After Murong Xue put away the Seven-leaf Ching Lian, she nodded to Han Feng, raised her sword, and gradually disappeared into the faint miasma, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Han Feng looked enviously at her going away with the sword, he clenched his fists subconsciously, without any hesitation, turned around and headed back towards the sect.

About half an hour later, Han Feng rushed out from the miasma-filled area, returned to the place he had entered before, looked around for a while, but couldn't find his horse, most likely he had already fled.

He sighed, and had no choice but to walk to the Sanyemen on foot.

Along the way, he encountered many strange beast attacks again. Fortunately, they were all small beasts below the middle level, which hardly threatened him.

He performed the Cloud Wind Step, and his step was only about ten feet long. When night fell, he had only walked half the distance. Just when he was considering whether to find a cave to rest on the spot, there was a sudden violent sound behind him. the wind.

The sound of flying swords!

Han Feng's soul power was unleashed, and he saw a pockmarked young man approaching with his sword five or sixty feet away, but he was not heading in his direction, but crossed the hill and flew in the same direction as the Zongmen.

At this moment, the pockmarked young man is in a very bad state, his clothes are ragged, covered in blood, he seems to have fought another bloody battle, he does not know what accident happened, maybe he encountered some powerful strange beast, after all, there are many monsters on the other side of the miasma area. A desperate beast.

Han Feng thought a lot, and his heart suddenly became ruthless. He took out two light body talismans, stuck them on his legs, and quickly followed behind.

As the night darkened, Zhang Tianxiu, a young man with a pockmarked face, suddenly shook in the air. He quickly took a deep breath, supported himself, and landed slowly on a small hill. After putting away his narrow sword, he walked to a small tree. On the edge, lean there, and sit cross-legged.He took out a bottle of elixir from his bosom, and just after opening it, his face changed suddenly. Regardless of his seriously injured body, his true energy burst out, and the narrow sword shot up, turning into a golden light that stopped the surprise attack.

The golden light talisman, the second-grade talisman of the gold series.

After he stopped the opponent's attack, he was pulled by the air machine, and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, stood up quickly, unscrewed the bottle cap, and poured the elixir into his mouth as if asking for money, but at this moment, suddenly in the sky The fire blazed brightly, and five face-sized fireballs fell from the sky, rushing towards him in unison.

Another second grade talisman, the fifth fire talisman!

Zhang Tianxiu shrank his pupils, stretched out his hand to recall the narrow sword, and danced with the sword, forming a shield of sword light immediately, blocking all the fireballs, and blasting big holes in front of him, sending dust flying.

Suddenly, the ground trembled, and five thick ground thorns about a foot in length popped out, flew up, and stabbed directly at Zhang Tianxiu.

"Damn it, who the hell is it!" Zhang Tianxiu cursed secretly, but he didn't hesitate at all, holding the sword and slashing repeatedly, after a few flashes of sword light, all five ground thorns fell off.Normally, even the second-grade talisman and the five-thorn talisman would pose no threat to Zhang Tianxiu, but at this moment, his internal organs were in severe pain, and even a little movement of his true energy would cause him to gnash his teeth in pain. Seriously, even the elixir he swallowed just now won't help.

However, the opponent's offensive did not seem to stop at all, a cloud of water vapor appeared out of thin air, turned into twenty or thirty water bombs the size of a human head, and roared towards Zhang Tianxiu from all directions.

This is the third grade talisman, the water curtain marble talisman!

Zhang Tianxiu cursed secretly, braced his seriously injured body, and raised his sword to sweep across. Sword lights flashed one after another, smashing the water bomb weighing ten thousand catties. , suddenly a golden light flashed, and another golden light talisman was activated. An extremely sharp golden beam of light shot out, passed through several water bombs, and directly hit Zhang Tianxiu, who was getting weaker and weaker.

In an instant, Zhang Tianxiu was pierced by the golden light and flew over ten feet away. He fell on the ground and couldn't get up for a long time.

Han Feng came out of the night just now, still holding the three talismans in his hand, and glanced at Zhang Tianxiu from a distance, without relaxing in the slightest, urged the three golden talismans in his hand again, turning them into three golden ray finished products Attack Zhang Tianxiu in a font.

Sure enough, Zhang Tianxiu still had the strength to fight back, when suddenly a gust of wind blew up and the power of the rune spread, enveloping him and flying down the mountain, the speed was extremely fast, suddenly it was the power of the third-grade talisman Fufeng Fufu.

Han Feng seemed to have expected it long ago. After he activated the three golden light talismans just now, he had already found a third-grade talisman again. The moment the wind started to blow around Zhang Tianxiu, he also activated it, and the talisman immediately It turned into a mass of emerald green light, which fell into the ground for an instant, but in the next instant, more than a hundred feet away, the emerald light flashed, and dozens of emerald green vines shot out from the ground, flying past Zhang Tianxiu with incomparable precision. tied up.

After all, Zhang Tianxiu was seriously injured, or he was a step too late. He was bound tightly by the third-grade talisman, the Bivine Talisman, and he was unable to break free even though he vomited blood continuously.

Han Feng walked over to him quickly, and without saying a word, he used the Vajra Art of Refining Spirit, bent down and swung his fists to hit his abdominal dantian repeatedly until it shattered his dantian, making him completely lose the power to resist.

This is the habit that Han Feng developed with his adoptive father Han Hao in hunting in this area in the early years. Facing ferocious beasts and even strange beasts, he would not give the opponent any chance to bite back.

The same holds true for humans!

Zhang Tianxiu was worthy of being a master in the late stage of Qi storage, after suffering such a heavy blow, he didn't faint, but his face was as pale as paper, and he stared at Han Feng firmly.

It never occurred to him that he would be captured instead of killing someone.

Han Feng ignored his murderous eyes, and asked lightly, "Do you have a grudge against me?"

Zhang Tianxiu was silent.

"Why do you want to ambush me?" Han Feng continued to ask.

Zhang Tianxiu grinned coldly, but still did not answer.

"Hmph, even if you don't tell me, I know that this matter is mostly caused by my adoptive father, Han Hao, right?" Han Feng snorted and said.

Zhang Tianxiu smiled even wider, and suddenly said: "It's good that you know, anyway, you can't escape the pursuit of the young master, cough cough...!" After saying this, he coughed violently, spurting out blood continuously , obviously can't last long.

"Young master?" Han Feng was a little puzzled. He thought this guy was the ultimate mastermind, but he didn't expect that someone was staring at him behind him.

What kind of people did my adoptive father offend?

Han Feng was a little speechless, and was about to ask some other questions, but Zhang Tianxiu suddenly exhausted his last bit of strength and broke his heart, and committed suicide.

Han Feng sighed, and had no choice but to give up. He casually collected all the valuable things on his body, and then urged a fireball talisman to burn them to ashes, and buried them on the spot along with his identity jade badge.

After finishing all this, Han Feng didn't dare to stay. Taking advantage of the darkness of night, he quickly left this place and rushed towards Sanyemen.

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