Lord of the Runes

Brother Chapter 317

When Han Feng withdrew his soul power, he was a little surprised, but he didn't hesitate, and immediately flew into the air, speeding up and flying over.

After being promoted to the Realm of Guiyuan, his true energy condensed into a liquid state, and the power of true essence was derived, which was enough for him to fly by himself.Of course, some extreme people, people with unique secret skills, can also fly with control, such as Murong Xue, Ling Fen, Long Min and others.

At this moment, the pressure on Ling Fen's side is getting bigger and bigger. After all, she has not yet successfully promoted to the Guiyuan Realm of Earth Rank. It is also powerless to fight against these three enemies.

Among the three heroes of Mo Lan, although two of them failed to break through the Earth-level Guiyuan, they successfully broke through to the ordinary-level Guiyuan realm by relying on the Guiyuan Pill. Before they broke through, they were also the best of the limit. , the combination of the two is enough to deal with Ling Fen.

What's more, among them there is a real Guiyuan monk, even if it is only at this level, after making a move at this moment, Ling Fen is retreating steadily, and his breath is disordered.

Ling Fen resented, crossed her hands, flipped her ten fingers rapidly, and formed a complicated seal. The momentum on her body increased sharply, the fire spread, and in the blink of an eye, it condensed into a fire phoenix nearly ten feet in size. The scarlet rocket flew out like a thousand arrows, covering the sky and covering the earth, and submerged towards the three heroes of Molan.

Those two mortal-level Guiyuan cultivators didn't dare to resist, and temporarily avoided its sharp edge. While stepping back, they waved their hands, forming shields of true energy, resisting the rocket attack, exploding into the sky, and the air waves roiled for a long time.

Ling Fen's complexion was slightly pale, her silver teeth were clenched, and she immediately retreated back, trying to escape from this place.

"Hey, you still want to escape in front of me?!"

The corner of the monk's mouth turned up, revealing a sneer, his body was swayed, and his speed was extremely fast, and he passed most of the rocket attacks without a sound, even if a few rockets landed on him. His body was also blocked by the power of his body-protecting true essence, and he continued to chase Ling Fen unscathed.

Ling Fen turned pale with fright, and couldn't care about anything else, so she could only stop attacking, turn around, and use all her strength to move the Fire Phoenix outside her body, her speed soared, and she flew forward in a panic.

"Hmph, I have some strength, but it's a pity it's still far from enough!" The cultivator of the ground rank Guiyuan snorted heavily in his nostrils, but he didn't see how he moved, and the purple light flashed all over his body, and he disappeared in the same place instantly. Turning into a ray of light, it was five or six hundred feet away in an instant. The speed was far faster than Ling Fen's. In just a few breaths, he caught up with the opponent.

"Don't struggle, stop!" He smiled and looked arrogant, stretched out his hand and grabbed it forward, an invisible force spewed out, and there seemed to be thousands of filaments of light passing by vaguely.

Ling Fen was terrified and uneasy, only felt that at this moment, there was a burst of force gathering from all around, sealing it firmly, no matter which direction to break through, it would be a dead end.

She vigorously flapped the wings of the fire phoenix outside her body, the red flames were extremely blazing, illuminating a radius of two or three hundred feet, but she just couldn't break through the opponent's siege.

The earth-level Guiyuan cultivator made a big hand and squeezed it inward. The invisible force around Ling Fen became stronger and stronger. Wisps of purple light emerged, holding Ling Fen to death like a prison. Trapped, no matter how she resists, it will not help.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Just at this moment, the two mortal-level Guiyuan monks who were lingering behind also flew over, and when they were about to make a move to suppress Ling Fen together, a ray of light came out from behind them without a sound, and went straight to the place. Two mortal monks returning to the Yuan.


A mortal Guiyuan cultivator on the left suddenly let out a shrill scream, then fell down and fell into the swamp, dying.

On the right side, another mortal Guiyuan cultivator narrowly escaped, but his left arm was also cut off, blood spilled in the air, and he let out a painful cry.

All these sudden changes happened in an instant without warning, which caught them off guard.

The face of the Guiyuan cultivator at the ground level changed suddenly, and he moved hundreds of feet horizontally for the first time, turned around, and looked behind.

At this time, not far from Ling Fen, a pale golden streamer gradually converged in the air, revealing a tall man with a handsome appearance. It was Han Feng impressively.

"Who are you? How dare you sneak attack on us Molan Sanjie and even kill Junior Brother Mo. No matter who you are, you kid is dead!" The monk with the broken arm stopped the bleeding and flew to the ground floor Beside the monk Guiyuan, his face was pale, but his tone was still extremely arrogant, and he seemed confident.

Han Feng ignored this person. Just a moment ago, if he didn't want to reveal his aura and didn't use his full strength, otherwise, how could this person escape, and it would never be as simple as breaking an arm.

"Han Feng?" The fire phoenix around Ling Fen gradually disappeared, revealing her surprised expression.

"Fairy, don't come here unharmed, you still look good, hehe." Han Feng didn't turn his head, but said teasingly.

"You managed to break through?!" Ling Fen flew to Han Feng's side, looked him up and down, asked questions without answering, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Is that why you have no confidence in me? After all, I'm also the pride of heaven, haha!" Han Feng said with a smile on his face.

"Hmph, it seems that I have to work harder, and I was overtaken by you kid. The sky has no eyes!" Ling Fen looked up to the sky and sighed.

"Hey, little girl, what should I say, I'm the one who came to save you, are you really okay?" Han Feng rolled his eyes and said helplessly.

"Hey, what's the relationship between us, I think you won't mind." Ling Fenyu waved her hand without any embarrassment on her face.

Han Feng thought about it for a while, it seemed that he and her had fights in the past, but they settled it peacefully through a transaction, but they really didn't have a deep friendship. Now that she said it like this, it seemed that they really had a very close relationship.

"It turns out that the lover is here, no wonder he is so excited!" The monk with the broken arm watched coldly and shouted in a cold voice.

"Bah, a dog's mouth can't spit out ivory, what are you talking about, are you looking for death?!" Ling Fen stared, and was about to rush out to teach this guy a lesson, but was stopped by Han Feng's hand.

Han Feng looked at the cultivator of Guiyuan, who was also staring at him at this time, neither of them acted rashly.

"Your Majesty, good skill, let's not live today, there will be a later date!" The cultivator who returned to the original level suddenly exuded a huge aura, enveloping the monk with the broken arm, and retreated quickly, while not forgetting to put away the previous one that was captured by Han Feng. The body of the person he killed disappeared without a trace in a few flashes.

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