Lord of the Runes

Chapter 31 Promotion of Gas Reservoirs

At noon the next day, Han Feng returned to Sanye Gate smoothly. After returning, he took a short rest and started to take Wanze Dan early the next morning in order to activate his dantian and condense his true energy.

He sat cross-legged on the futon in the practice room, adjusted his breath for a while, then took out the bottle of elixir that Murong Xue gave him, poured out a green elixir the size of his little finger, carefully identified it again, and confirmed After being correct, he raised his head and accepted it.

The elixir melted in his mouth, a strong vitality poured into his body, and quickly gathered in his dantian. At first it was a little itchy, then a little painful, and finally it was like a knife cutting. Under the inner vision, he saw His dantian was shrouded in a ball of green light, and it seemed that something was cutting his dantian's orifices, which made him miserable.

Fortunately, the pain was a little worse than when he was practicing the Spiritual Vajra Art, so Han Feng easily endured it, and had the energy to look inside for the changes.

Time passed slowly, and after more than half an hour, the activation continued.

Han Feng felt something wriggling in his dantian, and with a soft bang, an orifice opened, and a warm current gushed out, spreading all over his body in a blink of an eye, making him so warm that he forgot about his dantian. severe pain.

"Could it be that this is the innate energy contained in the human body?" Han Feng had read the classics and knew what this warm current was. He quickly performed the Spirit Refining Vajra Art to condense this warm current towards his skin and condense it into a gang. Before the clock arrived, most of this warm current was refined by him, the color of the outer skin turned red a lot, and the thickness of the spontaneously formed stellar energy also increased a little, and it was one step closer to the mid-stage copper skin of the stellar refinement state .

Before he knew it, another hour passed, and Han Feng also successfully refined the innate qi released when the second acupoint was opened.

But at this moment, the green light surrounding the dantian began to gradually dissipate. Obviously, the medicinal power of Wanzidan was almost exhausted. Han Feng quickly took another pill of Wanzidan, and the green light suddenly rose again, continuing to moisturize and activate his body. The orifices of Dantian.

An hour later, Han Feng opened his eyes. He felt the vitality of his dantian. He quickly activated the spirit-gathering circle in the practice room to gather the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth.

Wisps of invisible spiritual energy flowed from his mouth, nose and ears, gathered through the meridians, and finally came to the dantian. The difference this time was that there was a depression in the dantian, and it had a magical adsorption force, which could condense the spiritual energy and not disperse.Such a process goes on and on, and eventually a sea of ​​Qi is formed in the dantian, which seems to be forty or fifty feet wide, and then the three orifices below it light up slightly, and the sea of ​​Qi slowly shrinks, and it turns into a little bit of true Qi in a short while .

[-]% aura, a little true energy!

So even if Han Feng tried his best to transfer the Qi Jue, after half a day, he could only condense a shallow layer of true energy. If he wanted to completely fill the depression in his dantian, he might not be able to succeed in ten days and a half months.Of course, he has already been promoted to the gas storage realm.

Han Feng also knew that there were three reasons that affected his cultivation speed. One was that he only had six spiritual veins in his body, so his ability to absorb spiritual energy was inherently insufficient; In the end, the skills I practiced and the Qi Sui Jue that I obtained when I was a handyman disciple were just common goods, and it was difficult to practice as fast as I wanted.

Therefore, Han Feng stopped, got up, went out and ran to the Zhuzi Building, he saluted the elder after entering, and then went up to the second floor by himself, looking for suitable qigong methods for him.

In addition to being used as a reception center for newcomers, the Zhuzi Building is also the Sutra Pavilion of the Spirit Talisman Hall above the second floor. Although it is not as good as the real Sutra Pavilion of the Zongmen, it is more than enough for people of Han Feng's level that's it.

Han Feng has been here many times, and he came to the second floor with ease.

Since he hadn't condensed his true qi before and entered the realm of qi storage, according to the sect's regulations, he was not allowed to exchange for qi training methods, so he had a lot of contribution points for nothing, and he couldn't exchange for a better qi training method.

Now it is naturally different. Han Feng excitedly came to the second floor of the Zhuzi Building, seeing the rows of red sandalwood frames neatly placed there, his eyes couldn't help but shine a little. He passed the instructions of the blue jade plaque, and soon When you come to the special area where qigong methods are displayed, you can choose carefully immediately.

Cloud Qi Na Hai Jue!

Nine Turns Over the Clouds Jue!

Tianlong Yuqi Jue!


Jade slips of ancient books appeared in front of his eyes, and each name was so powerful that he lingered on it, but he didn't know how to make a choice.

Unknowingly, he came to the end of the qigong practice area, where a jade slip was placed, but there was a corner of a piece of paper under it, which was slightly yellow.

Han Feng was a little curious. He reached out and took it out. It was a folded blueprint. When he opened it gently, a faint musty smell spread out.

Han Feng waved his hand to disperse the musty smell. He lowered his eyes and looked at the opened blueprint. There were nine human figures carved on it. The poses of each picture were different, but they were all lifelike and vivid.

Han Feng looked at it carefully for a while, but he didn't find anything special. It seemed to be an ordinary picture.But he still put it away, thinking that he would consult the elder in blue robe downstairs later.

Then, he looked at the jade slip placed on top of the blueprint, took out his identity jade card and scanned it, it lit up immediately, and three golden characters flew out—Ba Tian Jue.

Han Feng was secretly surprised, the name was so domineering, he thought for a second, maybe this Batian Jue was compatible with this blueprint, so he simply took down the jade slips of this exercise, didn't linger any longer, and turned around directly Walking down the second floor, he returned to the first floor after a short while, walked quickly to the young elder in blue robe, clasped his fists in salute, took out the blueprint and the jade slip of Ba Tian Jue he had just received, and said respectfully: " Elder Lan, I want to exchange these two items, is it possible?"

"Batian Jue?!" The blue-robed young man glanced at the jade slip, slightly startled, then looked at Han Feng with a wry smile, and said, "Are you sure you want to exchange these two items?"

"Sure!" Han Feng nodded.

"Then I have to inform you in advance that this set of exercises and this blueprint are not a complete set, and contribution points have to be paid separately. In addition, Batian Jue cannot be practiced because it is only a fragment. It was created by an insider thousands of years ago. The disciples got it from a certain place deep in the Jianyun Mountains, and later shared it with the sect. However, after thousands of years, no one has succeeded in cultivation, even the entry. As for this blueprint, it was also shared by the disciple back then. It came out, but it was not obtained from the same place. It’s just that the image is a bit strange, and it can’t be topographiced with jade slips. The Jingge, and later our Elder Mu applied for it to be studied, but after decades of research, there was no clue, and finally it was placed on our Zhuzilou, and the Zongmen ignored it. No one can practice successfully. When we sorted out the materials, we simply put it together with the Batian Jue, after all, they were all shared by that disciple back then." Elder Lan talked eloquently, he was the first Han Feng was a little surprised to be so talkative this time, perhaps seeing these two special things inspired him to talk.

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