After a while, Ling Fen suddenly changed again, and the fire phoenix began to shrink rapidly. Han Feng was so frightened that he thought something was wrong, and when he was trying to find a way to help, Ling Fen's joyful voice came from his ear: "Han Feng Feng, I succeeded!"

Han Feng heaved a sigh of relief, stopped his rushing body, and said with a faint smile, "Congratulations!"

Ling Fen didn't respond, but the Fire Phoenix behind her had shrunk to only ten feet in size, and she could vaguely see her moving figure.After a few breaths, Huo Fenghuang completely disappeared, revealing her real body, shining brightly, making her look even more beautiful.

"Thank you!"

With a smile on the corner of her mouth, she looked at Han Feng, and as she spoke, she suddenly took a step forward and came to Han Feng in an instant, hitting him with a palm.

Her palm was as white as jade, but at this moment, she was slashing towards Han Feng with a majestic force!

Han Feng's reaction was also extremely quick. With a touch of his toes, he immediately moved a hundred feet horizontally, and at the same time raised his hand to block. A phantom of a golden dragon that was only about ten feet long emerged immediately, rushing towards Ling Fen to fight back.

Ling Fen didn't pursue, but just sliced ​​across with his jade hand, and after a flash of red light, a small fire phoenix condensed and rushed towards the golden dragon phantom.

Both of them are existences beyond the speed of sound. They walked towards each other with a distance of more than a hundred feet. Naturally, they collided with each other in the blink of an eye. There was a roar, and a violent storm was set off.

"You are very strong!" Ling Fen put down her hand, looked at Han Feng, and said with a smile.

"You are also very strong, and you are improving so fast!" Han Feng said with emotion.

"Thank you, I won't say much, I will accompany you to find that mysterious space fragment." Ling Fen blinked her big eyes and said with a smile.

"I've been waiting for your words for a long time. Unfortunately, the first thing you do when you leave the customs is to slap me. That's not kind!" Han Feng teased.

"On a whim, it's just itchy hands, no wonder, hee hee!" Ling Fen said with a smile without feeling embarrassed at all.

"Let's go!" Han Feng waved his hands and said helplessly.After saying this, he immediately flew into the air and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Ling Fen still had a smile on his face, and followed closely without falling far behind.

Not long after, the two of them returned to the swamp area again.

According to Ling Fen, this place is called Northern Water Lake, and it is the place where poisons are most concentrated, but space debris is rare.

Han Feng thought to himself, this place is worthy of its name. During the time they came back, they were attacked by poisonous snakes, poisonous scorpions, poisonous frogs, etc. Fortunately, they were so powerful that they neutralized them one by one. It cannot be done within ten feet of the body.

At this time, Han Feng frowned, and carefully checked the map that Qiu Huahua gave him, and he was sure that the mysterious space debris was in this water, but he and Ling Fen searched for a long time, but they still had no clue. .

Even though Ling Fen tried to activate her Celestial Sky Mirror again and again, she still couldn't accomplish anything. On the contrary, she found a lot of elixir in secret places, some of which were even powerful medicines, which really made her very happy.

"It's strange, why did the space debris disappear completely? Even if it moves randomly, after ten years, it won't drift out of this area, right?" Han Feng stopped, frowning, puzzled.

"What's so strange about this? Space fragments change a lot. Meson Nasumi, maybe it's hiding in a certain grain of sand right now!" Ling Fen pouted and said casually.

"This is going to be difficult. If so, what should I do? I'll have to pay myself for going out!" Han Feng said with a sad face and couldn't help but sigh.

In fact, Han Feng doesn't pay much attention to the issue of compensation and even Qiu Huahua's attitude now. After all, his current strength can't be said to have surpassed Qiu Huahua, but it is certain that he will not be manipulated by her at will.

In addition, and more importantly, Han Feng himself also wanted to obtain that ray of life from that space debris. If Qiu Huahua hadn't lied, he might be able to use this to break through to the Heavenly Returning Realm, and then he would be more free , even the old monster of forming alchemy did not dare to underestimate him.

He was eager to break through further because he had killed Situ Changqing. The ancestor of the Situ family was outside, and it was very likely that he had already learned the truth.

After experiencing so many things, he knows that relying on anyone is a lie, and only relying on himself is the kingly way.

In the past, he had thought about using the power of the Murong family to gain a firm foothold in the Sanyemen, but later he found that it was just a joke. He didn't have the resources and strength, so why would such a powerful family give him Support means that Murong Can and Murong Xue are friendly with him.

There was even a period of time when he fantasized about developing a friendship with Murong Xue, but in the blink of an eye, the Murong Xue he admired became someone else's fiancée, and he completely became a thorn in someone's side and a thorn in his flesh. It wasn't that he possessed many rare treasures, he might have been killed by Situ Changqing long ago, how could he live until this moment.

"Hey, what are you thinking? You're so engrossed, in this water swamp area, but there are dangers everywhere, do you think your life won't last long?!" Ling Fen yelled.

She used her soul power to transmit the sound, for fear that Han Feng would not be able to react.

Han Feng looked calm, turned his head to look at her, smiled faintly, and did not relax his vigilance in the slightest.

Ling Fen felt bored, and just as she was about to say something, a violent wave of spiritual power suddenly came from afar.

"Someone is here!" Han Feng raised his eyebrows and said.

"Hey, and it's an old friend!" Ling Fen sneered.

In no time, the four beams of light approached from far away, and soon came to Han Feng and Ling Fen, hanging in the air.Two of them are Ge Cong of the Three Masters of Molan, and the other two are unfamiliar faces, but their aura is stronger than Ge Cong.

"Fairy Ling Fen, stay safe, we're back!" the monk with the broken arm looked down at Han Feng and Ling Fen, and said loudly.

"Hehe, you guys came just in time, I was worried that I couldn't find you!" Ling Fen clapped her hands and applauded.

"You two guys are really lingering, and you are here to die again!" Han Feng couldn't help but sneered, he really felt that these two guys were stupid, they seemed cautious, but they couldn't see the situation clearly, don't you understand They are not their opponents, they are really long-lived stars who hang themselves!

Ge Cong kept silent, he didn't know that he was not as good as Han Feng, but after analyzing it later, he found that the reason why Han Feng was able to quickly kill the training brother was the broken sword, and it seemed that it only had the power of a single blow. Otherwise, Han Feng would have taken advantage of the victory and pursued him, beheading him easily.

After such an analysis, Ge Cong's mind became active. If he could force Han Feng to make that blow, he might be able to take the opportunity to kill him and obtain the magical broken sword.

Coincidentally, that brother Lian also had two companions who learned of his death, after several twists and turns, they found Ge Cong together, and then came here in a mighty way to question Han Feng and Ling Fenxing.

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