Lord of the Runes

Chapter 178 Infighting

Lan Qinran chuckled, nodded immediately and said: "Okay, I'll come right away." Saying that, she walked slowly towards Bai Jianfeng and Senior Brother Yuan.

Han Feng watched all this from behind the two of them. Hearing Lan Qinran's voice, he retreated less than two feet away when the residual talisman in the depths of his soul trembled slightly. He immediately became alert, but looked around , did not notice the slightest clue, it took a while to react, and quickly looked at Lan Qinran who was still approaching, the red and blue light on her body was very bright, even if there was a light yellow light around her, she could still see it Her blurred figure.

Han Feng narrowed his eyes. He intuitively sensed that Lan Qinran must be secretly releasing a huge soul power to cover the surroundings at this moment, not showing it unscrupulously like before, and his soul power was lower than the opponent's, so he couldn't detect it at the moment. Arrived.

Of course, Bai Jianfeng and that Senior Brother Yuan also didn't notice it, they stood calmly and waited for Lan Qinran to approach.

After a while, Lan Qinran finally came to her two senior brothers, who were less than ten feet away from each other.

"Senior brothers, I kept you waiting for a long time, let's go!" Lan Qinran smiled, revealing her stunning beauty, and said generously.

"Junior Sister Lan, I'm sorry!" Bai Jianfeng said suddenly with a serious expression.

Before he finished speaking, Senior Brother Yuan beside him suddenly disappeared, and in the next instant, he appeared behind Lan Qinran out of thin air, and the sword light spread all over his body, all swords were fired together, launching a fatal blow to Lan Qinran .

This change was so fast that even Han Feng was astonished!

But before he could react, another change occurred in the field. Lan Qinran's body pierced through the Baijian Cave, and with a swish, it dissipated like a mist without leaving any traces.As a result, senior brother Yuan's sword light directly hit the air, and continued to rush towards Bai Jianfeng, which was about ten feet away. Because the distance was too close, even with the yellow light blocking the sky, the power of the hundred swords was still extremely powerful.

Bai Jianfeng was astonished, but he didn't have time to think about it. He subconsciously waved his hand and slashed a sword curtain, blocking Senior Brother Yuan's attack when there was no time to do so.


After a muffled sound, the sword screen that Bai Jianfeng had arranged hastily was breached in an instant. Fortunately, the purple gold and jade pendant covering his body was indestructible, and completely blocked the opponent's hundred sword lights in the violent flickering, but he also stepped back. After taking several steps, he stabilized his figure until he was two or three feet away. His face turned red, and he couldn't hold it back for a while. He spat out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably. injury.

Senior Brother Yuan from Wanjianmen reacted quickly, missed a single blow, and immediately dodged to the side, narrowly dodging several slashes from the red flame sword, but he hadn't stood still yet, and seven or eight blue ice birds didn't know what to do. When did he get around behind him, he was very agile, and launched a fierce attack on him, making him flustered, and it took a lot of trouble to crush these blue ice birds, but fortunately, Lan Qinran didn't launch any further attacks, otherwise he would be even more passive .

He took a deep breath, turned his head, looked at Lan Qinran who was several meters away, and said in a low voice, "Mirror Flower Art?"

"Hey, Senior Brother Yuan is really knowledgeable and talented, so you can see the name of my phantom illusion so quickly!" Not far away, Lan Qinran sneered.

All this is cumbersome to say, but in fact, it passed by like a flash, fleeting, and Han Feng was dazzled by seeing it. He took this opportunity to continue to retreat slowly, so as not to be hit by one of them.

Senior Brother Yuan kept silent, but Bai Jianfeng, who recovered his breath, took a step forward, smiled wryly, looked at Lan Qinran from a distance and said: "Junior Sister Lan is hiding really deep, you can freeze and transform into shape with your hands, so you He is a strong person in the subtle realm, it seems that the things here were taken away by you early on, and Senior Brother Yuan and I guessed correctly."

"Could it be that if I take the things here, you can covet me, and you can kill me like this without any scruples?!" Lan Qinran's face became colder, and he reached out his hand to touch it from his bosom, and took out a mouthful. The short sword, several inches long, shone with a crystal clear luster, and looked like ice crystals from a distance.

"Stop talking nonsense, since you have taken the things here, unless you take them out honestly, don't even think about getting out of here!" Senior Brother Yuan's eyes flashed, even in the face of her strength at the Sublime Realm, he didn't seem to have much fear , said in a cold voice.

"Hmph, Senior Brother Yuan Buhuai is so confident, let's see who can finally get out of this cave!" Lan Qinran snorted coldly, and immediately waved one hand, the small short sword flew out, and the crystal glow flickered , In this place where the spiritual pressure is rolling, waves are also set off, rushing towards Senior Brother Yuan with astonishing power.

Yuan Bubai raised his right hand and held his five fingers towards the void. The sword light shone in the palm of his hand, and quickly condensed into a several-foot-long lightsaber. When he slashed forward, the sword energy rushed up and turned into a green streak several people tall. The air wave greeted Lan Qinran's dagger.

It's a long story, the two collided in an instant, there was a bang, and the momentum rolled, brushing out lines of vacuum in the light yellow light all over the sky, but in this high-pressure place, they couldn't show their strength The more violent fluctuations quickly disappeared.

Lan Qinran put his hands together, the seal formula flew, and the ice crystal short sword was shaken suddenly, passing through the obstruction of the emerald air waves in the flickering crystal light, it rushed towards Yuan Bubai like a swimming fish, making a cooing sound.

With a calm expression, Yuan Bubai suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a wooden stick, which rose in the wind and became about a foot long in the blink of an eye. The whole body was green and shaped like a wooden sword, but without a hilt, and it looked like a wooden shuttle. As soon as the light flashed, it hit Lan Qinran's ice crystal short sword in an instant.


The two phases collided, like metal knocking on each other, and there was a crisp sound, and circles of halos were scattered for a distance of ten feet. Even the three of them were affected, and their bodies were shocked, and they retreated one after another.

Lan Qinran's whole body was filled with blue light, and he was the first to stabilize his body. He immediately made a tactic, pointed forward, and a piece of blue light appeared three or four feet away. In an instant, twenty or thirty blue ice birds appeared, even though they were only about a foot away. However, when gathered together, there is still an inexplicable astonishing coercion, and they are overwhelmingly killing Yuan Bubai and Bai Jianfeng.

Yuan Bubai stretched out his hand to call, and the wooden stick bounced back, and he grabbed it. With the shaking of his right wrist, a large amount of green sword light poured out, and the sword energy was overwhelming, like a vast ocean, rolling back towards those blue swordsmen. The color ice bird submerged in the past.

Bai Jianfeng's face was solemn, and he also tried his best, moving his hands and fingers together, one after another seal formula flew into the purple gold jade pendant above his head, and a series of purple gold sword lights suddenly shot out, the power was super powerful, and within a few rounds it was approaching The several blue ice birds in the sky were chopped into powder, turned into bits of blue light, and returned to nothingness.

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