Lord of the Runes

Chapter 311 Windfall

Han Feng had just flew several hundred feet to the left when the light blue light caught up with him, but instead of coming in his direction, it rushed towards the two twins as usual, and at a faster speed. It was even faster, disappearing from Han Feng's eyes in the blink of an eye, and soon far away from the range of his soul power.

Han Feng couldn't hold back the curiosity in his heart, he thought about it for a while, then suddenly adjusted his direction, and flew towards the direction where the twins were far away, just wanting to see the miserable situation of the two of them.

Of course, what was more important was that he felt that this light blue figure was a little familiar, like deja vu, which made him guess in his mind that there should be no danger, otherwise the other party would not have completely ignored him just for a moment.

Not a moment later, he vaguely heard the sound of rumbling explosions again, and waves of spiritual energy fluctuations came from the front.

He became more cautious, not daring to move too far forward, only dared to spread out his soul power quietly, and watched from a distance.

At this moment, the light blue light had already caught up with the two twins, and had a battle with them. The blazing light of various colors filled the surface of the magma lake, stirring up magma waves tens of feet high from time to time, and occasionally a magma wave appeared. Lightning.

Han Feng was astonished. Their fighting level had already far surpassed that of monks in the gas storage realm. Even the strong ones in the mid-Guiyuan period would never be able to cause such a terrifying scene.

However, their battle didn't last long. It took less than ten breaths from Han Feng's spying, when a large cloud of cyan lightning suddenly emerged from the body of the light cyan figure, and the defense of the two twins was breached.


There was a shrill scream, and the two fell from the sky, like kites with broken strings, drifting with the wind, and seemed to have passed away.

The light blue figure did not relax, crossed his hands suddenly, and pinched out a complicated seal formula. The lightning in the sky suddenly condensed together, and under the control of the invisible force, two green lotuses were quickly weaved, and they hit the opponent's face in unison. two bodies.

Just at this moment, the two twins suddenly moved again, and circles of red and blue light emerged from their bodies, covering a radius of tens of feet in an instant, turning into a huge grinding disc, coming backwards , The spiritual energy in the sky was turbulent, as if a small spiritual storm had formed, stirring up the heaven and the earth, and the magma below seemed to be boiling, flooding up from time to time, forming one after another tornado pillars several feet in size, as if destroying the world.

Han Feng was a little dumbfounded, and subconsciously retreated a distance of more than a hundred feet.

But the pale blue figure remained motionless, as if he didn't pay attention to the scene in front of him, his hands were still clenched, his body breath became stronger, spiritual power gushed out, and the two green lotuses in midair also followed suit. It became bigger, and the light spread more than a hundred feet, extremely dazzling, shining in all directions.


Intense light and ear-piercing sound erupted at this moment. Even Han Feng, who was two or three thousand meters away, could clearly feel the sudden shock and had to retreat temporarily.

After a long while, the fluctuations slowly stopped, and the surrounding area finally returned to a short period of tranquility.

Han Feng looked up, his soul power dispersed, but he couldn't find any figure, including the light blue figure.

He thought for a while, then continued to fly forward.

When approaching the center of the previous battle, Han Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and saw a storage ring floating in the air dozens of meters ahead, emitting a faint blue light.

After a while, the light blue light suddenly disappeared, and the storage ring sank, but Han Feng, who followed closely, stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

He swept his soul power outward, and suddenly found that the storage ring was unowned. After he refined it, all the things stored in it came to his mind.

There are so many good things!

Han Feng had to be pleasantly surprised!

In addition to spirit stones, elixir, and even artifacts, the more important thing is the energy of the earth veins. The amount is large enough for the two of them to be promoted to the realm of returning to the earth. Of course, the premise is that the two can withstand the impact .

He knew that this was obviously a gift left to him by the light blue figure, and the identity of this person was obvious, naturally it was Qinglian herself.

I just didn't expect that she was so powerful!

Han Feng put away his messy thoughts, didn't dare to stay longer, and hastily took out another new Fufeng Talisman. After being activated, it was wrapped in a cloud of blue talisman light and flew towards the outer area of ​​the lake. disappears in this area.

Five or six hours later, Han Feng ran all the way without stopping, and finally flew out of the magma lake and landed on the shore.

He took a deep breath, took out a few pills, took a short rest, and ran to the north again, at a faster speed than flying in the air.

Time passed by in a flash, and before I knew it, another three or four days passed.

After several twists and turns, Han Feng finally crossed the central area of ​​the Grand Canyon of Death and came to the northern edge.

He looked far ahead, and there seemed to be a layer of halo flickering in front of him, but it was fleeting and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

He concentrated and released his soul power, and after sweeping, he didn't find any problems. After hesitating for a while, he still walked forward.

The distance is not far, and within a cup of tea, he officially entered the northern region.

This place is actually a flat river, with green grass, lush trees, crystal clear water, the scenery is extremely beautiful, and more importantly, the spiritual energy here is extremely abundant, which is much better than other areas. Thinking that I entered the wrong place and came to a paradise!

Han Feng didn't intend to relax in the slightest, he slowed down, his soul power spread out, covering a radius of thousands of feet, and he was always on guard.

After a while, he didn't find anything unusual. The only strange thing was that there were no birds, beasts, insects or fish in this area. Except for the gurgling water, there was no sound at all, and it seemed extremely quiet.

He originally wanted to find a hidden place to hide in the central region, refine the energy of the earth veins first, and try to advance to the earth-level return to the realm, and then come to the northern region to complete Qiu Huahua's mission.

Who would have thought that he searched many places in the central region, but could not find a suitable place to retreat, and even encountered several waves of monks' attacks during the search process, but he avoided them one by one and shot them down. Retreat or even wipe out.As a result, he could only be patient and rush to the northern region.

In a short time, he walked forward for more than ten miles, and the surroundings were still dead. He was a little suspicious, stopped cautiously, thought for a while, then turned around quickly, and ran on the way he came and went.

However, after running for nearly [-] miles, he suddenly found that he was still in the green grass, surrounded by big trees, and further away was also densely covered with jungle and gurgling water.

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