly gathered the power of his true energy, forming a wall of khaki-yellow light, which was extremely thick, and blocked the two giant dragons when there was no time left.

In an instant, a storm was set off, rumbling!

If Ge Cong hadn't tried his best to protect the man with the broken arm, he might have been strangled to death by the storm.

But even so, he still vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, which made him extremely annoyed, and cursed loudly: "You kid is dead, do you know who my father is? How dare you attack me again and again! "

Han Feng glanced at him coldly, and with a swish, took out the broken sword from the storage ring. Without any hesitation, he poured his true energy into it. A sword glow with a dangerous aura flew out at a very high speed, completely ignoring the violent storm in all directions, swept past, and rushed to the man with the broken arm in an instant.


Ge Cong was inexplicably terrified, his face flushed red with anxiety, but at this moment the storm was at its most intense, even though he tried his best to release the power of his true essence to envelop the man, under the impact of the broken sword's light, it was like As thin as a piece of paper, it was torn apart in an instant, and the man with the broken arm was immediately swallowed by the sword light, turning his whole body into a cloud of blood mist, and then quickly swept away by the storm, leaving no bones left.

All these changes were cumbersome to say, but they were as fast as lightning. From Han Feng catching up with them to the death of the man with the broken arm, it took only two or three breaths.

Ge Cong was stunned for a while, as if he had been poured a bucket of cold water, but he was not an ordinary person, so he quickly came back to his senses, and when he looked up, he saw Han Feng taking a big breath. The bell-shaped treasure, frantically pouring the power of one's own true essence into it, urging it out, amidst the glaring yellow light flashes, this treasure is getting bigger and bigger, and after three or four breaths, it becomes a size of a hundred feet The huge bronze bell calmed down the storm, and even the aura of heaven and earth was quiet.

"Boy, take your life!" Ge Cong yelled loudly, and as he spoke, he drove the giant clock down towards Han Feng.

It was like a huge mountain toppled down, and the spiritual energy in the sky moved with it, the wind howled, and there were thunder-like violent noises everywhere!

At this moment, it seemed as if a corner of the sky was tilting towards Han Feng, and the pressure was rising steadily, causing Han Feng's complexion to change slightly. The phantom of the golden dragon flashed out at the same time, and its size was also huge, not much smaller than the giant yellow clock.


The blood-colored giant tiger and the golden dragon phantom rushed up almost at the same time, blocking the giant yellow clock, like two strong men supporting a huge peak, and burst out bright light, covering all directions.

The loud noise lingered and lasted for a long time!

It took a while before the light in the sky dissipated. The blood-colored giant tiger, golden dragon phantom, and yellow light giant clock all disappeared without a trace, revealing the bodies of Han Feng and Ge Cong.

Ge Cong suddenly let out a miserly laugh, a gash opened in his chest, and a large amount of blood shot out like a sharp arrow. The strength to fight again, perhaps even the ability to escape has been lost.

Han Feng's face was calm, he still held the broken sword in his hand, but there were a few beads of sweat on his forehead, and he looked fine.

At the moment just now, he took the opportunity to slash out a beam of broken sword, joined forces with the blood-colored giant tiger and the golden dragon phantom, directly broke through the giant yellow light bell, and cut through Ge Cong's defense. If the giant yellow light bell hadn't helped Ge Cong A large amount of impact force was removed, and Ge Cong had already prepared himself. I am afraid that Ge Cong would have already been dead, so how could he still float in the air.

Fushang watched from a distance, did not rush forward, his eyes flickered, he stared at the broken sword in Han Feng's hand, then at Ge Cong, and suddenly laughed out loud, obviously he had understood Ge Cong's wishes Abacus, but he didn't expect that his cleverness was mistaken by his cleverness, causing his death.

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