Han Feng's body shook, and he decisively cast the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, his whole body became red like a hot iron, and turned into a red light, leaping twenty or thirty feet forward, attacking and hiding in the mist like an eagle preying on prey. a figure.

The other party was a young man in Taoist uniform, who was also a disciple of the Sanyemen. Seeing Han Feng attacking him in an instant, his pupils shrank slightly, but without any hesitation in his hand, he pulled out a long sword behind his backhand, Under the infusion of true energy, the runes lit up, and the blade of the sword burst into dazzling brilliance, like water, without any fancy, he simply and directly stabbed at Han Feng who was swooping down.

Han Feng pinched his feet, although the cloth shoes were broken, but the outer skin was unscathed, he caught the opponent's long sword in an instant, twisted it in the air, and the long sword flew out of the opponent's hand, the tiger's mouth split open, and blood flowed.

Only then did the man realize that Han Feng was powerful, and hurriedly retreated a few feet away in a panic, avoiding Han Feng's serial kicks in time.

Han Feng landed on the ground, and was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue him, but the talisman sword that this man had inserted into the ground flew back at some point, and the strong wind was hunting, and it went straight to Han Feng's vest.

A fierce light flashed in Han Feng's eyes. He twisted his body and moved a few feet sideways. While dodging the opponent's attack, he stretched out his right hand and grabbed the talisman sword controlled by the opponent. The enemy a few meters away is twice as fast as the moment before.

The man burst out with qi, and waved his hands. It took a lot of effort to stabilize the talisman sword that was shooting rapidly.

But he had just controlled his talisman sword, and suddenly a person appeared in front of him, suddenly it was Han Feng, but before he could react, the dantian in his abdomen was punched several times quickly, and he rolled directly to the More than ten feet away, I don't know whether I am dead or alive.

All this is a long story, but in fact it is like a rabbit rising and falling, and it is over in the blink of an eye.

Han Feng won the first battle, without any hesitation, let go of all his soul power, quickly chose a direction, and fled straight to the other side with a step of twenty feet.

After running for a long time, he scanned with his soul power, and saw five or six figures emerging from several directions more than 30 feet away, chasing after him.

Just as Han Feng was fleeing for his life, the fighting on Li Ningsheng's side suddenly stopped. He was calmly standing in the corner of the ruins.

In the miasma, in the darkness, a young man slowly walked out from the other side of the ruins. He was dressed in brocade clothes, his face was full of pockmarks, and his facial features were correct. Judging by the logo on his clothes, he was actually a disciple of Sanyemen.

"Man, I have already brought him, but it seems that your subordinates didn't keep him, so what should I do?" Li Ningsheng said expressionlessly.

If Han Feng had been present, he would have been astonished to hear this. He did not expect Li Ningsheng to be one of the masterminds of this ambush.

"Hmph, who told you to play this trick with me? If I shot directly, he would have been killed already!" the young man with pockmarked face said a little angrily.

"This is one of the conditions I promised you at the time. It's useless for you to talk too much, so give me the things quickly!" Li Ningsheng's eyes flashed, and the long sword in his hand shone slightly, as if he would fight if he disagreed.

"Forget it, it's just a little bit of work anyway, I can easily catch a little talisman master!" The young man suddenly grinned, and said coldly, "This is something the young master gave you, and it is enough to remove the corpse poison on your body!"

After speaking, he took out a small bag of things from his arms and threw it to Li Ningsheng.

Li Ningsheng quickly picked it up, opened it and took a closer look, and saw that there was nothing abnormal, so he was relieved, and put it in his pocket, then he just gave him a cold look, and turned around without looking back leave.

"Hey, what a hypocrite!" The young man showed contempt on his face, sneered, turned and looked in the direction Han Feng was fleeing from, his body flickered, and he disappeared in place, and the next moment he appeared four or fifty feet away. Outside, he quickly pursued Han Feng.

Han Feng fled in the mountains and forests, his speed was a little faster than the person behind him, and he gradually opened up the distance. After a while, he couldn't even scan the opponent with his soul power.

Han Feng heaved a sigh of relief, but the speed of his feet did not decrease at all. He adjusted his direction slightly and ran towards the true north. He had to go deep into the Jianyun Mountains in order to completely get rid of these killers.

The journey went smoothly. After he was running at full speed, after half an hour, he finally rushed out of the miasma area, and saw the green mountains, green waters, and blue sky.

When he came here, even if he really entered the Jianyun Mountain Range, he didn't dare to run wildly anymore. He slowed down immediately and walked cautiously to avoid attracting the attention of powerful beasts.

But when he crossed a mountain cautiously, when night fell, he was looking for a cave to rest, when suddenly a master whose aura was several times stronger than the disciple he defeated suddenly sprang out from behind, and under the prying eyes of his soul power , chasing after him like a ball of flame.

"This is the mysterious master who fought against Uncle Sheng!" Han Feng judged it immediately, his whole body trembling with fright, without saying a word, he quickly took out four light body talismans, stuck them on his legs and shoulders, and the breeze blew However, he felt a little flustered, kicked his feet hard, and his whole body flew away like a sharp arrow, and disappeared into the forest in a blink of an eye.

The man who chased after him was full of pockmarks. He was the young man who had fought with Li Ningsheng before. Seeing that Han Feng's speed increased dramatically, he was even better than himself. The narrow sword stuck in his back flew out immediately, emitting a dazzling light, circled in a circle, and landed in front of him. He stepped on it lightly, and the imperial sword flew up, its speed more than doubled in an instant, turning into a A long rainbow rushed after Han Feng.

Han Feng kept releasing his soul power. Seeing this scene, he was horrified. He took out another talisman, which was the third-grade Fufeng talisman he had bought before. Quickly activated, the talisman spontaneously ignited and formed a gust of wind that enveloped him and flew away. From the beginning, the speed surpassed the opponent a little again, crossed one mountain after another, and quickly flew to the depths of Jianyun Mountain Range.Generally speaking, low-level monks rarely dare to fly in the Jianyun Mountain Range. After all, they are easy targets. But at this moment, Han Feng is an ant on the hot pot, so he doesn't care about these taboos.

"Why is this kid so rich?!" The pockmarked young man was secretly annoyed, but soon his face suddenly became happy, and his eyes revealed a greedy light.

Han Feng was very anxious, even if it was a third-grade talisman, it could only last for about a stick of incense, but he only had this one in his hand.

The pockmarked young man seemed to know this too, so he followed closely without haste and did not use any other means.

The mountain peaks whizzed past at their feet, and within a short time, the two of them flew more than 100 miles to an area full of caves.

Han Feng's expression suddenly changed slightly. He sensed a lot of powerful auras lurking in the dense forest not far ahead. With a sweep of his soul power, it turned out that the disciples of the Sanyemen were scattered and dormant on the trees, holding their breath and concentrating on them. A deep cave in the distance ahead.

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