Lord of the Runes

Chapter 28 7 Ye Qinglian

At this moment, the many hidden disciples also noticed Han Feng's arrival. Seeing his speed, they all looked wary. They turned to look at him and didn't dare to look at him again.

Han Feng originally wanted to ask them for help, but seeing the situation, he knew it was useless, and he might be robbed by some people who saw his details.

And the power of the third-grade Fufeng Talisman was about to be exhausted, and the pockmarked young man behind him was like a light on his back, and would soon come after him, leaving him at a loss as to what to do.

At this moment, the residual talisman hidden in his soul sea suddenly emerged, shooting a ray of light towards the cave in front of him.

"Rush into that cave?" Han Feng asked tentatively in a low voice.

The residual talisman immediately floated up and down, as if nodding in agreement.

Han Feng's eyes showed determination, he stopped thinking, adjusted his direction, and rushed towards the cave.

When the people around reacted, Han Feng was only a few hundred feet away, and they all shouted, but the next moment, Han Feng had disappeared into the cave and disappeared.

After a while, the pockmarked young man also rushed here. He looked towards the cave with a cloudy expression on his face. He finally gritted his teeth and rushed in with Yujian.

"Isn't that Zhang Tianxiu from Jianlingfeng?" someone whispered.

"Two masters came all of a sudden, it's hard to get this Qiye Qinglian, shall we go?" Someone asked.

"No, it's our great opportunity to have the two of them open the way, haha!" Someone disagreed, jumped from the big tree, and rushed into the cave.

The remaining eight or nine people, some strong and some weak, followed in one after another.

With a soft bang, the power of the Fufeng Talisman on Han Feng's body finally dissipated. He slowly fell to the ground, not daring to stay, and walked quickly along the passage extending down the cave. It became more and more humid and dark, and there were bursts of cold air, mixed with a faint fishy smell, which made people uncomfortable.

Han Feng frowned, and the residual talisman in his soul sea trembled more violently, as if urging him to reach the bottom quickly.

He thought for a while, then took out a light body talisman from his waist pocket, and stuck it on his waist. His whole body lightened suddenly, and his speed increased sharply. Except for the whistling wind driven by it, even the sound of footsteps seemed to be gone.

Along the way, the cold air became heavier, accompanied by a strong stench.

Suddenly, the front suddenly became clear, and a huge cave with a width of hundreds of feet appeared in front of Han Feng.


A series of heavy and deep grunting sounds came into Han Feng's ears almost simultaneously, and immediately diverted his attention there.

A giant snake with a thick water tank coiled around the edge of the pool that could not be seen at a glance. It was dark, covered with scales and armor, and had an extremely powerful breath. It was far stronger than Li Ningsheng, Zhang Tianxiu and others.

"I have to leave quickly!" Han Feng immediately realized the danger, but at this moment, there was another slight wind sound from a distance in the back passage, obviously someone was about to come in.

"Damn it, that guy even rushed in!" Han Feng turned around anxiously.

Suddenly, the residual talisman in his soul sea released a dazzling white light, and a magical breath overflowed from his head, and spread all over his body in an instant, as if putting on a coat for him.

Just at this moment, the giant snake tens of feet away suddenly opened its eyes, its yellow pupils in a line turned continuously, as if searching for something, and the letter stuck out from its mouth and swept up and down, left and right, It seems to be searching for something.

But they didn't find Han Feng who was right in front of them!

Han Feng didn't move at all. After a while, he realized that the other party hadn't noticed him at all. He couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, but he still didn't dare to move. back passage.

But even with such a slight movement, the giant snake seemed to have noticed it, and suddenly turned its head to stare at Han Feng's position, causing Han Feng to break out in a cold sweat and even hold his breath.

Fortunately, the giant snake stared at it for a long time, and found no other abnormalities. Then it coiled up slowly, closed its eyes again, and snored again after a while.

Not long after, a person appeared in the passage, suddenly it was Zhang Tianxiu with a pockmarked face, he raised his eyes vigilantly, his expression changed drastically, and he wanted to leave immediately.

It's too late!

The giant snake opened its eyes, opened its mouth and spewed out a wave of air, but it did not disperse. It rushed towards Zhang Tianxiu like a water column, buzzing, and even the surrounding air was shaken. It was so powerful. One moment at a time.

Zhang Tianxiu didn't have time to dodge, so he raised his sword in a hurry and slashed, his true energy burst out, a sword light several feet thick slashed above this wave of air, roaring endlessly, and sparks burst out indistinctly.

Zhang Tianxiu was obviously invincible, and the sword light he slashed fell apart in an instant, but he was a master of the late stage of Qi storage. With the help of the recoil force of this blow, he stepped back with his feet and fell into the passage all at once. , disappeared.

The aftermath of the air wave hit the ground, immediately blasting out a big crater, about three feet wide, with extremely smooth edges, without any splash of gravel. The giant snake's power control was truly terrifying, and Han Feng was terrified to see it.

The giant snake roared, and its huge body swished out, chasing after Zhang Tianxiu.

After a while, there were bursts of loud noises in the passage, obviously there was another battle there, mixed with Zhang Tianxiu's terrifying roar, it seemed that he had suffered a heavy blow.

When Han Feng was at a loss, the residual talisman suddenly withdrew the magical aura that could cover his figure, exposing him to this giant cave again.And the residual talisman emitted a white light, pointing to the water pool ahead.

With a mournful face, Han Feng had to take out a light-weight talisman, stick it on his body, and rushed forward quickly. After a few steps, he came to the edge of the pool, plunged into it, dived deep, and quickly swam to the center.

Under the blessing of the Lightness Talisman, he swam extremely fast, and he traveled more than 100 feet in just a dozen breaths. Under the scanning of the soul power, he found the target location in a short time.

In the central area at the bottom of the pool, there is a blue lotus with seven leaves, which emits a green light, flowing with the water waves, and is beautiful.

Han Feng held his breath, continued to sprint forward, and arrived there in a short while.

He didn't reach out to pick it immediately, but according to the method described in ancient books, he took out a short knife tied around his waist, slowly cut off the roots, and then took out a huge cloth bag from his backpack, tied it up, and put it in his backpack Inside.

After finishing all this, Han Feng secretly heaved a sigh of relief, instead of returning the same way, he continued to dive and swim to the opposite bank. After another [-] breaths or so, he finally surfaced, took a deep breath, and quickly jumped out of the water. When he got to the shore, his soul power swept across, and he quickly found another way out, and immediately walked over quickly, and when he was about to step into it, a white shadow rushed out from inside.

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