Lord of the Runes

Chapter 315 2 trick

Hearing this, Han Feng's face changed slightly, but his hands didn't stop at all. He took out an extremely high-quality medicinal plant from the storage ring again, and once again forced out a huge amount of medicinal power, absorbed it into his body, and made his dantian expand further. , the power of the physical body became stronger and stronger, and the blood-colored giant tiger outside the body made a roar of its own accord, shaking the heaven and the earth, and it lasted for a long time.

"Stop him!" The slender sword-wielding man let out a low growl, immediately raised his sword, and swung it towards Han Feng.

The navy blue sword light burst out suddenly, illuminating a large area, and dyed the ground blue all the way.


A muffled sound spread, and the sword light slammed into the golden light mask outside Han Feng's body like a beast, causing the mask to tremble, and there was a sizzling sound between each other, sparks splashed, gorgeous like fireworks exploded.

The other four people also reacted one after another, and shot at the same time, the sword light, the wind blade, the gun shadow and even the lightning rushed towards Han Feng.

At this critical moment, the phantom of the golden dragon on the golden light mask suddenly emerged, surging out like a tide, and under the envelopment of the sky, it turned into nearly a hundred tornadoes, colliding with the attacks of the five of them one after another, Explosions continued, and the air waves spread in all directions, overturning hundreds of trees, and devastated the area with a radius of more than a hundred feet.

Those five people attacked repeatedly, but they were all blocked by the golden dragon phantom. They were unable to make achievements for a long time, and they were so anxious that they were very angry.

"Everyone, this is the end of the matter. It's time to start a new book. I have a secret technique. If I break it, I can extract its blood and condense it into a three-turn blood pill. Lay a solid foundation for the next breakthrough!" The chubby young man suddenly spoke up and said loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he took the lead and took out an ink-black talisman, which emitted terrifying fluctuations. After he pushed it away, wisps of jet-black smoke filled the air and floated towards Han Feng extremely swiftly. There was a violent impact, crackling, as if countless black whips were whipping the golden dragon phantom.

"Black Smoke and Dark Whip Talisman!" A woman with short hair was shocked.

"Okay, since Junior Brother Xu is so kind, then I don't hide my clumsiness anymore!" The slender man said, reaching out and gently touching a piece of jade worn by his waist, a short sword like ice crystals flashed It flew out, and under its control, it flew out like a sharp arrow, shining with dazzling crystal light, covering a distance of more than a hundred feet in the blink of an eye, and slashed at the golden dragon phantom in one fell swoop, making a jingling sound .

Jinlong Xuying suffered violent attacks on the left and right, and his momentum gradually weakened, as if he felt a little unsustainable.

Han Feng, who was hiding in the golden light mask, had no time to take care of everything outside at this moment. His body had entered the most critical moment. The dantian spiritual sea had expanded to 980 to [-] feet, and the power of true essence inside was extremely majestic. But can't quote half a point.

In other words, at this moment, he couldn't even move his fingers, a force suddenly appeared between the heaven and the earth, and he was firmly imprisoned in place.

And the blood-colored giant tiger outside him was also almost condensed into a solid existence, surpassing the size of ten feet, bursting out astonishing aura all the time, automatically absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and becoming more and more powerful like a tiger with wings added.

It was also this blood-colored giant tiger that was disturbing all directions, otherwise the attacks of the two people outside would have been sharper, and it was very likely that they would have broken through the defense of the golden dragon phantom and entered the golden light mask.

"Junior Brother Huang, Junior Sister Tie, and Senior Sister Yu, why don't you hurry up and stop him!" The chubby young man jumped anxiously and shouted loudly.

The other three were already on the verge of riding a tiger. They looked at each other, took out all kinds of treasures from the storage rings, and attacked Han Feng with all their strength.

Their strategy was in place, they didn't get distracted from attacking the blood-colored giant tiger, and the five of them worked together to attack only the golden dragon phantom!

"Boom boom boom..."

It was as loud as thunder, and the air waves were monstrous.

The golden dragon phantom was suddenly blown away, turned into a little bit of golden light, and returned to the golden light mask, disappearing without a trace.

"Haha, it's done!" The chubby young man took advantage of the void and stepped forward, spanning tens of feet. He raised the big knife high in his hand, condensing the bright light of the knife, raised the knife in his hand, and moved towards Han Cut off.

The other four people also almost approached, using their own moves, and came to greet the golden light mask.

The blood-colored giant tiger couldn't move, and could only watch helplessly as their attacks passed through areas they couldn't defend, and attacked on the golden light shield.

Violent collision!

In an instant, there was a burst of vigor, like a small storm, flying sand and rocks, trees falling and grass flying, and Han Feng was nowhere to be seen for a while.

The chubby young man was elated, but he did not rush over hastily, but cautiously released streaks of soul power, covering Han Feng's area recklessly.

"Where are people?!" His smile froze instantly, his face full of surprise.

"Junior Brother Xu, be careful!" The slender man's complexion suddenly changed, and he immediately retreated, while not forgetting to remind the fat young man.

Seeing this, the other three stopped their rushing figures, and retreated nearly a hundred feet in the blink of an eye.

The chubby young man's face was dignified, and he immediately stopped his forward momentum. He touched the storage ring with his left hand, and a shield engraved with many complicated runes appeared in his hand. After being urged, a giant bear emerged and appeared. out, secure it firmly.

It was too late to say it, but it was really just that moment. There was a slight flash of strange light in front of him, and a phantom in the shape of a dragon suddenly rushed out of the dust, and hit the giant bear in an instant.

With one click, the giant bear collapsed and dissipated into bits of brilliance.

The chubby young man was terrified and had no time to dodge. He held the shield forward and pushed forward, but a huge force surged in and smashed the shield in his hand. Immediately, all his defenses collapsed, and a dragon-shaped phantom came out from his chest , even take away his heart!

"You, you..." The chubby young man fell back weakly and died in an instant.

The four people were terrified and scattered like birds and beasts.

But at this moment, a tiger howled without warning, and Han Feng, who was surrounded by vigor, dropped a giant tiger from the sky above his head, and landed right in the middle of the four of them.

He raised his hands, slashed in a circle, and the majestic force surged out, quickly spreading to the outer area, like a heavenly knife, cutting the ground into gullies, rolling mud and rocks, overwhelming the four of them submerged.

During this period, the four of them tried their best and even used all kinds of strange treasures, but to no avail, they were all shattered by this force, and they all exploded into a ball of blood and died unexpectedly.

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