Lord of the Runes

Chapter 29 Murong Xue

Han Feng turned pale with shock, turned his body away vigilantly, and at the same time reached out his hand to wipe it from his pocket. He had a few more light-weight amulets in his hand, and fixed his eyes on the person who came.

A girl dressed in white snow was appearing in front of his eyes, her facial features were finely crafted, her snow skin was like jade, her red lips were spotless and red, she was so beautiful.

Han Feng felt a sense of déjà vu, he stared blankly at her, but didn't react for a long time.

At this moment, she also had bright and attractive eyes, and she glanced at Han Feng expressionlessly, but she only looked away for a while, then looked back at the pool ahead, her brows suddenly frowned, as if she had noticed something unusual, All of a sudden, he shifted his gaze to Han Feng.

Han Feng suddenly felt that he had been seen through. Just as he was about to say something, there was a sliding sound from the other side of the pool, and the giant snake came back!

As soon as the giant snake came back, it looked towards the pool. Its still bleeding eyes burst out with a terrifying luster. It suddenly raised its head to the sky and roared, obviously realizing that the Aescinus chinensis in the middle of the pool was gone.

Its snake eyes turned, and it locked onto Han Feng and the two on the opposite bank at once. With a flick of its long tail, its whole body rushed over at high speed. When it passed the pool, it stirred up huge waves, and the water vapor evaporated.

The moment it came back, Han Feng had already attached the Lightness Talisman in his hand to his body, turning into an afterimage and rushing into the passage next to it.

"Qinglian is on your body!" The beautiful girl followed closely behind, and her sweet voice suddenly sounded in Han Feng's ear.

Han Feng trembled all over, not wanting to cause trouble, he calmly said: "Let's escape first!"

The girl also knew the difference between serious and serious, silently followed Han Feng closely, and the two quickly fled.

Within a dozen or so breaths, the two of them rushed out of the passage of the snake cave, and without saying a word, they quickly rushed to the left.

The speed of the giant snake was much faster than them. They had just rushed out of the passage, and it followed them after only three breaths. It followed their breaths and knocked down countless big trees along the way.

"It's chasing after us, don't we have to spread out!" Han Feng said anxiously.

The girl acted as if she didn't hear it, she was silent, she just followed closely, there was no tension on her face, and I don't know if she was really not afraid, or if she was not showing her emotions or anger.

The giant snake roared, black light flashed all over its body, and its speed increased by more than [-]% in an instant, and it shortened the distance with Han Feng and the two of them. two people.

The air wave was so fast that Han Feng had no time to dodge it. Fortunately, the girl behind him drew his sword suddenly, and with a backhand shake, a crescent-shaped sword light flew out instantly, splitting the incoming air wave into pieces in a blink of an eye. Fragments, dissipated.

Han Feng's soul power has been released all the time, seeing this scene, his eyes narrowed slightly, secretly surprised at this girl's strength, she is obviously stronger than the pockmarked young man who chased and killed him.

Seeing that he had missed a hit, the giant snake roared even louder, opened its mouth again and spewed out a wave of air, which was three points more powerful than before, and a little bit of black light could be vaguely mixed in it.

The girl's expression suddenly became dignified, and her long sword flew out of her hand, turning into a ray of cold light and piercing into the center of the air wave. With a loud bang, her long sword bounced back, and the air wave It also disintegrated and dissipated again.

The girl let out a muffled grunt, as if she had also been a little bit shocked, but her expression remained the same. When she raised her jade hand, her long sword immediately stabilized and flew back to her feet. When they got to the top, they said lightly to Han Feng, "Come up!"

Han Feng hesitated for a moment, but still turned his back to her and jumped back, landing on the sword light with incomparable accuracy.

The girl didn't say anything else, and immediately flew away with the sword, her speed increased suddenly, and she threw away the giant snake that was chasing after her.

The giant snake roared up to the sky, but it could only watch the two of them fly farther and farther away, gradually disappearing.

Han Feng stood in front of the lightsaber, galloping in the wind, with long hair fluttering, touching the beautiful woman behind him from time to time, which made him nervous and a little inexplicably excited, and asked cautiously: "Thank you for saving me, I don't know how to call you." ?”

"Murong Xue!" The girl didn't mind his hair floating over, and replied calmly.

"Murong? Could it be that you are related to Murong Can?" Han Feng is also a smart person, when he heard the name, he immediately thought of Murong Can.

"He's my brother!" Murong Xue said expressionlessly.

"I see. It seems that Brother Murong called you here, otherwise it would be such a coincidence!" Han Feng suddenly realized, and finally understood, no wonder he always felt that this girl seemed to have known him before, so it was no wonder that he and Murong Can were brother and sister. Murong Can is so handsome, this is clearly a family inheritance.

He had asked Murong Can about the authenticity of the news about Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum before, presumably Murong Can, a cunning fellow, turned around and told his sister the news. Will let it go.

However, it was a mistake, his sister saved Han Feng invisibly.

Murong Xue didn't make a sound, apparently acquiescing.

"Where are we going now?" Han Feng asked.

Murong Xue was silent, as if she didn't hear his words.

Han Feng had no choice but to keep silent, thinking to himself that they were two siblings, why one had a flamboyant personality and extraordinary conversation, while the other was taciturn and cherished words like gold.

In less than a stick of incense, Han Feng saw the area densely covered with miasma again. At this moment, Murong Xue suddenly lowered her sword light and fell into it. When the long sword flew to a height of only Zhang Xu from the ground, Murong Xue jumped down first. .Han Feng naturally had no choice but to land.

Murong Xue put away her long sword and looked at Han Feng with eyes like water.

Han Feng was a little embarrassed by her look, he sighed, and honestly took out the Chrysanthemum Aesculus, his surroundings immediately lit up with a blue light.

Murong Xue's eyes lit up slightly, but she didn't reach out to take it, but moved her eyes to look at Han Feng again, and suddenly wiped it lightly from a simple small cloth bag at her waist, and a bottle of elixir appeared in her hand, and threw it to her hand. Han Feng said, "This is Wanze Dan. There are three pills in a bottle, which is enough to activate your Dantian and condense your true energy!"

Han Feng took it subconsciously, raised his eyes to look at her, understood what she meant, but still felt a little bit reluctant to let go of Qiye Qinglian.

"Echinacea Chrysanthemum cannot be separated, you must take the whole plant to get the best results, it is of great use to me, I hope you can fulfill it!" Murong Xue said calmly.

Hearing this, Han Feng's eyes flashed, he didn't hesitate anymore, and directly threw the Echinacea Chinensis to Murong Xue.

Murong Xue's face brightened, and after taking it, she immediately put it into the small cloth bag at her waist, which made Han Feng envious for a while, it was clearly the space storage bag with the space rune array engraved on it.

What kind of identity is this girl? She is three or four years younger than herself, but her cultivation is unfathomable, and she also possesses so many treasures. It is really hard to see through.

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