Lord of the Runes

Chapter 312 Mutation


Han Feng was astonished. He didn't expect to stray into the land of maze just after arriving in the northern area. No wonder the elders reminded the northern area that it was the most weird place before entering. It turned out that not only space fragments, but also some powerful arrangements from ancient times remained. The formation fragments below.

Fortunately, it's just a maze, if he kills the formation, I'm afraid that if he steps into this place with his front foot, he will die without a place to bury him.

Han Feng was not reconciled, so he walked back and forth several times, and even smashed the surrounding grass and bushes with punches, but he recovered again and again, and he couldn't get out of this maze after all.

After half an hour, he stopped tossing, took a deep breath, and began to calm down. After taking a few pills, he silently took out two high-grade spirit stones and held them in his hands to restore his true energy and physical strength.

After a while, he recovered more than half of his body, threw away the two high-grade spirit stones that had turned gray in his hand, sat down cross-legged, and quietly thought about countermeasures.

Unknowingly, his body began to absorb the aura from this place, and it could really be transformed into true qi, which made him suddenly wake up.

"That's right!" He slapped his thigh, stood up, stared at the surroundings with bright eyes, and said to himself: "Although this place is a maze, the aura here is real. The foundation relies on these rich auras as support, otherwise it will become a rootless tree and water without a source!"

"As long as I take this opportunity to break through the Earth-level Guiyuan Realm in one fell swoop and exhaust the aura here, maybe this maze will be broken by itself, haha!" Han Feng couldn't help laughing out loud. .

He has always been a vigorous and resolute person, and he will do it when he thinks about it. He immediately took out the two bottles of earth vein energy that were as thick as water.

He turned his head and thought for a while, feeling a little uneasy, and took out a large pile of spirit stones and a large stack of elixir from the storage ring, and placed them on both sides of him like two hills, which can be said to be within easy reach ,in case for need.

After finishing these things, he was not in a hurry to attract the energy of the earth veins into his body, but closed his eyes, and silently studied the secret method of breaking through the realm of returning to the earth in his mind.

Although he was already familiar with this secret technique, at this critical moment, he did not dare to take it lightly and make a breakthrough.

Nearly a day later, he opened his eyes confidently, moved his eyes to look at his small bottle of earth vein energy, stretched out his finger, and when the true energy burst out, the bottle cap shot up, and strands of earth veins emitted a silky luster. The air escaped from the purple-green jade bottle, and automatically gathered into strips, like a dancing spirit snake, shining with charming light, all gathered towards him.

Han Feng held his breath and concentrated, the true energy in his body diffused by itself, forming circles of vortexes on the surface of his body, receiving the energy of these earth veins one by one, and rippled layer after layer in an instant, radiant, colorful and attractive look sideways.

The spiritual energy from all directions began to gather by itself, constantly filling his true energy, making his true energy spread even wider, covering tens of feet in just a few breaths.

As a result, his true qi can come into contact with more aura, and the speed of absorbing aura is getting faster and faster, which further promotes the diffusion range of true qi, and in no time it fills an area of ​​three or four hundred feet, forming a A large gas cloud towered between the sky and the earth like a mushroom.

Then, before a cup of tea was available, all the energy of the earth veins in the jade bottle was absorbed by Han Feng's true energy.


The huge air mass above Han Feng's head suddenly made a strange sound, and began to shrink rapidly at the same time. After a few breaths, it shrank to a size of more than a hundred feet. There are human figures, beasts, birds, birds and fish, etc., in different shapes and sizes.

Infuriating figure!

This is an important part mentioned in the secret method. If it fails to take shape in the end, it means that the breakthrough has failed!

Just at this time, the mushroom-shaped air mass suddenly appeared turbulent, and all kinds of phantoms began to fade, as if they were about to collapse at any time, and thousands of gusts of wind were also rolled up, like a big river pouring down, hitting the ground on all sides, The gravel flew into the sky, rumbling, it was terrifying.

Han Feng didn't dare to relax in the slightest, and quickly pointed to another bottle of earth vein energy. Under the traction of true energy, another light golden jade bottle immediately lifted the lid, and thousands of strands of earth vein energy burst out, all rushing upwards in the air mass.

Just like hundreds of rivers entering the sea, the mushroom-shaped air mass re-stabilized after a while, and began to shrink at the same time. The surrounding phantoms also became smaller and more solidified, but their number decreased rapidly unconsciously, until Half an hour later, there were only eight phantoms surrounding the air mass.

And at this moment, the mushroom-shaped air mass also shrank to the size of ten feet, and the pale golden light was released, and its shape changed drastically, pressing on top of Han Feng's head like a golden mountain.

It weighs more than ten thousand jun!

Han Feng clenched his teeth, his body was already sweating profusely, and he was under tremendous pressure.

But there is still a long way to go before a successful breakthrough. Fortunately, the pale silver jade bottle contained a huge space, and the energy of the earth veins inside was countless. At this moment, the majestic energy of the earth veins was still continuously released, gathering on top of his head Jinshan-type air mass above.

However, the pressure he was under was even stronger, causing his body to tremble slightly, sweating profusely, and the Spirit Refining Vajra Art in his body began to work on its own, as if feeling the great pressure he was under, it automatically inspired the defense model.

He secretly yelled that something was wrong, fearing that it would affect this breakthrough, he immediately allocated part of his energy to try to forcibly stop the Spirit Refining Vajra Art.

But at this moment, the energy of the earth veins turned around and poured into his body.


A burst of violent roar echoed from his body, and an invisible energy burst out, shattering the ground around him, forming a circle of huge ravines, covering a radius of more than a hundred feet.

At the same time, the three-foot-large Jinshan-shaped air mass above his head lost the supply of the energy of the earth veins, and a few cracks appeared immediately, and the four phantoms around him were also crumbling, as if they would explode in the next moment and become invisible.

Han Feng yelled, but his reaction was also extremely swift. He immediately pointed to the last bottle of earth vein energy. There seemed to be more earth energy energy in the pale golden jade bottle, and a stronger air flow broke out, which was divided into two paths. One flowed into the golden mountain-shaped air mass, and the other flowed into his body.

With the two-pronged approach, the Jinshan-shaped air mass immediately stabilized, no longer shrinking, and remained at a size of three feet, but there were only two phantoms around it, one in the shape of a dragon and the other in the shape of a human.

The spiritual energy in the sky seems to be boiling, and a tornado of air waves pours in, making its light more intense. Looking from a distance, it looks like dozens of suns gathered together to shine on the world.

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