Han Feng's energy slowly dissipated, revealing his resolute and handsome appearance. At this moment, he seemed to be taller and restrained, but once he broke out, he definitely looked like an ancient giant beast.

He succeeded!

At the moment of crisis, innate qi was bred in his body again, which successfully expanded his dantian to nine thousand feet, and also completely condensed the blood-colored giant tiger, successfully promoted to the state of subduing the tiger.

With his current supreme level Guiyuan strength, he can easily kill those four monks, and his physical strength is not weak at all.

He took a deep breath, calmed down his slightly agitated mood, and with a wave of his hand, he ingested the five storage rings left on the ground, and he was not in a hurry to refine them. After collecting them, he quickly left this place and headed north Advance deep in the area.

Three days later, on a beautiful mountain peak, there was a natural cave on the side of the mountain. At this moment, there was a faint blazing light and a majestic aura. The strange beasts around were so startled that they fled, none of them dared to approach.

At this moment, Han Feng is silently consolidating his cultivation here.

With this breakthrough, his cultivation is already close to the middle stage of Guiyuan, and there seems to be no bottleneck. As long as there are enough resources, his dantian spiritual sea can span thousands of feet and become a more terrifying existence.

The only fly in the ointment is that his skills are too low-end, and the Tianlong Yuqi Jue that he practiced in the past can no longer keep up with his strength at the ground level Guiyuan. If he continues to practice, he will not be able to display his strength to the maximum.

As for his body refining technique, there is no need to worry, the Spirit Refining Vajra Technique is enough to support him to go further, even without end, it is unfathomable.

"We can only change the qigong method after returning to the sect." He said to himself.

When he thought of this, he frowned involuntarily, wondering if he could go back to Sanyemen?

He killed Situ Changqing, and the ancestor of the Situ family was waiting outside the Grand Canyon of Death. Maybe the other party knew the news of Situ Changqing's death now, and it was even very possible that the other party already knew who the murderer was.

With the ability of these alchemy old monsters, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not have special means, and they may be able to spy on what is happening inside the Grand Canyon of Death.

Han Feng was worried, clenched his fists, and said to himself, "I'm still not strong enough!"

Although he is now in the supreme level of Guiyuan, he is only at the peak of the early stage. Even if he can sweep most of the ordinary Guiyuan monks, he is still powerless to fight against the old monsters in the alchemy realm. Escaping from the hand is also a matter of two opinions.

It should be noted that most of the old monsters in the alchemy state were also people who returned to the Yuan in their early years, and their background is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary monks.

"Forget it, the soldiers are here to cover up the water and the soil, and we can first complete Qiu Huahua's mission first, and maybe we can take this opportunity to be promoted to the Heavenly Returning Realm! Anyway, it's always a good thing to have one more bargaining chip!" Han Feng changed his mind. After thinking about it, he decided to follow the original plan and continue to search for the mysterious space fragments that Qiu Huahua said, there is a chance to be promoted to heaven and return to the original.

"I don't know how to return to the Yuan, can we fight the old monster of Danjie?" Han Feng thought involuntarily.

Time passed quickly, and half a month passed before I knew it.

According to the map provided by Qiu Huahua, Han Feng went deep into the northern area and wandered around, looking for the strange space fragments that Qiu Huahua said, while continuing to strengthen his cultivation.

He found that after entering the realm of Guiyuan, the improvement of his cultivation base was even slower, and the amount of aura he consumed just now was a huge amount, which was more than a hundred times that of the realm of Qi Storage.

In fact, what he didn't know was that this was only the case with Guiyuan at the ground level. If it was an ordinary Guiyuan monk, he would only consume ten times the spiritual energy of the Qi storage environment every day. This shows the specialness of Guiyuan at the ground level.

After Xiao Banyue came down, he did not find the space fragments that Qiu Huahua said, but saw many traces of space fragments in the distance, but he did not enter rashly. After all, every space fragment is very strange. After entering, if there is no special method , I am afraid it will not be easy to escape.

At the same time, he also met many monks by chance, but under the majestic aura that penetrated a little bit from him, no one dared to fight with him, and fled away from afar.

This point made him very helpless. He wanted to find someone to ask, but they all ran away like a ghost.

He had no choice but to change his strategy, completely restrain his aura, and turn into an ordinary cultivator at the peak of his Qi storage.

At this moment, he walked into a swamp area, where miasma was permeating, the sky was covered with dark clouds, thunder roared, and lightning flashed from time to time.


Suddenly, the air exploded, and a giant python jumped out of the quagmire. Its breath was strong, its body was as thick as a water tank, without any fancy moves, it just opened its bloody mouth, the blood glistened, and the fishy smell rose to the sky , crushed by instinct.

Han Feng didn't turn his head back, and pointed with his backhand, a dragon-shaped phantom flashed out, as fast as lightning, and rushed to the giant python's front first, smashing its bloody defense like a bamboo.

The giant python was terrified, and hurriedly sank down, trying to escape, but the dragon-shaped phantom was too fast, almost the moment he lowered his head, he was hit straight, and his whole body couldn't stop him at all. It was knocked over in an instant, and the seven-inch position burst open immediately, and fell heavily to the ground, setting off layers of mud waves.

Han Feng stretched out his hand a little more, and the head of the Yuan beast level disintegrated, and a fist-sized Yuan core flew out, fell into his hand, and was put into the storage ring.

He continued to walk forward, one step was more than a hundred feet away, the speed exceeded the speed of sound, but it was silent, without causing a sonic boom at all.

He went deep all the way, beheading ferocious beasts and even primordial beasts that appeared from everywhere from time to time, almost none of them could escape his blow.

After he had traveled tens of miles, there was a sudden sound of fierce fighting in the distance in front of him, and from time to time there were one or two crackling sounds.

"Fairy Lingfen, you are at the end of your rope. I advise you to get caught and hand over the Millennium Crystal obediently, so as to avoid the pain of flesh and blood!" Someone shouted loudly.

"A bunch of shameless people, why bother talking!" Ling Fen scolded coldly, and at the same time seemed to use a more powerful move to collide with them violently, shaking all directions.

"We, the three masters of Molan, will do what we say. As long as you stop the unnecessary struggle, we will ensure your safety. If not, don't blame us for destroying flowers with our hands. Hehe!" Another man issued **Laughter.

"Looking for death!" Ling Fen became even angrier, and resorted to desperate moves. The fluctuation of spiritual power was so strong that even Han Feng, who was thousands of meters away, could clearly feel it.

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