Lord of the Runes

Chapter 313 Supreme

Han Feng was completely submerged by the light, and he couldn't be seen from the outside at all.

However, this ray of light came and went quickly, and within three or five breaths, it suddenly shrank back and turned into a ball of golden light, surrounded by a dragon-shaped phantom on its surface, firmly enveloping Han Feng .

The surrounding aura became even more violent, and the aura within a radius of nearly ten miles all rushed over at the same time, surging like a sea wave, and all of it flowed into Han Feng's body. In the body, and in the dantian, it began to gather into a group, slowly transformed into a liquid, and spread out in bursts of majestic force, expanding its dantian deeper and wider.

At the same time, the two jade bottles continued to release a large amount of earth vein energy. On the one hand, it penetrated into the golden light mask, mixed with the sky-filled spiritual energy, and poured into his dantian.On the other hand, it directly penetrated into all parts of his body, quenching his blood energy, making his body more powerful, and at the same time tearing his body apart, generating bursts of internal heat, burning like fire.

In a short while, his dantian changed from more than a thousand feet wide to nearly two thousand feet wide, and after the spiritual energy and the energy of the earth veins poured into this place, it quickly transformed into liquid true qi, further promoting the expansion of his dantian.

The pain is unbearable!

Han Feng only felt that his body was suffering from severe pain, every flesh and blood was bitten by thousands of ants, and there was an inexplicable itchiness in the sting!

He completely forgot about the passage of time. He didn't know how long it had passed. He almost passed out several times, but he managed to recover under his indomitable willpower.

This situation was repeated over and over again, and it took three days and three nights.

Han Feng felt as if his soul had been torn apart, and his whole body was in a daze, supported entirely by the power of his subconscious mind.

The golden glow on his body became even more blazing, fully enlarged by about 20 times, exhausting the spiritual energy within a radius of ten miles, and extending it to more than [-] miles away. From his body, every drop poured into his body.

At this moment, his dantian has expanded to nearly five thousand feet wide, his true energy has become liquid, and the golden waves are rippling like a vast ocean.

Just at this moment, it seemed that the spiritual energy that had been taken away was too large, the entire maze shook violently, and the surrounding scenery began to become blurred, as if it would disappear without a trace in the next moment.

The spiritual energy decreased sharply, and Han Feng's body began to tremble immediately. It seemed that he had lost the supplement of spiritual energy and was unable to continue to transform. All the efforts and pain he had endured before would be in vain!

Han Feng sensed the instability of the spirit sea in Dantian, and he was very anxious. He braced himself up, stretched out his trembling hand, and gently pointed to the pile of spiritual stones on the left. The power of true essence burst out, covering the whole pile instantly. The spirit stone, the medium-grade spirit stone shattered first and turned into pieces of gray powder. The spirit energy in it dissipated and gathered into clusters, which were absorbed by Han Feng in an instant, restoring his dantian to stability.

Next, pieces of middle-grade spirit stones and top-grade spirit stones exploded quickly, and thick and pure spirit energy poured into Han Feng's body one after another, continuing to promote his transformation!

Time flies, and seven or eight hours have passed without knowing it.

At this moment, the dantian in Han Feng's body finally expanded to [-] zhang, the waves flooded, and the golden light shone.

And the last thousand feet!

He said silently in his heart.

In the secret method, it is mentioned that if any monk who absorbs the energy of the earth veins and breaks through the realm of returning to the earth, if he can be successfully promoted, the dantian spiritual sea will eventually be seven thousand to nine thousand feet wide, seven thousand as the base, Eight thousand is good, nine thousand is honor!

The expansion of Han Feng's dantian has not stopped yet, it is obvious that he is going to go to nine thousand feet, to be the supreme!

But the pile of spirit stones on his left side was running out, only a few top-grade spirit stones and two top-grade spirit stones remained, and in the blink of an eye, those few high-grade spirit stones also turned into powder and scattered with the wind. go.

Only those two top-quality spirit stones can continuously release strong spirit energy for him to consume.

At this moment, Han Feng's mind has recovered more than half, and he seems to have passed the most painful stage, but he was secretly anxious. Looking inside, he found that the speed of the expansion of his dantian had slowed down. More Aura!

After a while, the two top-quality spirit stones were finally exhausted, turned into powder, and dissipated.

The aura around it also became less and less, becoming sparse and ordinary, and the entire maze was shaking more violently, and it was about to disintegrate and disperse at any time.

Han Feng didn't care about other things, and immediately reached out and pointed to the pile of elixirs on the right, there were many great medicines above tenth rank.

Under the shroud of the power of true essence, these elixir also shattered, releasing medicinal gas of different colors, mixed with all kinds of glory, rushing into Han Feng's body one after another.

A burst of relief!

Medicinal qi seems to be more effective than spiritual qi. Not only did the expansion speed of his dantian greatly increase, but his flesh and blood were also moistened. The qi and blood in his body surged, and strange noises sounded from time to time, like the roar of a tiger or the cry of a dragon .

Obviously, his physical body is also undergoing transformation, and it seems that he is going to evolve to a deeper level. Perhaps he can break through to the realm of subduing the tiger by taking this opportunity.

However, after a while, he realized that if he took care of both sides, it was very likely that he would fail all of them.

Thinking of this, Han Feng didn't hesitate any longer, and quickly allocated part of his energy to run the Spirit Refining Vajra Art to control the changes in his body and gather all the medicine's power into his dantian.

The speed of its expansion soared, and it only took a cup of tea, and it expanded again by three hundred feet, and the distance from nine thousand feet was only more than 600 feet.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the entire maze collapsed, and all the scenery in all directions disappeared, revealing a piece of the real world.

Surrounded by dense forests, greenery is about to drip, and waves of life are rushing in, making it look much more agile.

Han Feng didn't like to be shocked, because after he unleashed his soul power, he suddenly discovered that there were many strange beasts wandering, dormant, and even killed each other within a range of several thousand feet.

Among them are three primordial beasts, with astonishing aura, wantonly preying on all kinds of strange beasts like an overlord, and roaring contentedly from time to time, shaking the surrounding fields.

Han Feng quickly put away the released soul power and accelerated the absorption of the medicinal energy on the right.

At this time, the aura from the outside world was also extremely strong, surging like an ocean, gathering automatically, forming a huge funnel from top to bottom, and a huge amount of aura poured in from Han Feng's Baihui acupoint!


Han Feng unconsciously let out a deep roar.

The dantian in his body changed rapidly, and it expanded more than a hundred feet in just a few breaths.

At this moment, the three primordial beasts sensed something, dropped the food in their mouths, and rushed towards Han Feng from different places.

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